
Английский язык для экономических специальностей

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Учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку

Автор: Г.П. Исаева

Настоящее учебно-методическое пособие построено на традиционных
принципах методики и предназначено для студентов заочных отделений
экономических вузов и факультетов, специализирующихся в области
маркетинга и менеджмента, а также для широкого круга
специалистов-экономистов, изучающих английский язык.

Основная цель данного пособия – сформировать у обучающихся умение читать
и переводить оригинальную литературу по специальности и познакомить с
вопросами управления и маркетинга в Англии и США. Тексты уроков
подобраны из оригинальных источников.


Unit 1


1. Глаголы to be, to have.

2. Present simple.

3. Притяжательный падеж существительных.

4. Оборот there is, there are.

5. Неопределенные местоимения much, many, few, little.

Text. Economics

Unit 2


1. Порядок слов в английском повествовательном предложении.

2. Имя существительное в общем падеже в функции определения

3. Притяжательные местоимения.

Text. The market economy

Unit 3


1. Past simple.

2. Эмфатический оборот it is (was)… That (who)

3. Числительные

Text. Marketing

Unit 4


1. Future simple.

2. Модальные глаголы

3. Text. Product, price, promotion and place: the four p’s of marketing

The economy of london

Unit 5


1. Participle ii.

2. Passive voice.

3. Сравнительные обороты.

Text. Industrial management

Unit 6


1. Perfect tenses.

2. Подчинительные союзы и союзные слова.

3. Побудительные предложения.

Text. Distributing the product

Text. Territorial and administrative division of government in the
united kingdom

Unit 7


1. Participle i (present participle active).

2. Continuous tenses.

3. Безличные предложения с местоимением it.

4. Особые случаи образования множественного числа существительных.

Text. Production management the “five m’s”

Unit 8


1. Правила согласования времен. Косвенная речь.

2. Future-in-the-past.

3. Бессоюзные определительные предложения.

4. This-these, that-those как заменители ранее стоящего

Text a. How competition benefits us all.

Text b. Competition in many markets: an example.

Unit 9


1. Passive voice.

2. Пассивные конструкции характерные для английского языка.

3. Формы инфинитива.

Text. Management and control of companies

Unit 10


1. Функции инфинитива.

2. Инфинитив в функции определения и обстоятельства.

Text. The sources of business funds

Unit 11


1. Объектный инфинитивный оборот (the objective infinitive

2. Субъектный инфинитивный оборот (the subjective infinitive

Text. Partnership

Unit 12


1. Герундий.

2. Герундиальные обороты.

Text. The federal reserve system

Other bank services

Unit 13


1. Participle i

2. Причастные обороты.

3. Независимые причастные обороты.

Text. Small business in the usa: an s-corporation is not always best.

Unit 14


1. Условные предложения (conditional sentences).

2. Бессоюзные условные предложения.

Text. Taxes, taxes, taxes

Appendix 1. States of the united states of america

Appendix 2. Counties of the united kingdom of great britain and northern

Appendix 3. Administrative and territorial divisions of the russian

Appendix 4. Supplementary reading

Unit 1

Grammar: 1. Глаголы to be, to have.

2. Present Simple.

3. Притяжательный падеж существительных.

4. Оборот there is, there are.

5. Неопределенные местоимения much, many, few, little.

I. Language Practice

1. Practise the fluent reading and correct intonation:

( Hello, John! ( Hello! `How( are you? Thank ( you, I’m all ( right;
( Thank ( you, very ( well; ( Thank you, `not so ( well. `How are you (
doing? `How is ( business? `Not ( bad. `How’s ( life? (Fine, `thanks.
`How do you ( do? `Good ( morning! (Morning!`Good after(noon! Good (

to be concerned with – заниматься изучением чего-то

exchange – обмен

consumption – потребление

goods and services – товары и услуги

business enterprises – деловое предприятие

objective – цель

psychology [sai`k(l((i] – психология

sociology – [ (sousi`(l((i] – социология

behavior – [ bi`heivj(] – поведение

microeconomics – [(maikroui:k(`n(miks] – микроэкономика

interplay – взаимодействие

supply and demand – спрос и предложение

a competitive market – рынок конкурирующих продавцов

wage rates – ставки заработной платы

profit margins – коэффициенты прибыльности

rental changes – изменения арендной платы

consumer – потребитель

income – доход

entrepreneur – фр. [antr(pr(`n(:(r)] – предприниматель

to deal with – заниматься чем-либо

employment – занятость

to increase – увеличивать

interest – процент

John Maynard Keynes – Джон Мейнард Кейнс

Text. Economics

Economics, social science concerned with the production, distribution,
exchange, and consumption of goods and services. Economists focus on the
way in which individuals, groups, business enterprises, and governments
seek to achieve efficiently any economic objective they select. Other
fields of study also contribute to this knowledge: Psychology and ethics
try to explain how objectives are formed; history records changes in
human objectives; sociology interprets human behavior in social

Standard economics can be divided into two major fields. The first,
price theory or microeconomics, explains how the interplay of supply and
demand in competitive markets creates a multitude of individual prices,
wage rates, profit margins, and rental changes. Microeconomics assumes
that people behave rationally. Consumers try to spend their income in
ways that give them as much pleasure as possible. As economists say,
they maximize utility. For their part, entrepreneurs seek as much profit
as they can extract from their operations.

The second field, macroeconomics, deals with modern explanations of
national income and employment. Macroeconomics dates from the book, The
General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money (1935), by the British
economist John Maynard Keynes. His explanation of prosperity and
depression centers on the total or aggregate demand for goods and
services by consumers, business investors, and governments. Because,
according to Keynes, inadequate aggregate demand increases unemployment,
the indicated cure is either more investment by businesses or more
spending and consequently larger budget deficits by government.

II. Exercises on the Text:

3. Give Russian equivalents to:

social science; distribution of goods and services; to try to explain;
sociology interprets human behavior; to create a multitude of individual
prices; to spend their income; as much pleasure as possible; they
maximize utility; for their part; to deal with modern explanation;
prosperity and depression; demand for goods and services; business
investors; according to Keynes; larger budget deficits.

4. Answer the following questions:

What is economics?

On what problems do economists focus their attention?

What do psychology and ethics try to explain?

What does sociology interpret in social contexts?

Into what fields can be standard economics divided?

What does microeconomics explain?

How do consumers try to spend their income?

Do they maximize utility?

What questions does the second field study?

Who is the author of the book «The General Theory of Employment,
Interest, and Money»?

How does he explain prosperity and depression?

III. Grammar Exercises

5. Write these phrases in the possessive form, i.e. with ‘s or ‘

the corporations of the nation.

the activities of the people.

the desires of consumers.

the image of a product.

the reputation of a seller.

the work of a day.

the economy of a country.

the problems of the economists.

the play of the government.

the works of Keynes.

the dollar of a consumer.

