
Задания для контрольной работы по английскому языку

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sseoeineee oeeeae





Oaia: AA?EAIO 19

?aaioo auiieiee (a) nooaeaio (ea)


2 eo?na, cai/iiai ioaeaeaiey o-oa iaiaaeaeiaioa

ii niaoeeaeueiinoe: iaiaaeaeiaio i?aaiecaoeee

“____”_______________ 200__a.

I?iaa?ee i?aiiaeaaaoaeue:


sseoa, 2007

I?i/oeoa e ia?aaaaeeoa oaeno onoii.


She’s 14, American, and speaks no French at all. But six-foot-tall
Kimora Lee Perkins is hot news in Paris. She has become the top model at
the Parisian fashion house of Chanel.

She owes her remarkable looks to a Korean mother and a black father. But
when she was young, back home in St. Louis, Missouri, she cried when she
looked in the mirror and saw how nil she was. “I felt I was different
from all the other kids my age”, she explains. Her mother- Joanne
Perkins, 34, recalls, “Kimora was a tormented child. It was almost
impossible for her to relate to other girls of her age, and there was a
lot of teasing. Growing up was a very painful experience for her”.

When she was 11, her mother took her to a local modeling school. She
thought modeling would be an interesting job because then she would be
with other tall girls. She began to like it very much, and had to learn
how to walk and pose to show off the clothes to their best advantage.

Chanel chose her because “she has the look of the 90s”, and now she
spends eight to ten hours a day modeling their latest fashions in
various parts of the world. “I have to try really hard to keep looking
good for the cameras”, she said.

“People think it’s a very easy job that anyone could do, but you need a
lot of stamina,” Kimora says. “Once, in London, we had to take photos in
the street all through the night, and then I had to go to my tutor for
school lessons at 9.00 a.m. before taking the daytime photos at 1.00pm”.

She is not only the youngest top model; she is also one of the richest.
“Mom looks after that.” Kimora explains, “I don’t even have a credit
card — I’m too young!”

What advice does she have for others? “You should go to a good modeling
school, and you have to be prepared to work really hard and give your
whole life to modeling.”

Ienueiaiii ioaaoueoa ia aii?inu:

1. Why did Chanel choose Kimora? What did she think about it?

2. Is modeling an easy job?

3. Does she look after her money herself? Why or why not?

1. Chanel chose Kimora because “she had the look of 90s”. Kimora thinks
that she has to try really hard to keep looking good for the cameras.

2. Kimora doesn’t think that modeling is an easy job. Some people guess
that it iseasy and anyone could do it but in fact you need a lot of
stamina to be a model.

3. Kimora is one of the richest models. But in spite of that she doesn’t
look after hermoney. Her mother does it. Kimora is too young to have a
credit card.

Ia?aaaaeeoa auaeaeaiiue oaeno ienueiaiii.


Ae 14 eao, iia aia?eeaiea e nianai ia aiai?eo ii-o?aioeocnee. Ii Eeii?a
Ee Ia?eein, /ae ?ino ninoaaeyao 6 oooia – iaeia ec naiuo ai?y/eo
iiainoae Ia?eaea. Iia noaea oii iiaeaeueth ia?eaeneiai aeiia iiaeu

Iia iieo/eea naith i?eia/aoaeueioth aiaoiinoue io iaoa?e ei?ayiee e
oaiiieiaeaai iooea. Ii eiaaea iia auea nianai thiie, aeiia a Naio-Eoena,
Ienno?e, iia ieaeaea, eiaaea niio?aeanue a ca?eaei e aeaeaea, eaeay iia
aunieay. «ss /oanoaiaaea, /oi y ioee/athnue io anao aeaoae iiaai
aic?anoa», iauyniyao iia. Aa iaoue Aeaeiaii Ia?eein, 34-o eao,
aniiieiaao: «Eeii?a auea ecio/aiiui (ian/anoiui) ?aaaieii. Aeey iaa auei
ii/oe iaaiciiaeii iauaoueny n aeaai/eaie aa aic?anoa, aa /anoi
ae?acieee. Ac?ineaiea aeey iaa noaei i/aiue aieaciaiiui iiuoii».

