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O/?aaeaeaiea ia?aciaaiey «AAEA?ONEEE AINOAeA?NOAAIIUE AA?A?IUE

Oaeoeueoao: I?aaei?eieiaoaeuenoaa e oi?aaeaiey

Eaoaae?a: Eiino?aiiiai ycuea

Eiio?ieueiay ?aaioa

Oaia: «Aiaeeeneee ycue»

Auiieiee nooaeaio I eo?na

a?oiiu 52-CYE

Ca/aoiay eieaeea ?506020

A?aooeei Aaaaiee Iao?iae/


Ieine 2006

Aa?eaio V

I. Ia?aieoeoa neaaeothuea i?aaeeiaeaiey, iiae/a?eieoa a eaaeaeii ec ieo
aeaaie-neacoaiia e ii?aaeaeeoa aai aeaei-a?aiaiioth oi?io e caeia.
Ia?aaaaeeoa i?aaeeiaeaiey ia ?onneee ycue.

1. The new model of computer is being widely advertised in the United

is being advertised – Present Continuous Passive

Iiaay iiaeaeue eiiiuethoa?a oe?iei ?aeeaie?oaony a Niaaeeiaiiuo Ooaoao.

2. Our office has established business contacts with England lately.

has established – Present Perfect Active

Iaaeaaii iao ioen iaeaaeee aeaeiaua nayce n Aiaeeae.

3. We expected a fall in profits last year as our cost had nearly

expected – Past Simple Active

had doubled – Past Perfect Active

Iu iaeeaeaee iaaeaiey i?eauee a i?ioeii aiaeo, o.e. iaoa oeaia auea
ii/oe aaeaia aieueoa.

4. They have been satisfied with the quality of your goods.

have been satisfied – Present Perfect Passive

Eo oaeiaeaoai?eei ea/anoai aaoeo oiaa?ia.

5. The letter of credit was issued by the bank.

was issued – Past Simple Passive

Aee?aaeeoiaaiiia ienueii auei auienaii aaieii.

6. Your manager and I have been talking about this affair today. That is
why I have come to see you.

have been talking – Present Perfect Continuous

have come – Present Perfect Active

Aao iaiaaeaea? e y naaiaeiy aiai?eee ia yoii aeaea. Aio iiyoiio y i?eoae
oaeaeaoue aan.

II. Ia?aieoeoa neaaeothuea i?aaeeiaeaiey, niaea?aeauea ?aciua oi?iu
n?aaiaiey, iiae/a?eieoa eo e ia?aaaaeeoa i?aaeeiaeaiey ia ?onneee ycue.

1. The more computers there are in everyday use, the less routine mental
work people have to do.

*ai aieueoa eiiiuethoa?ia eniieuecoaony a iianaaeiaaiie aeecie, oai
iaiueoa iaeiiia?aciie oinoaaiiie ?aaiou ethaeyi i?eaeaony auiieiyoue.

2. He should work harder to be in charge of the department.

Aio neaaeoao ona?aeiaa ?aaioaoue, /oiau caaaaeiaaoue ioaeaeii.

3. Certain commodities have a wider market than others.

Ii?aaeaeaiiiai ?iaea oiaa?u eiatho aieaa oe?ieee ?uiie nauoa /ai

4. If the prices rose, he would buy fewer; if they fell, he might buy

Anee au oeaiu au?inee, ii eoiee au iaiueoa, anee au oiaee, ii niia au
eoieoue aieueoa.

5. There is a conviction that the customer is the most important part of
any successful business.

Nouanoaoao iiaiea, /oi eeeaio ea?aao aieueooth ?ieue a ethaii oniaoiii

6. Our secretary speaks English much better than the other clerks,
because she often goes abroad.

Iao nae?aoa?ue aiai?eo ii-aiaeeenee cia/eoaeueii eo/oa /ai ae?oaea
neoaeauea, iioiio /oi ii /anoi acaeeo ca a?aieoeo.

III. Ia?aieoeoa neaaeothuea i?aaeeiaeaiey, iiae/a?eieoa a eaaeaeii ec
ieo iiaeaeueiue aeaaie eee aai yeaeaaeaio. Ia?aaaaeeoa i?aaeeiaeaiey ia
?onneee ycue.

1. If your terms are reasonable, we’ll be able to place another order

Anee aaoe n?iee ?acoiiu iu niiaeai anei?a ?acianoeoue ae?oaie caeac.

2. We sell computers and need regular supplies.

Iu i?iaeaai eiiiuethoa?u e ioaeaeaainy a iinoiyiiie iinoaaea oiaa?ia.

3. The firm can give you a 5% discount if your order reaches us by
December 1st.

Oe?ia iiaeao i?aaeinoaaeoue aai 5-oei?ioeaioioth neeaeeo, anee aao caeac
iinooieo e 1-io aeaeaa?y.

4. The financial system must provide an efficient medium for exchanging
goods and services.

Oeiainiaay nenoaia aeieaeia i?aaeinoaaeoue yooaeoeaiia n?aaenoai aeey
iaiaia oiaa?aie e oneoaaie.

5. The total quantity of the goods the Sellers have to offer this year
is limited.

Iauaa eiee/anoai oiaa?ia, eioi?ia i?iaeaaoeu aeieaeiu i?aaeinoaaeoue a
yoii aiaeo, ia?aie/aii.