6. Give the comparative and superlative of the following:

Example: high -higher – the highest;

professional – more professional – the most professional.

efficient, rational, modern, total, large, rich, poor, little, good,
traditional, important.

7. Translate the following into Russian:

1. There are, however, no «pure» market economies in the world today.

2. Economists note that there is no limit to the amount or kinds of
things that people want.

3. There is, however, a limit to the resources.

4. In addition to buyers and sellers, there are several other essential
elements in a market economy.

5. There are many buyers and sellers so that no individual or group can
control prices.

6. There are two ways to earn income: from your work and from the use of
your wealth.

8. Chose the right word to the words given in the first column:

many goods

much economists

a lot of enterprises

little knowledge

few markets






9. Translate into Russian:

Economists have two ways of looking at economics and economy.

Macroeconomics is the study of the economy as a whole, microeconomics is
the study of individual consumers and the business firm.

Each factor of production has a place in our economic system, and each
has a particular function.

Price stability refers to times during which prices remain constant.

A budget is a financial plan that summarizes income and expenditures
over a period of time.

Saving is one of the most important things that people do with their

Economic forces also affect decisions in the world of business.

The United States government also employs economists to study economic
problems and to suggest ways to solve them.

Consumers are people who use goods and services to satisfy their wants.

Efficiency is a measure of how much we get for what we use.

Demand is a consumer’s willingness and ability to buy a product or
service at a particular time and place.

10. Translate English jokes.

A.: Our math professor talks to himself, does yours?

B.: Yes, but he doesn’t realize it. He thinks we’re listening.

( ( ( ( (

I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set,
I go to the other room and read a book.

11. Read the text and retell the contents in Russian:


London (England), city in southeastern England, capital of Great
Britain, at the head of the Thames estuary, west of its mouth on the
North Sea. London is one of the world’s most important financial and
cultural centers and is noted for its museums, performing arts, exchange
and commodity markets, and insurance and banking functions, as well as a
host of specialized services. In popular and traditional usage, the term
City of London, or the City, is applied only to a small area (2.59 sq
km/1 sq mi) that was the original settlement (ancient Londinium) and is
now part of the business and financial district of the metropolis. The
City of London and 32 surrounding boroughs form the Greater London
metropolitan area, which has an area of 1579 sq km (610 sq mi).


The London Government Act (1963) authorized the creation of a two-tiered
government consisting of 32 borough councils and the Greater London
Council. The borough councils are locally elected and are responsible
for local functions. Until its abolition in 1986, the Greater London
Council administered broad functions for the metropolitan area as a
whole, such as overall planning, the coordination of transportation
systems, and the management of parks. The council comprised 100
councilors, locally elected, and 15 aldermen, elected by the councilors.

Порядок слов в английском повествовательном предложении.

2. Имя существительное в общем падеже в функции определения

3. Притяжательные местоимения.

I. Language Practice

1. Practise the fluent reading and correct intonation:

Good ( bye! `Bye ( bye! `So ( long! `See you ( soon! `See you ( later!
`See you to(morrow! I `hope we’ll `see some( more of you! Good ( night!
Good ( day! Re`member me to…

`May I intro`duce `Mr. ( N.? `How do you ( do? `Glad to ( meet you.
`Pleased to ( meet you. ( Please, intro`duce me to your ( friend. `Let
me intro`duce you to `Doctor ( M. `Meet `Mr ( F. `Meet my ( friend,
`Doctor ( M.

`Many ( thanks. `Thanks a ( lot. `That’s ( nice of you. `Not at ( all!
`That’s all ( right! `Don’t ( mention it!

2. Listen to the speaker; read and memorize the following words and

a buyer – покупатель

a seller – продавец

private property – частная собственность

to own – владеть

means of production – средства производства

incentive – стимул

to earn profits – получать прибыль

cost – цена, стоимость

cost price – цена производства

selling price – продажная цена

to charge a price – назначать цену

polling booth – кабина для голосования

to undersell – продавать по сниженной цене

Text. The Market Economy

A Market, or free enterprise economy is one in which the decisions of
many individual buyers and sellers interact to determine the answers to
the questions of What, How and Who.

In addition to buyers and sellers, there are several other essential
elements in a market economy. One of these is private property. By
«private property» we mean the right of individuals and business firms
to own the means of productions. Although markets exist in traditional
and command economies, the major means of productions (firms, factories,
farms, mines, etc.) are usually publicly owned. That is, they are owned
by groups of people or by the government. In a market economy the means
of production are owned by private individuals. Private ownership gives
people the incentive to use their property to produce things that will
sell and earn them a profit.

This desire to earn profit is a second ingredient in market economy.
Often referred to as the profit motive, it provides the fuel that drives
sellers to produce the things that buyers want, and at a price they are
willing to pay.

The profit motive also gives sellers the incentive to produce at the
lowest possible cost. Why? Because lower costs enable them to (1)
increase their profit margins, the difference between cost and selling
price, or (2) reduce prices to undersell during the competition, or (3)

Economists often compare markets to polling booths. However, unlike the
booths in which people vote for politicians, markets provide a kind of
economic polling booth for buyers to cast their votes (in the form of
purchases) for the goods and services they want. Producers who interpret
the votes correctly by producing the things that buyers demand can earn
profits. Those who interpret the voting incorrectly, producing too much
or too little, or charging a price that is too high or too low, do not
earn profits. In fact, they often lose money.

Consumer votes can be a matter of life and death to business in a market

II. Exercises on the Text:

3. Give Russian equivalents to:

the decisions of many individual buyers and sellers interact; essential
elements; the right to own the means of production; to exist in
traditional and command economies; publicly owned; the incentive to use
their property; the desire to earn profits; often referred to; to drive
sellers to produce the things; the lowest possible cost; to increase
their profit margins; unlike the booth; to vote for politicians; to cast
their votes; to interpret the voting incorrectly; too much or too
little; to lose money; a matter of life and death to business.

4. Answer the following questions:

What is a market, or free enterprise?

Are there several other essential elements in a market economy?

What do we mean by «private property»?

Who own the major means of production?

What does private ownership give people?

What is the profit motive?

Why does the profit motive give sellers the incentive to produce at the
lowest possible cost?

To what do economists often compare markets?

What is the difference?

When do producers lose money?

III. Grammar Exercises

5. Translate the following into Russian:

1. a market economy, a command economy, business firms, profit motive,
profit margins, price theory, wage rates, rental changes, business
investors, budget deficits, production materials, wage incentive
programs, Austrian – American management, consultant, consumer
interests, government planners, computer experts, industry specialists.