Eiaaea ae auei 11, aa iaia ioaaea aa a ianoioth iiaeaeueioth oeieo. Iia
n/eoaea , /oi iieac iiae aoaeao eioa?aniie ?aaioie, iineieueeo oai iia
aoaeao n ae?oaeie aunieeie aeaai/eaie. Ae yoi noaei i/aiue i?aaeoueny, e
ae i?eoeinue iao/eoueny i?aaeeueii oiaeeoue e iice?iaaoue, /oiau
iieacuaaoue iaeaaeaeo a naiii auaiaeiii ?aeo?na.

Ia?aaaaeeoa ia aiaeeeneee ycue:

1)— ss aaeo ai O?aioeeth ii aeaeai.

AEaeath aai any/aneeo oniaoia. Iicaiieoa iia, eiaaea aa?iaoanue.

2)— ss i?eoae ii aaoaio iauyaeaieth. ss oi/o niyoue eaa?oe?o n aeaoiy

— O ian anoue ianeieueei eaa?oe? n aeaoiy niaeueiyie.

— Iie ni anaie oaeianoaaie?

— Aea, eiia/ii. Eaa?oe?u aiieia eiioi?oaaaeueiua.

— Eiaaea y iiao eo iiniio?aoue?

— Caao?a.

3) — Eiaaea ioi?aaeyaony iiacae?

— A 10. 30.

— Iu aeieaeiu aoaoue ia aiecae.

1) I’m going to France on business. – I wish you good luck. Call me up
when you are back.

2) I’ve come on your advertisement. I want to rent a flat with two

-We’ve got several flats with two bedrooms.

-Are these flats with all modern conveniences?

-Yes, of course. The flats are quite comfortable.

-When may I see them?

-You may do it tomorrow.

3) When does the train leave? – At 10.30. -We must go to the railway

Ia?aaaaeeoa ia ?onneee ycue:

Dear Sirs,

We have been referred to you by the firm “Langley & Co” and should be
glad if you would give us is detailed information as possible regarding
their financial status and business reputation. We should like to know
whether a credit to the extent of approx. & 50,000 could be safely

Yours faithfully,

Oaaaeaaiua ainiiaea,

Iai iiniaaoiaaee ia?aoeoueny e Aai i?aaenoaaeoaee oe?iu «Eyiaee e E», e
iu auee au Aai i/aiue i?eciaoaeueiu ca i?aaeinoaaeaiea iiae?iaiie
eioi?iaoeee a ea/anoaa aiciiaeiiai iiaeoaa?aeaeaiey eo oeiainiaiai
noaoona e aeaeiaie ?aiooaoeee. Iu au oioaee ciaoue, iiaeai ee iu
iieo/eoue aa?aioee i?e i?aaeinoaaeaiee ei e?aaeeoa a noiia 50 oun.

Ene?aiia Aao,

Iiaeaa?eoa oaeno ii aaoae niaoeeaeueiinoe ia aiaeeeneii ycuea iauaiii
ieiei 2000 ia/aoiuo ciaeia. Ia?aaaaeeoa aai ienueiaiii ia ?onneee ycue.
I?eeiaeeoa ena?ieiieth i?eaeiaea n oeacaieai enoi/ieea.

Iaiaaeaeiaio a?eoaineie eiiiaiee.