6. You should take into consideration the fact that this model is the
last word in electronic industry.

Aai neaaeoao acyoue ai aieiaiea oio oaeo, /oi yoa iiaeaeue – iineaaeiaa
neiai a yeaeo?iiiie i?iiuoeaiiinoe.

IV. Ia?aieoeoa neaaeothuea i?aaeeiaeaiey, iiae/a?eieoa a eaaeaeii ec ieo
i?e/anoey (?I eee PII) eee eo neiaeiua oi?iu i?e/anoey. Ia?aaaaeeoa
i?aaeeiaeaiey ia ?onneee ycue.

1. Economic resources are the inputs used in the process of production.

Yeiiiie/aneea ?ano?nu – yoi cao?aou, eioi?ua eniieuecothony a i?ioeanna

2. He watched the students writing the test at the tables.

Ii iaaethaeae, eae nooaeaiou ienaee oano ca noieaie.

3. We were pleased to receive the above mentioned enquiries from you.

Iu auee ?aaeu iieo/eoue auoaoiiiyiooua cai?inu io aan.

4. Their address having been lost, we couldn’t write them.

Oae eae eo aae?an aue iioa?yi, iu ia niiaee iaienaoue ei.

5. Our chief wants the form of the contract prepared now.

Iao oao oi/ao, /oiau oi?ia eiio?aeoa auea nae/an iiaeaioiaeaia.

6. Belarus developing its national economy, tries to do its best.

Aaea?onue, ?acaeaay naith iaoeeiiaeueioth yeiiiieeo, iuoaaony naeaeaoue
ana aiciiaeiia.

V. I?i/oeoa e onoii ia?aaaaeeoa oaeno. Ia?aieoeoa e ienueiaiii
ia?aaaaeeoa 1-e, 2-e e 5-e aacaoeu oaenou.

Business activities

1. Business is the exchange of goods and services, and money, on an
arm’s length (objective) basis, that results in mutual benefit or profit
for both parties involved. An individual engages in business because he
or she believes that the rewards, or possible future sacrifices, of

2. Business activities are events that involve making and carrying out
the operating, investing, and financing decisions that deal with
business assets or obligations.

3. In a profit-seeking business, there are three types of business
activities that correspond to three types of business decisions.
Operating activities are the profit-making activities of the enterprise.
They include those business activities that generate revenues, such as
selling merchandise for cash or on credit or providing services for a
fee. They also include activities that result in increased expenses,
such as purchasing goods for manufacture or resale, paying wages, or
combining goods and labor to manufacture products.

4. Investing activities include the purchase and a sale long-term asset
in addition to other major items used in business operations. There are
some investing institutions which include insurance companies, pension
funds, investment trust and unit trusts. Together they account for a
vast resource of funds, which are invested in securities and other
assets for example, recent surveys indicate that the institutions own
about 60 per cent of the shares of British companies and corporations
listed on the London Stock Exchange.

5. Financing activities are activities that involve obtaining the cash
or using other non-cash means to pay for investments in long-term
assets, and to repay money borrowed from creditors, and to provide a
return to owners.

1. Aecian – yoi iaiai oiaa?ia e oneoa, a oaeaea aeaiaa, iniiaaiiue ia
i?eioeeia auoyiooie ?oee, eiaao neaaenoaeai acaeiiauaiaeo aeey iaaeo
noi?ii. *aeiaae caieiaaony aecianii, iioiio /oi ii eee iia i?eaeatho
aieueoia cia/aiea aiciaa?aaeaeaieth eee aiciiaeiui aoaeouei oauoeai
yoiai aeaea.

2. Aeaeiaua iia?aoeee – yaeaiey, eioi?ua cao?aaeaatho e inouanoaeytho
oi?aaeaiea, eiaanoe?iaaiea e oeiainiaua ?aoaiey, eiathuea aeaei n
iaueie n?aaenoaaie eee iaeeaaoeeyie.

5. Oeiainiaua iia?aoeee – yoi iia?aoeee, eioi?ua caeeth/athony a
iieo/aiee iaee/iuo aeaiaa eee eniieueciaaiee aaciaee/iuo n?aaenoa, /oiau
ieoieoue eiaanoeoeee aeieain?i/iuo aeeaaeia e aica?aoeoue aeaiueae,
iaeieaeaiiua o e?aaeeoi?ia, a oaeaea iaania/aiee aica?auaiey

VI. Ioaaoueoa ia neaaeothuea aii?inu, a ioaaou ienueiaiii ?aniieiaeeoa
oae, /oiau iie iiaee auoue ieaiii e oaenoo “Business activities”.

1. What are the main investing institutions?

2. Why does an individual engage in business?

3. What do financing activities mean?

4. How many types of business activities are there?

5. What is business?

5. Business is the exchange of goods and services, and money, on an
arm’s length (objective) basis, that results in mutual benefit or profit
for both parties involved.

2. An individual engages in business because he or she believes that the
rewards, or possible future sacrifices, of business.

4. There are three types of business activities.

1. The main investing institutions are insurance companies, pension
funds, investment trust and unit trust.

3. Financing activities are activities that involve obtaining the cash
or using other non-cash means to pay for investments in long-term
assets, and to repay money borrowed from creditors, and to provide a
return to owners.

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