2. consumption of goods, fields of study, the interplay of supply and
demand, explanation of prosperity and depression, demand for goods and
services, means of production, lines of responsibility, the purchase of
equipment, provision of work, sale of products, utilization of

Формы притяжательных местоимений

Число Лицо I форма (зависимая) II форма (независимая)

1-е my- мой, моя, мое, мои mine- мой, моя, мое, мои

Един- 2-е your- твои, твоя, твое, твои yours- твой, твоя, твое, твои


his- его his- его

ное 3-е her- ее hers- ее

its- его, ее (о неодушевлен- its- его, ее

ных предметах)

Множе 1-е our- наш, наша, наше, наши ours- наш, наша, наше, наши

ствен- 2-е your- ваш, ваша, ваше, ваши yours- ваш, ваша, ваше, ваши

ное 3-е their- их theirs- их

6. Put in the missing verbs and possessive forms:

Pronoun Verb Possessive

1. I come from Russia … language is Russian.

2. He … from Poland … language is Polish.

3. You come from Sweden … language is Swedish.

4. They … from Norway … language is Norwegian.

5. We come from Denmark … language is Danish.

6. I come from Greece … language is Greek.

7. He … from Holland … language is Dutch.

8. She … from Germany … language is German.

9. They come from China … language is Chinese.

10. We … from Spain … language is Spanish.

11. He … from Japan … language is Japanese.

12. We come from England … language is English.

7. Make ten questions, using these question words:

Who? What? Where? Why? How many? What kind of? What is the difference?
Is there? Are there? Have you?

8. Read the text and retell the contents in Russian:


Keynes, John Maynard, 1st Baron Keynes of Tilton (1883-1946), British

Keynes was born in Cambridge, England, and educated at Eton College and
the University of Cambridge. He began his career in the India Office of
the British government and wrote a highly regarded book, Indian Currency
and Finance (1913). During World War I he worked in the treasury, which
he represented at the Paris Peace Conference (1919). During the next
decade he made a fortune speculating in international currencies, taught
at Cambridge, and wrote Treatise on Probability (1921), a mathematical
work, and A Treatise on Money (1930). In the latter, he sought to
explain why an economy operates so unevenly, with frequent cycles of
booms and depressions. Keynes closely examined the problem of prolonged
depression in his major work, The General Theory of Employment,
Interest, and Money (1936). This book, which provided a theoretical
defense for programs that were already being tried in Great Britain and
by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in the U.S., proposed that no
self-correcting mechanism to lift an economy out of a depression
existed. It stated that unused savings prolonged economic stagnation and
that business investment was spurred by new inventions, new markets, and
other influences not related to the interest rate on savings. Keynes
proposed that government spending must compensate for insufficient
business investment in times of recession.

Shortly after Great Britain entered World War II, Keynes published How
to Pay for the War (1940), in which he urged that a portion of every
wage earner’s pay should automatically be invested in government bonds.
In 1942 he was made a baron, and two years later he headed the British
delegation to the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference, the
Bretton Woods Conference. There he promoted establishment of the
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the
International Monetary Fund.

Эмфатический оборот it is (was)… that (who) …

3. Числительные

I. Language Practice

1. Read the sentences given below. Mind the stress and intonation in

There are `nineteen `large `lecture `halls in the `central ( `building.
There are `one `hundred and `forty ( audi`toriums for `groups to (

There is `no `newspaper on the ( table. There is `nothing on the
( table.

Is there a `computer `centre in the ( `college? There were some
scien`tific la`boratories `here last ( year. `What is there on

to involve – вовлекать

producer – производитель

to be responsible for – быть ответственным за

consumer – потребитель

manufacturer – производитель, изготовитель

pervasive – обширный

to determine – определять

needs and desires – нужды и желания

with regard to – относительно, что касается

to persuade – убеждать

purchase – покупка

product line – ассортимент изделий

promotion – стимулирование, продвижение товара

in addition – в дополнение

to supervise – наблюдать за чем-либо

warehouse – товарный склад, оптовый магазин

Text. Marketing

Marketing, activities involved in getting goods from the producer to the
consumer. The producer is responsible for the design and manufacture of
goods. Early marketing techniques followed production and were
responsible only for moving goods from the manufacturer to the point of
final sale. Now, however, marketing is much more pervasive. In large
corporations the marketing functions precede the manufacture of a
product. They involve market research and product development, design,
and testing.

Marketing concentrates primarily on the buyers, or consumers,
determining their needs and desires, educating them with regard to the
availability of products and to important product features, developing
strategies to persuade them to buy, and, finally, enhancing their
satisfaction with a purchase. Marketing management includes planning,
organizing, directing, and controlling decision making regarding product
lines, pricing, promotion, and servicing. In most of these areas
marketing has complete control; in others, as in product-line
development, its function is primarily advisory. In addition, the
marketing department of a business firm is responsible for the physical
distribution of the products, determining the channels of distribution
that will be used and supervising the profitable flow of goods from the
factory or warehouse.

II. Exercises on the Text:

3. Give Russian equivalents to:

Activities involved in getting goods; is responsible for the design;
early marketing techniques; to the point of final stage; is much more
pervasive; in large corporations; precede the manufacture of a product;
testing; with regard to the availability of product; enhancing their
satisfaction with a purchase; marketing management; regarding product
lines; promotion; its function is primarily advisory; the marketing
department; physical distribution; the profitable flow of goods.

4. Compose the questions using the following words:

1. is, marketing, what?

2. the producer, is, for what, responsible?

3. early marketing technique, did, what, follow?

4. the manufacture of a profit, where, precede, the marketing functions,

5. they, what, do, involve?

6. does, on, what, concentrate, marketing?

7. what, marketing management, does, include?

8. marketing, complete control, has, when?

9. the marketing department of a business firm, responsible for the
physical distribution of the products, is?

III. Grammar Exercises

5. Form the Past Indefinite Tense of the following verbs:

to involve, to be, to precede, to concentrate, to buy, to get, to make,
to have, to select, to contribute, to try, to assume, to spend, to give,
to increase.

6. Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Indefinite Tense and translate
the sentences:

1. Aristotle and Plato in ancient Greece (to write) about problems of
wealth, property, and trade.

2. The Romans (to borrow) their economic ideas from the Greeks and (to
show) the same contempt for trade.

3. In ancient and medieval times dire scarcity of resources (to be)
common and (to affect) the lives of most human beings.

4. In England, Parliament (to pass) a Statute of Monopolies (1624).

5. The Second development (to be) the expansion of production that (to
follow) the Industrial Revolution.

6. Cartels (to originate) in Germany during the 1870s.

7. As business (to become) more competitive, new and more complex
corporate combinations (to come) on the scene.

7. Put all possible questions to the sentence:

1. During World War II the government of Germany utilized domestic
cartels to produce armaments.

8. Translate into Russian paying attention to the emphatic construction
«it is … that …»:

2. It is the planners who decide what goods and services will be

3. It is the planners, too, with guidance from the country’s political
leadership, who decide who will receive the goods and services produced.