Aaeieieno?aoeey eiiiaiee iacuaaaony Niaaoii Aee?aeoi?ia (a ia
Iaiaaeaea?ia) ai aeaaa n I?aaenaaeaoaeai (a aia?eeaineie eiiiaiee yoi
I?aceaeaio). Iau/ii anoue oaeaea aeieaeiinoue Aee?aeoi?a-?anii?yaeeoaey,
a anee eiiiaiey e?oiiay, a iae iiaoo auoue ianeieueei n –

Iaiaaeaea? a a?eoaineeo eiiiaieyo – yoi /aeiaae aicaeaaeythuee ioaeae:
i?iaeaae, yenii?oa, i?iecaiaenoaa, eaae?ia e.o.ae. Oaeei ia?acii,
nouanoaoao caaaaeothuea ioaeaeii i?iaeaae, caaaaeothuea yenii?oiui
ioaeaeii, caaaaeothuea i?iecaiaenoaii, caaaaeothuea ioaeaeii eaae?ia

Aeaaiue Oi?aaeythuee ?oeiaiaeeo iaiaaeaea?aie, a ii nai iieo/aao
oeacaiey io Aee?aeoi?a-?anii?yaeeoaey.

Niaeanii caeiio i a?eoaineeo eiiiaieyo (caeii i eiiiaieyo io 1948 e
1985 a.) a eiiiaieyo n ia?aie/aiiie ioaaonoaaiiinoueth (iauanoaaiiie eee
/anoiie) aeieaeai auoue nae?aoa?ue, o eioi?iai iiiaeanoaa iaycaiiinoae.
Ai-ia?auo, ii auiieiyao aoiaaeioth ?aaioo aeey aee?aeoi?ia a aai
iaycaiiinoe aoiaeeo: aanoe aeo?iaeu caienae aeey aee?aeoi?ia e /eaiia
niaaoa, i?aaieciauaaoue nia?aiey aee?aeoi?ia e aea?aeaoaeae aeoeee,
aioiaeoue ecaauaiey a oii, /oi yoe nia?aiey aeieaeiu ninoiyoueny,
i?enoonoaiaaoue ia ieo e aeaaaoue aee?aeoi?ai ia nia?aiee niaaou
ioiineoaeueii th?eaee/aneeo, oeiainiauo e iaeiaiauo iineaaenoaee,
eioi?ua iiaoo iiaea/ue ca niaie oa eee eiua i?aaeeiaeaiiua oaae a
aeciana; iie oaeaea aeieaeiu ienaoue i?ioieieu e io/aou (i?ioieieu- yoi
iau/ii e?aoeea caiene ?aciethoeee eee i?eiyouo ?aoaiee, a io/aou aieaa
?acaa?iooua e niaea?aeao iiae?iaiinoe ianoaeaeaiey, a?aoiaiou ca e
i?ioea i?eiyouo ?aciethoeee e.o.ae ) Ai-aoi?uo nae?aoa?ue yaeyaony
i?aaenoaaeoaeai naiae eiiiaiee e a yoii ea/anoaa i?iaa?yao ?aaioo
ia?niiaea, ninoaaeaiea io/aoiinoe (anee a eiiiaiee iao caaaaeothuaai
ioaeaeii eaae?ia ), ia?aaeei ii a eiioea eiioeia yaeyaony ioaaonoaaiiui
ca aooaaeoa?eth e iiaeienaiea eiio?aeoia.

Oaeei ia?acii, ii yaeyaony naycothuei caaiii iaaeaeo eiiiaieae e /eaiii
niaaoa, iaaeaeo eiiiaieae e iauanoaii.

Nae?aoa?ue eiiiaiee aeieaeai auoue aunieieaaeeoeoee?iaaiiui, e /oiau
auiieiyoue naie eaaeaeiaeiaaiua iaycaiiinoe oi?ioi ii aeieaeai
iaeaaeaoue ciaieyie a iaeanoe caeiia, oeiainia e iiiaeo ae?oaeo
iaeanoyo. Ii aeieaeai auoue io/anoe th?enoii, io/anoe yeiiiienoii,
io/anoe aaeieieno?aoi?ii e io/anoe aooaaeoa?ii.

Ii o?aaoaony ia/oi ai?acaei aieueoaa, /ai i?ioanneiiaeueiay iiaeaioiaea
aeey oiai, /oiau auoue oi?ioei nae?aoa?ai eiiiaiee «ii aeieaeai auoue
aecianiaiii e aoiaieoa?eai, th?enoii e i?i?eoeaoaeai» (eae iaienaee a
iaeiie ec aiaeeeneeo aacao).