4. It was at this time (1936) that Keynes’ work was published.

5. Indeed, it is from the early 1970s, when detente began to take shape.

9. Write in words these numbers:

11, 12, 13, 15, 17, 20, 30, 40.

10. Use hundred, thousand, million with the words in brackets:

300 (dollar); 400 (pound); 10,000 (rouble); 500,000 (woman); 2,000,000
(man); 6,700 (child); 1,000 (computer).

11. Read the dates:

March 8, 1991; June 22, 1941; May 9, 1945; April 12,1961; January 1,

12. Translate English jokes:

A: Did the play have a happy ending?

B: Yes, everybody was happy when it ended.

A: A telegram from George, dear.

B: Well, did he pass the examination this time?

A: No, but he is almost at the top of the list of those who failed.

Unit 4

Grammar: 1. Future Simple.

2. Модальные глаголы

I. Language Practice

1. Practise the fluent reading and correct intonation:

`What’s the ( time? `What ( time is it now? Can you `tell me the ( exact
time? It’s two ( o’clock. No, it’s half past ( two. Ex`cuse me, it’s
`not `half past ( two, it’s a `quarter past ( two. I’m `not quite `sure,
it’s a `quarter past ( two. I’m af(raid it’s a `quarter to ( three
already. I `haven’t `got a ( watch.

What ( date is it today? It’s the 10th of No(vember. What (day of the
`week is it? It is `Monday. Are you ( sure it’s the `tenth of November
and it’s `Monday to(day? (Yes, I ( am. ( Quite. Not at ( all.

`What’s the ( weather like today? `How is it ( outside? It’s not ( warm
today. It was warm ( yesterday. The `day was `beautiful and sunny. It’s
going to ( rain.

2. Listen to the speaker; read and memorize the following words and

customer – клиент, покупатель

survey – исследование

warranty card – гарантийная карта

sophisticated – опытный, фальсифицированный

a sample of consumers – обследуемая группа покупателей

population – население

to typify – [`tipifai] – служить типичным примером

fixed expenses – постоянные затраты

insurance – страхование

rent – арендная плата

variable expenses – переменные затраты

a break-even point – точка самоокупаемости, точка критического объема

net loss – чистый убыток

advertising – рекламирование

Text. Product, Price, Promotion and Place: The Four P’s of Marketing

The total marketing concept involves four steps, or, as they are often
called, the four P’s of marketing – product, price, promotion and place.

Product. The place to begin is with the product itself. A business must
determine what kind of product potential customers want. Companies
employ very complex market research techniques to find out. Surveys by
phone, mail, or personal interview can reveal, exactly, what’s on the
consumer’s mind. The product warranty card that you return after a
purchase provides marketing information too. Sophisticated research
mathematics applied to a sample of consumers can typify the rest of the
consumers. If we can find out what a few want, we can assume the others
in the group of population will want the same things. Deciding who
should be in the sample is the problem. Researchers have very detailed
formulas for constructing marketing samples.

Price. Another major part of marketing is price. Companies have to
decide on a product price that will cover all costs and also return a
profit. Included in costs are such fixed expenses as rent and insurance.
Variable expenses must be anticipated too. Those include the costs of
material and commissions. These costs are used to compute a break-even
point – the point at which income from sales equals fixed and variable
expenses. On one side of this point, the company will have a net loss
and on the other side, a net profit.

Promotion. Promotion is a key part of marketing because it is the way
business get their messages to consumers.

Businesses would like to see steady growth rather than sudden surges in
business. One function of promotion is to maintain a steady and growing
demand. Promotions through advertising in the media, direct mailings or
through personal contact are a few of the ways producers make their
products known to consumers. If consumers don’t know about a product,
they won’t buy it. Through advertising, businesses tell people what
products are available. Advertising even gives them reasons to buy.

Place. The final part of marketing, the fourth «P», is place. For a
product to be useful, it has to be in place when and where it is needed.
That should seem obvious. To sell products, business must anticipate
«when» and «where» consumers will buy them. A hot dog at a baseball game
on a sunny afternoon is an example of excellent product placement. A
lemonade stand in the winter is not. Hot dogs have less value after the
game, and lemonade has more value in the summer.

II. Exercises on the Text:

3. Give English equivalents to:

Общее понятие маркетинга включает четыре момента; потенциальные
покупатели; исследования по телефону, по почте; на уме покупателя;
обследуемая группа покупателей; чего хотят немногие; очень подробные
формулы; покрывать все издержки; такие постоянные затраты как рента и
страхование; вычислить точку самоокупаемости; ключевая часть маркетинга;
в средствах массовой информации; предприятия должны предвидеть.

4. Ask questions for these answers (work in pairs):

The total marketing concept involves four steps.

They are product, price, promotion and place.

Yes, it must.

Surveys by phone, mail, or personal interview can reveal it.

The product warranty card provides marketing information too.

It is price.

Variable expenses must be anticipated too.

A break-even point is the point at which income from sales equals fixed
and variable expenses.

Promotion is a key part of marketing.

Advertising gives people reasons to buy products.

To sell products, businesses must anticipate «when» and «where»
consumers will buy them.

5. Translate the following into Russian:

The Major Marketing Functions

Marketing Activity Description

Gathering information Business firms collect information about the
market to forecast potential sales

Buying Before finished goods can be sold, they must be selected and

Transporting Goods must be shipped to the place where they are sold.

Selling Goods must be advertised, promoted and sold.

Storing Business firms had more goods than they can sell in a single
day. These must be stored until they are sold.

Financing Cash or credit must be found to pay for the goods the business
intends to sell.

Standardizing and Grading «Standardizing» is establishing uniform
specifications for a product or a service. «Grading» is classifying
products by quality and size.

Managing risk People in business risk loss if things fail to go as
planned. Steps taken to limit these risks fall into this category.

III. Grammar Exercises

6. Write out these sentences putting the verb in brackets into the
future tense:

1. The study of economics (to help) you to understand economic forces

2. Cleaning up the river (to require) a major effort, and considerable

3. A change in the price of one item (to result) in a shift in the
demand for a substitute.

4. An increase in production costs (to have) the opposite effect –
supply (to decrease).

5. As long as supply and demand remain unchanged, the equilibrium of
market price (to remain) constant.

7. Make the sentences (a) interrogative, (b) negative:

1. They will try to economize to get the most from what they have.

2. Economics will also help you to fulfill your responsibilities as a
citizen in a democracy.

3. Economists will agree that unemployment is bad.

4. Entrepreneurs will try to run their businesses to earn the greatest

8. Fill in the blanks with the verbs «can», «may», «must», «have to»,
«to be able (to)»:

Liquidity is a measure of the ease with which you ____ convert your
savings to cash.

Since a society cannot have everything, it ____ decide which goods and
services it will have now.

Americans ____ to own property for business purposes and use it to
produce income.

Most producers ____ make more than one product.

Such systems ____ characterize isolated tribes or groups, or even entire

Unable to compete with the Japanese, the company ____ to go out of

Any number of persons ____ contract to form a partnership.

You ____ earn the income to buy the things you want.

The number and value of things we ____ to buy depends upon the size of
our income and how wisely we spend it.

Most of the time, we ____ to keep track of our expenditures so we ____
to meet our immediate needs.

9. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the different
functions of the word «one».

1. In fact one common definition of economics is «the study of how
people make a living».

2. The market price is the one at which goods and services will actually
be exchanged for money.

3. One of the main reasons people save their money is to earn interest.

4. Advertising provides us with information about prices, recent
improvements in certain goods and services, and the availability of new

5. The development of the socio-economic formations rises from the lower
stage to the higher one.

10. State the part of speech of the following words:

management, speaker, production, economist, economical, economic,
economics, national, technical, techniques, largely, product.

11. Form nouns with the help of the suffixes:

-ment: to manage, to agree, to govern, to employ, to invest, to

-er: to consume, to programme, to produce, to buy, to sell, to plan, to
own, to manufacture.

-tion: to produce, to distribute, to consume, to compete, to operate,
to explain, to determine.

-or: to distribute, to invest, to operate, to regulate, to educate.

-ist: economy, sociology, psychology, behavior, special.

12. Read the text and retell the contents in Russian:

The Economy of London

London’s economy is distinguished by a multiplicity of activities that
reflect the structure of the British economy as a whole. Service
industries account for almost three-quarters of total employment; they
include banking, insurance, the civil service, transportation,
education, food and drink, printing and publishing, retailing, and
numerous professional and custom services. Tourism also plays a vital
part in London’s service industries. Next in importance are
manufacturing and engineering and the latter has allied industries; each
of these two sectors accounts for approximately 10 percent of total
employment. The production of precision instruments, computers,
aircraft, automobiles, chemicals, and clothing, as well as the refining
of petroleum, are all important. Not unexpectedly, Greater London
possesses the country’s greatest concentration of professional,
technical, and administrative occupations, as well as the highest
average income in Britain.

The central area of London is dominated by service employment and
characterized by the localized concentration of various activities:
banking and finance in the City, insurance and law in Holborn,
government in Westminster, newspaper publishing in Fleet Street,
medicine in Harley Street, tailoring in Savile Row, retail outlets in
Bond and Oxford streets, and education in Bloomsbury. Industrial
activity is important in the so-called Victorian Manufacturing Belt-a
crescent-shaped band on the southern bank of the Thames River, extending
northwest from the City and Southwark. Here, small-scale specialized
production dominates.

Providing the raw materials and access to markets is the extensive Port
of London, the major docks of which are located just downstream from
London Bridge. London is one of Europe’s largest seaports and handles
virtually every type of commodity and cargo. To the west of Central
London are newer manufacturing areas such as Park Royal. Toward the
periphery of Greater London and in the surrounding outer metropolitan
area are more sophisticated and specialized industries, such as those
manufacturing aircraft, computers, and electronic equipment. To the west
of London, economic development has been stimulated by the presence of
Heathrow International Airport, and to the south, by Gatwick
International Airport.

(From an Encyclopedia)

Unit 5

Grammar: 1. Participle II.

2. Passive Voice.

3. Сравнительные обороты.

I. Language Practice

1. Practise the intonation in the questions and the answers:

Have you a ( warranty card? Had you a ( warranty card? Have you got a (
warranty card? `How many `classes `have you `got to( day? `Is there an
evening `department at the ( faculty? Are you a ( student? `You are a
student of the `All-`Russian `Distance `Institute of Finance and (
Economics, aren’t ( you? `Do you ( study or ( work? Do you ( agree? `I’m
( afraid I don’t ( agree. `Do you `really think ( so? `You’re `quite (
right. `You didn’t `study `last year, did ( you?

2. Listen to the speaker; read and memorize the following words and

technique – [tek`ni:k] – техника (исполнения)

an organization chart – организационная схема

to designate [`dezi(neit] – определять

executives [i(`zekjutivz] – директора

execution [eksi`kju:(n] – выполнение

foreperson – мастер

department head – начальник (цеха)

with respect to – что касается

supply – поставка, снабжение

accounting – учет

supervision – наблюдение

guidance [`(aid(ns] – руководство

records and reports – учетные документы и отчеты

wage incentive program – программа финансово-материального

Text. Industrial Management

Industrial Management, in business, term used to describe the techniques
and expertise of efficient organization, planning, direction, and
control of the operations of a business.

In the theory of industrial management, organization has two principal
aspects. One relates to the establishment of so-called lines of
responsibility, drawn usually in the form of an organization chart that
designates the executives of the business, from the president to the
foreperson or department head, and specifies the functions for which
they are responsible. The other principal aspect relates to the
development of a staff of qualified executives.

Planning in industrial management has three principal aspects. One is
the establishment of broad basic policies with respect to production;
sales; the purchase of equipment, materials, and supplies; and
accounting. The second aspect relates to the implementation of these
policies by departments. The third relates to the establishment of
standards of work in all departments. Direction is concerned primarily
with supervision and guidance by the executive in authority; in this
connection a distinction is generally made between top management, which
is essentially administrative in nature, and operative management, which
is concerned with the direct execution of policy. Control involves the
use of records and reports to compare performance with the established
standards for work.

Industrial management as just defined dates from the latter part of the
19th century. A notable impetus to its evolution was provided by the
American engineer Frederick Taylor, who developed techniques for
analyzing the operations involved in production and for setting
standards for a day’s work. The techniques originally devised by Taylor
were adopted by industrialists to other phases of business, including
the employment of qualified workers, and wage incentive programs either
to replace or to supplement the piecework system that had previously
prevailed. Industrial management experts who succeeded Taylor have
applied his techniques to a wider range of business problems. Among the
leading successors are the Austrian-American management consultant and
educator Peter Drucker and the American economist, writer, and diplomat
John Kenneth Galbraith.

II. ???????????????????????????

термин, используемый для описания; два главных аспекта; так называемый;
которые определяют директоров предприятия; штат квалифицированных
исполнителей; установление политики; закупка оборудования; уровни работы
во всех отделах; в этой связи; высшее руководство; действующее
руководство; управление; использование учетных документов и отчетов;
заметный толчок; техника для анализа действий; была применена
промышленниками; программы финансово-материального стимулирования;
система сдельного труда; среди ведущих преемников; педагог.

4. Ask questions to these answers (work in pairs).

Organization has two principal aspects.