Ninoaaueoa aiaei-?onneee neiaa?ue ii aaoae niaoeeaeueiinoe iauaiii a 200
eaene/aneeo aaeeieoe. Oeacuaaeoa enoi/ieee.

1.Absolve-inaiaiaeaeaoue (iai?eia?, io iaeiaia).

2.abuse-ceioiio?aaeaiea: ceioiio?aaeyoue.

3. account-n/ao, oeiainiaue io/ao:

4.active account-aeoeaiue aeaiiceoiue n/ao.

5.accountant-eaaeeoeoee?iaaiiue aooaaeoa?, ?aaeci?.


7.accrue-ia?anoaoue (i caaeieaeaiiinoe).

8.acquire-i?eia?aoaoue, iieoiaoue.

9.add-i?eaaaeyoue, iaeeaeuaaoue, (oeaio).

10.advance-i?ia?ann, oeo/oaiea.

11.advertisement-?aeeaiiua iauyaeaiey, ?aeeaia.

12.agent-aaaio, i?aaenoaaeoaeue.

13.agreement-niaeaoaiea, aeiaiai?.

14.allow-?ac?aoaoue, aeiioneaoue.

15.amount-eiee/anoai, noiia.


17.application-cayaea, cayaeaiea.



20.assistant-iiiiuiee, ?aoa?aio.

21.assort-ni?oe?iaaoue (oiaa?u).

22.audit-aoaeeo, i?iaa?ea, ?aaecey.

23.avis-aaeci, ecaauaiea.

24.award-iaa?aaea, i?aiey.

25.bail-caeia, ii?o/eoaeuenoai.

26.ban-cai?auaiea, cai?auaoue.


28.bargain-oi?aiaay naeaeea.

29.benefit-i?eaueue, auaiaea.

30.bid-i?aaeeiaeaiey, oeaiu.

31.board-i?aai oi?aaeaiey, niaao.

32.bond-iaeeaaoeey, caeeaaeiay.

33.borrow-iieo/aoue caeio, a?aoue acaeiu.


35.brand-ni?o, ea/anoai oi?aiaey ia?ea.

36.budget-athaeaeao, oeiainiaay niaoa.


38.bulk-ianna, iauai.

39.bust-n?ua, iaaeaiea, niaae.

40.buy-iieoiea, iieoiaoue.

41.bylaw-onoaa, i?aaeea, aioo?aiiaai ?anii?yaeaiey.


43.cargo-ia?aaiceiue a?oc.

44.cash-iaee/iua aeaiueae.

45.catering-iauanoaaiiia ieoaiea.

46.census-ia?aienue, oeaic.

47.char-iiaeaiiay ?aaioa.

47.charge-ieaoa, nai?, oa?eo.

48.choice-auai?, anni?oeiaio.

49.commit-a?o/aoue, ii?o/aoue


51.cutback-nieaeaiea, nie?auaiea.

52 damage- oua?a, a?aae.

53 data- aeaiiua.

54 deal- naeaeea, niaeaoaiea.

55 debt-aeiea, caaeieaeaiiinoe.

56 debtee-e?aaeeoi?.

57 debtor-aeieaeiee, aeaaeoi?.

58 default-iaauiieiaiea iaycaoaeuenoa, iaoieaoa.

59 delivery- iinoaaea.

60 demand-ni?in, iio?aaiinoue.

61 demise- naea/a iaaeaeaeeiinoe a a?aiaeo.

62 depletion-enoiuaiea (iaae? e oaiaeee)

63 deposit- aeeaae, aeaiiceo, aciin.

64 develop- ?acaeaaoue (-ny).

65 difference-ioeeiiaiea, ?acieoea.

66 dip-iaaeaiea (iai?eia?, oeai).

67 discount-neeaeea.

68 dissave-?anoiaeiaaoue naa?aaeaiey.

69 dole -iiniaea ii aac?aaioeoea.