One relates to the establishment of so-called lines of responsibility.

An organization chart designates the executives of the business.

Yes, it does.

Planning has.

The third aspect relates to the establishment of standards of work in
all departments.

Yes, it is.

A distinction is made between top management and operative management.

Control involves the use of records and reports.

The American engineer Frederick Taylor.

It was adopted to the employment of qualified workers, and wage
incentive programs.

5. Translate the following into Russian:

Characteristics of Economic Markets

Perfect Competition Monopolistic Competition Oligopoly Monopoly

Numbers of Firms Many independent firms. None able to control the
market. Many firms providing similar goods and services. A few large
firms providing similar goods and services. A single large firm.

Control Over Price None. Market determines price. Influence limited by
the availability of substitutes. Often influenced by «price leader».
Much control.

Product Differentiation None. Products uniform and equal quality.
Products and services differentiated to meet the needs of specific
markets. Significant for some products like automobiles. Little for
standardized products like gasoline. None.

Ease of Entry Relatively easy to enter or leave the market Relatively
easy to enter or leave the market Difficult. Often requires large
capital investment. Very difficult.

III. Grammar Exercises

6. Write down the following verbs in the form of Participle II:

to go, to increase, to begin, to buy, to sell, to make, to play, to
write, to bring, to specialize, to operate, to understand, to expand.

7. Put the words in brackets in the Passive Voice:

1. Every society (to face) with the identical problem, the problem of

2. The need to chose (to impose) on us all by our income, wealth and
ability to borrow.

3. Individuals and families (to limit) by the size of their personal
income, savings and ability to borrow.

4. In a free market economy, prices (to determine) by the interaction of
the forces of supply and demand.

5. When two goods satisfy similar needs, they (to describe) as

8. Turn the following from Active Voice into Passive Voice:

1. Profits, savings and borrowing power limit business firms.

2. Frederick Taylor provided a notable impetus to industrial management.

3. Keynes wrote many books.

4. The competitive system will determine business ethics.

5. Great complexity of organization and administration characterize the
operation of large business firms.

6. Two or more persons own a business organization.

7. Sir Joseph Binks gives Tom a small cheque.

8. They gave Uncle Tom a cheque and a railway carriage.

9. Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to
the functions of Participle II:

1. Salaries refer to earnings paid on a weekly or monthly basis.

2. The term «wage» typically refers to the earnings of workers paid by
the hour or unit of production.

3. Used in certain ways, wealth can earn income.

4. Natural resources are the things provided by nature that go into the
creation of goods and services.

5. Nearly 90 percent of goods and services produced in the U.S. each
year come from privately owned firms.

6. Shares are traded in organized markets such as the New York Stock

10. Express the following in Russian:

1. The more you know about the subject, the better career decisions you
will be able to make.

2. For their part, entrepreneurs seek as much profit as they can extract
from their operations.

3. As a rule, the more scarce something is the higher its price will be,
and the fewer people will want to buy it.

4. The higher the price, the greater the incentive to produce and sell
the product.

11. Form adjectives with the help of suffixes:

-al: economic, nation, production, education, profession.

-able: to change, to exchange, to read, fashion, mistake.

12. Form adverbs with the help of the suffix «-ly»:

economical, political, different, rapid, definite, historical, complete,
formal, practical, particular.

13. Read the text and retell the contents in Russian:

William Gates

Gates, William Henry, III (1955- ), American business executive,
chairman and chief executive officer of the Microsoft Corporation, born
in Seattle, Washington. Gates cofounded Microsoft in 1975 with Paul
Allen, his high school friend and partner in computer language
development from 1967. Fascinated by computers by the age of 12, Gates
had been involved with various programming projects throughout high
school. While attending Harvard in 1975, Gates teamed with Allen to
develop a version of the BASIC computer programming language for the
MITS Altair, the first personal computer. This work on BASIC for the
Altair led Gates to drop out of Harvard in 1977 to pursue full-time his
vision of «a computer on every desk and in every home,» the idea behind
the Microsoft Corporation. In the early 1980’s, Gates led Microsoft’s
evolution from a developer of computer programming languages to a
diversified computer software company producing computer operating
systems and applications software as well as programming tools. This
transition began with the introduction of MS-DOS, the operating system
for the new IBM Personal Computer in 1981. Gates took a personal role in
convincing other computer companies to standardize on MS-DOS, fueling
computer industry growth in the 1980’s through software compatibility.
Gates also pushed Microsoft toward the introduction of application
software such as the Microsoft Word word processing software for the
IBM-PC. A key strategic move by Gates was to agree to develop
application software for the Apple Macintosh prior to the release of the
first Mac in 1984. This led to a strong position for Microsoft in
applications that take advantage of the graphical user interface (GUI).

Much of Gates’ success rests on his ability to translate technical
visions into market strategy, and to blend creativity with technical
acumen. His willingness to bet on new

2. Подчинительные союзы и союзные слова.

3. Побудительные предложения.

I. Language Practice

1. Practise the fluent reading and correct intonation:

Ex( cuse me, (please). ( Pardon me. `Sorry to … (in`trude, inter`rupt,
inter`fere). `Look (( here!) I say… (Say). `Just a ( minute! ( Hi! (
Hey! ( Yes? ( Well? `What ( is it? `What can I ( do for you? `What do
you ( want? ( What? ( Sorry! `No `need to be ( sorry. `Sorry to (
trouble (`bother) you! It’s no ( trouble at ( all. Ex`cuse my (
troubling you. `No `trouble at ( `all. I `beg your ( pardon! `No `pardon
( needed! I `beg ( `yours. I `beg your `pardon for `being ( late.
`Better ( late than ( `never. I must a(pologize. You ( needn’t. Why (
should you? It’s `nothing to ( speak of. It’s `unfor(givable! It’s

2. Listen to the speaker; read and memorize the following words and

to distribute – распределять, размещать

to market – продавать, сбывать

equipment – оборудование, оснащение

to shop – делать покупку в магазине

leisure – досуг, свободное время

a retailer – розничный торговец

overhead(s) – накладные расходы

a wholesaler – оптовик, оптовый торговец

quantity – количество

to bypass – обойти

trend – тенденция

to call for – предусматривать

preselling – реклама до поступления в продажу

department store – универсальный магазин

discount stores (houses) – магазины учененных товаров

chain stores [t(ein] – (амер.) сеть розничных магазинов цепного

ownership – владение, право собственности

vending machines – торговые автоматы

Text. Distributing the Product

Some products are marketed most effectively by direct sale from
manufacturer to consumer. Among these are durable equipment-for example,
computers, office equipment, industrial machinery and consumer
specialties such as vacuum cleaners. The direct marketing of products
such as cosmetics and household needs is very important.

Direct marketing by mail has been expanded to virtually all types of
products and services. Working people find it easy to shop in their
leisure hours by catalog because catalogs generally contain extensive
product information. For retailers, the use of catalogs makes it
possible to do business considerably beyond their usual trading area and
with a minimum of overhead. Also important are credit cards, which have
made it relatively easy to purchase by mail or telephone even such
high-priced items as appliances, electronic equipment, and cameras. At
least half the nation’s 50 leading corporations have mail-order

Television is a potent tool in direct marketing because it facilitates
the demonstration of products in use. Also carving its own niche is
telephone marketing, called telemarketing, a technique used in selling
to businesses as well as to consumers. Most consumer products, however,
move from the manufacturer through agents to wholesalers and then to
retailers, ultimately reaching the consumer.

Wholesalers distribute goods in large quantities, usually to retailers,
for resale. Some retail businesses have grown so large, however, that
they have found it more profitable to bypass the wholesaler and deal
directly with the manufacturers or their agents. Wholesalers first
responded to this trend by adapting their operations so that they moved
faster and called for a lower margin of profit.

Retailing has undergone even more change. Intensive preselling by
manufacturers and the development of minimum-service operations, for
example, self-service in department stores, have drastically changed the
retailer’s way of doing business. Supermarkets and discount stores have
become commonplace not only for groceries but for products as
diversified as medicines and gardening equipment. More recently,
warehouse retailing has become a major means of retailing higher-priced
consumer goods such as furniture, appliances, and electronic equipment.
Chain stores-groups of stores with one ownership-and cooperative groups
have also proliferated. Special types of retailing, for example, vending
machines and convenience stores, have also developed to fill multiple

II. Exercises on the Text:

3. Give Russian equivalents to:

direct sale from manufacturer to consumer; durable equipment; consumer
specialties; household needs; direct marketing by mail; usual trading
area; high-priced items; mail-order divisions; also carving its own
niche; for resale; to call for a lower margin of profit; to undergo even
more change; self-service;have drastically changed; warehouse retailing;
higher-priced consumer goods; to fill multiple needs.

4. Compose the questions, using the following words:

products, are, what, by direct sale, marketed?

it, who, easy, to shop by catalog, finds’?

have, what, relatively, it, easy, by mail or telephone, made, to

leading corporations, have, how many, mail-order-divisions?

television, why, is, direct marketing, a potent tool, in?

is, telemarketing, what?

grown, why, so large, some retail business, have?

wholesalers, how, to this trend, did, first, respond?

undergone, even more change, has, retailing?

become, more recently, has, a major means of retailing higher-priced
consumer goods, what?

III. Grammar Exercises

Active Voice

Perfect Tenses have ParticipleII(V3) Time Markers

Present Perfect have (has) built (((((((((

Past Perfect had asked ((((((((((

Future Perfect shall (will) have


5. Read the sentences with adverbs of frequency

I’ve never seen this film.

We’ve just taken his book.

You’ve often come here.

They’ve already done their work.

We’ve not yet charged a price.

Have you ever been to the Crimea.

Read the same in the 3rd person singular.

6. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the different
usage of Perfect Tenses:

Economic monopolies have existed throughout much of human history.

The success of specialized marketing developments has caused many older
organizations to revise their operating methods.

Keynes’s ideas have profoundly influenced the economic policies of many
governments since World War II.

The Titanic had already gone down when another ship arrived.

Some passengers had been in the icy water for hours when they were

When another ship arrived, about 1500 people had already lost their

Ecological concerns will have affected product design and marketing.

By the end of the year the company will have signed this contract.

Who will have finished first?

How much will they have won?

7. A manager went away on business. He left of things to be done. He is
back now. Arrange a conversation between him and one of his employees.
Study the list. Follow the model.

The list of things to be done:

1. Contact the joint-stock company P-A.

2. Send a telex to Lamberton Robotics.

3. Telephone Mr. Green.

4. Sign the contract for the delivery of equipment.

5. Take the customer’s representatives to the plant.

6. Take part in the talks with the British customer.


A. Have you telephoned Mr. Green?

B. Yes, I have.

A. When did you telephone him?

B. I telephoned him last week.

A. That’s good /fine/ O.K.

Use of the verb «let».

Our teacher never let us speak Russian at English lessons. = разрешает

Let me (us) do it.

Let’s (let us) speak only English.

Let them know about it.

Let the cat out. = позвольте

= давайте

= дайте

= выпустите

Let them understand their mistakes.

Let her speak English. = пусть

8. Complete the sentences:

1. Let’s increase…

2. Let me determine…

3. Let me supervise…

4. Let her discuss…

5. Let the wholesalers…

6. Let the small retailers…

9. Translate the following sentences:

1. When he comes to the office he will call the company.

2. We’ll get in touch with them as soon as the goods are delivered.

3. We will clear up the point before he leaves.

4. He couldn’t come to the lecture because he was ill.

5. He walked slowly for he was not in a hurry.

6. As there were no more questions the chairman thanked the reporter for
his interesting report.

7. They thought that the bell had rung.

10. Form nouns with the help of the suffixes:

-ant: to emigrate, to dominate, to consult, to participate, to account.

-ese: China, Japan, Sudan.

– ian|-an: statistics, Russia, America, Hungary, Bulgaria, Brazil.

11. Translate English jokes:

A famous Hungarian physicist had just finished reading his scientific
paper. It was the first time he had ever made a report in English. After
he had finished an American physicist came up to him.

«Say, in what language did you read your paper?»

«Didn’t you understand that?»

«Well, yes, of course. But why did you put in so many English words?»

12. Read the text and retell the contents in Russian

Text. Territorial and Administrative Division of Government in the
United Kingdom

In Great Britain the county, or shire, is the principal subdivision of
the country for political, administrative, judicial, and other purposes.
Counties are used in England and Wales but have been replaced by other
administrative units in Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Before the Norman Conquest of the 11th century, the chief unit of local
government in England was the shire, which had originated in the Saxon
communities of the 5th century. Each shire was ruled by an ealdorman
(alderman), but after the 11th century his functions were taken over by
the shire-reeve, or sheriff, who was appointed by the king. By the 14th
century a county court, composed of several justices of the peace, or
magistrates, had developed to help the sheriff administer the county.
Over the centuries these crown-appointed magistrates gradually became
the primary administrators of counties. Each county also became the
constituency for the elections of knights of the shire, or county
members of Parliament.

This system of county government, with centrally appointed justices of
the peace holding legislative, judicial, and executive powers, became
inadequate in the 19th century as the suffrage was extended, government
services expanded, and industrial cities continued to grow. To remedy
this undemocratic system, the Local Government Act of 1888 established
county councils, with members elected by local residents, to take over
the legislative and executive duties of the magistrates. The act also
replaced the historic counties with new administrative counties, which
often had different boundaries. The act also created about 60 county
boroughs; these were cities that were given county powers in order to
better provide local government services.