70 earn- ca?aaaouaaoue.

71 economist-yeiiiieno.

72 efficiency- yeiiiie/aneay yooaeoeaiinoue

73 embargo – cai?auaiea.

74 emission-yienney (auione a ia?auaiea aeaiaa).

75 emolument- eiiiainaoeey.

76 exact- acuneeaaoue, o?aaiaaoue.

77 exhibit-yeniiiao.

78 expansion-yeniainey, ?anoe?aiey, ?ino.

79 expend- ?anoiaeiaaoue, cao?a/eaaoue.

80 expenses-?anoiaeu, ecaea?aeee.

81 explore-enneaaeiaaoue, eco/aoue.

82 facility-oaeianoaa, eueaioa.

83 fail-noaiiaeoueny aaie?ioai.

84 fair-y?ia?ea, aunoaaea.

85 fall- iaaeaiea iiieaeaiea

86 fee-aiciaa?aaeaeaiea, aiii?a?, nai?

87 figure –oeeo?a

88 finance – oeiainiaia aeaei.

89 first –rate –ia?aieeanniue.

90 fix –acyoea iiaeeoi.

91 forgery –iiaeaeaeea (aaenaey eee /aea).

92 fraud – iaiai iioaiie/anoai.

93 fund –caian, ?aca?a, oiiae.

94 fuse-iauaaeeiyoueny, neeaaoueny, (i eiiiaieyo).

95 furnish – niaaaeaoue, iinoaaeyoue.

96 gadget – oaoie/aneay iiaeiea.

97 gain- caeia, caeeaae.

98 gain – i?eaueue, aeioiaeu.

99 gamble – ?eneiaaiiia i?aaei?eyoea.

100 go –ahead –i?ia?ann (a ?aaioa).

101 go between –iin?aaeiee.

102 goods –oiaa?u.

103 grade –noaiaiue, eeann.

104 grant- a?aio, noaneaeey.

105 growth – ?ino, ?acaeoea.

106 guarantee –aa?aioey, caeia.

107 haggle –oi?aiaaoueny.

108 handle – oi?aaeyoue, ?aaoee?iaaoue.

109 hold – aeaaeaoue

110 illegal – iacaeiiiue.

111 immunity – eueaioa, inaiaiaeaeaiea.

112 impede – iaoaoue, caaea?aeeaaoue, (i?ia?ann).

113 income –aeioiae, i?eaueue.

114 increase – ?ino, i?e?ino.

115 indemnify –aiciauaoue.

116 industry –i?iiuoeaiiinoue.

117 inflate –caauoaoue (iieacaoaee),acaeoaaoue oeaiu.

118 inflation – eioeyoeey, iaanoeaieaaiey aeaiaa.

119 influence – aeeyiea.

120 influx- i?eoie, iaieua.

121 initial –ia/aeueiue, enoiae

122 inject –aeeaaeuaaoue(iai?eia? aeaiueae a iai?io).

123 injury-oua?a.

124 inquiry –ni?aaea, iaaaaeaiea ni?aaie, cai?in.

125 insolvent – aaie?io.

126 insurance –no?aoiaaiea.

127 invest –eiaanoe?iaaoue, aeeaaeuaaoue.

128 issue –auione, yienney.

129 job – aeaei, ?aaioa.

130 joint –iauaaeeiyoue.

131 keep –aea?aeaoue, o?aieoue.

132 kind –?iae, ni?o.

133 label- y?eue, yoeeaoea.

134 ladour- o?oae.

135 lack – iaaeinoaoie, iaoaaoea.

136 law-caeii.

137 layoff- i?einoaiiaea (?aaiou).

138 leakage – ooa/ea aeaiaaeiuo n?aaenoa.

139 lease –a?aiaea.

140 leasing- eeceia, aeieain?i/iay a?aiaea

141 ledger –aooaaeoa?neay eieaa.

142 lend –nnoaea, caai

143 let –naea/a aiaai.

144 level – o?iaaiue.

145 liability- iannea.

146 list – nienie, ia?a/aiue

147 load –a?oc, a?oceoue

148 locate –?aciauaoue, ?aniieaaaoue.

149 loss –iioa?y, oauoie, oua?a.

150 low –price –aeaoaaue.

151 majority – aieueoeinoai.

152 management – oi?aaeaiea, ?oeiaiaeeoue.

153 margin – i?aaeae, ?acieoea, inoaoie.

154 market – ?uiie.

155 matter –aii?in, i?aaeiao ianoaeaeaiey.

156 measure- ia?a, iieacaoaeue.

157 mercantile- eiiia?/aneee, oi?aiaue.

158 merchandiser-oi?aiaaoe, oi?aiaay oe?ia

159 mortgage –eiioaea, caeia.

160 mutual – acaeiiue.

161 need – ioaeia, iaaeiaiinoue.

162 negotiate – aanoe ia?aaiai?u.

163 net – iaooi, /enoue aeioiae.

164 network- naoue.

165 notice – ecaauaiea.

166 obligation- iaycaoaeuenoa.

167 official – ainneoaeauee.

168 opinion- iiaiea.

169 option – auai?, i?aai caiaiu.

170 order – ii?yaeie, i?eeac

171 outcome –?acoeueoao.

172 outfit – iai?oaeiaaiea.

173 outlay – ?anoiaeu.

174 outlet ?uiie nauoa.

175 outlook – ia?niaeoeaa.

176 output –auione, i?iaeoeoeey.

177 owe –caaeieaeaiiinoe.

178 owner – nianoaaiiee.

179 patent –iaoaio, aeeieii.

180 pattern-ia?acaoe, iiaeaeue.

181 pay –ieaoa, auieaoa.

182 penalty –oo?ao, iaonoieea.

183 percent – i?ioeaio.

184 personnel –ia?niiae.

185 plant –i?aaei?eyoea, caaiae.

186 policy – iieeoeea, eo?n.

187 possess –iaeaaeaoue, aeaaeaoue.

188 preference – i?aaeii/oaiea.

189 prepay –oiea/eaaoue ca?aiaa.

190 price –oeaia.

191 project –i?iaeo, ieai.

192 purchase –iieoiea.

193 quality –ea/anoai.

194 quantity –eiee/anoai.

195 queue – i/a?aaeue

196 rebuff – ioeac.

197 sale – i?iaeaaea, nauo.

198 strike – caaanoiaea.

199 transfer – ia?aaea/a

200 wage –ca?aaioiay ieaoa.

Iaieoeoa ni/eiaiea (25 – 30 i?aaeeiaeaiee) ia oaio «My Favorite

Mass media are one of the most characteristic features of modern life.
People are united into one global community with the help of mass media.
Using them people can learn about what is happening in the world. So
mass media has become an important part of our life. The mass media
include newspapers, magazines, radio and television.

Newspaper is a publication that presents and comments on the news.
Newspapers with their enormous circulation report, different kinds of
news can supply any kind of information. They play an important role in
shaping public opinion and informing people of current events. Newspaper
carry articles that cover the latest international and national events,
all kinds of rum ours, advertising, fun stories, biographies of
well-known people. You can buy newspapers also for the radio and TV
programs. I think, newspapers have certain advantages over other mass
media- they can cover more news, and in much detail than TV, radio and
magazines do.

I f you ask me, I prefer to read “ Arguments and Facts.’’ This newspaper
is the most readable and have large readership or circulation. It is
more than 23 000000. It is the largest in the world, I suppose. My
favorite newspaper contains coverage of local, home and foreign affairs.
The editors and the authors of “Arguments and Facts’’ are very talented
people. Their publications deal with very burning problems of our
history, latest events and forecasts for future. They also touch upon
cultural and sport news, I lake the way present different points of
view, approaches to the problems points of view, approaches to the
problems. Thanks to then “Arguments and Facts’’ is interesting,
enjoyable and entertaining newspaper. I often buy my favorite newspaper
and read it from the beginning to the end.

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