The Local Government Act of 1972 reorganized the county system again; 47
new counties contained all urban as well as rural areas in their
boundaries, and each county was subdivided into several districts, which
numbered almost 300 in all. A British county provides police and fire
services, education, social-welfare services, public transport, traffic
regulation, consumer protection, libraries, and some highways and parks.
The county council is the general governing board of a county; it is a
large body, with 50 to 100 popularly elected members, and much of its
basic administrative work is delegated to committees.

Outside the United Kingdom, the system of county government was adopted,
with variations, in most of the countries settled from Britain. In
Canada, however, the county system never became universal; where it
exists, the county councils are generally much smaller than in England.
New Zealand has had county councils since 1876. In Australia the
administrative unit is generally called the shire, though the name
county is used for larger areas.

(From the Encyclopaedia)

Unit 7

Grammar: 1. Participle I (Present Participle Active).

2. Continuous Tenses.

3. Безличные предложения с местоимением it.

4. Особые случаи образования множественного числа существительных.

I. Language Practice

1. Practise the fluent reading and correct intonation:

( Well… `Let me ( see… `Let me ( think… By the ( way… They
( say… ( First. `First of ( all… In `my o(pinion… To `my mind…
To `tell the ( truth… I `don’t quite ( follow you. It’s `not to the (
point. `Keep to the ( point. `Generally ( speaking… As `far as I (
know… As to ( me… In ( fact… The matter ( is that… In `any (
case… `Go a(head. On the ( one hand… On the ( other hand… Above (
all … Let’s get down to … To `sum it ( up… `On the ( whole… `All
in ( all… `After ( all… In `short… `That ex( plains it. Let’s
round ( off.

2. Listen to the speaker; read and memorize the following words and

responsibility – ответственность

similar – подобный

speciality [`spe((lti] – амер. специальность

human – человеческий

issue – вопрос

manufacturing personnel – производственный персонал

schedule [`(edju:l] – инвентарь, график

raw materials – сырье

smoothness – бесперебойность, плавность

assets – средства, фонды

excessive inventories – чрезмерные запасы

sacrificing – недостаточный, убыточный

delivery – поставка

advantage – преимущество

current cost – текущие издержки

Text. Production Management THE “FIVE M’S”

Operations management (known in industry as production management) is a
responsibility similar in level and scope to other specialties such as
marketing and to human resource and financial management. In
manufacturing operations, production management includes responsibility
for product and process design, planning and control issues involving
capacity and quality, and organization and supervision of the workforce.

Production management’s responsibilities are summarized by the “five
M’s”: men, machines, methods, materials, and money. “Men” refers to the
human element in operating systems. Since the vast majority of
manufacturing personnel work in the physical production of goods,
“people management” is one of the production manager’s most important

The production manager must also choose the machines and methods of the
company, first selecting the equipment and technology to be used in the
manufacture of the product or service and then planning and controlling
the methods and procedures for their use. The flexibility of the
production process and the ability of workers to adapt to equipment and
schedules are important issues in this phase of production management.

The production manager’s responsibility for materials includes the
management of flow processes-both physical (raw materials) and
information (paperwork). The smoothness of resource movement and data
flow is determined largely by the fundamental choices made in the design
of the product and in the process to be used.

The manager’s, concern for money is explained by the importance of
financing and asset utilization to most manufacturing organizations. A
manager who allows excessive inventories to build up or who achieves
level production and steady operation by sacrificing good customer
service and timely delivery runs the risk

подобная по уровню и объему; человеческие ресурсы и управление
финансовой деятельностью; вопросы, включающие производственные мощности
и качество; ответственность за управление произ-водством; подавляющее
большинство; «взаимоотношения с людьми»; методы и действия для их
использования; гиб-кость производственного процесса; как физические, так
и информационные; плавность движения ресурсов и посту-пления данных;
временное конкурентное преимущество.

4. Answer the following questions:

What is operations management?

What does production management include in manufacturing operations?

What are the «five M’s»?

Why is «people management» one of the production manager’s most
important responsibilities?

How must the production manager choose the machines and methods of the

In what phase of production management the flexibility of the production
process is an important issue?

What does the production manager’s responsibility for materials include?

How is the manager’s concern for money explained?

What manager runs the risk?

Will high current costs wipe out any temporary competitive advantage?

III. Grammar Exercises

ing — forms

noun adjective gerund participle I

(pricing) (managing) (delivering) (smb. working)

Active Voice

Continuous Tenses

(Progressive) be Participle I

(verb + ing) Time Markers

Present Continuous am, is, are



Past Continuous was, were

asking (((((((((


Future Continuous shall (will) be



5. Write down the following verbs in the form of Participle I.

1. to manage, to know, to include, to involve, to refer, to operate, to
work, to select, to control, to plan, to determine, to explain, to
finance, to get, to study, to write, to persuade, to increase, to die.

6. Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to
the functions of Participle I:

Marketing concentrates primarily on the buyers, or consumers,
determining their needs and desires, educating them, developing
strategies to persuade them to buy.

For retailers, the use of catalogs makes it possible to do business
considerably beyond their usual trading area.

The whole month I was working hard. We were auditing accounts of a joint

The State Tax Service in Russia is a new organization but its role is
becoming very important because more and more new businesses are
appearing in the country.

The majority of corporations are small, differing little in their
characteristics from other forms of business.

An Italian delegation arrived yesterday. At 9 we were meeting the
delegation at the airport, at 12 we were having lunch, at 2 we were
discussing the contract.

Those who interpret the voting incorrectly, producing too much or too
little, or charging a price that is too low, do not earn profits.

At least half the nation’s 50 leading corporations have mail-order

You phoned at 9.15, didn’t you? We were discussing our business plan at
that time.

Also carving its own niche is telephone marketing.

sunny rainy frosty cloudy

and hot and foggy and snowy and windy

7. Look at the pictures. Ask and answer the question as in the model:

Model: A. What’s the weather like today?

B. It’s hot and dry.

8. Read the dialogue and make up your own dialogue:

A. Look, Ann, is it cold outside?


Образование множественного числа существительных греческого и латинского

Единственное число Множественное число

datum[`deit(m] данная величина data [`deit(]

addendum[(`dend(m] добавление addenda [(`dend(]

erratum[i`reit(m] ошибка (опечатка) errata [i`reit(]


[mem(`r nd(m] меморандум memoranda

[mem(`r nd(]

phenomenon[fi`n(min(n] явление phenomena [fi`n(min(]

criterion[krai`ti(ri(n] критерий criteria [krai`ti(ri(]

basis[`beisis] базис bases [`beisi:z]

crisis[`kraisis] кризис crises [`kraisi:z]

analysis[(`n lisis] анализ analyses [(`n lisi:z]

thesis[`(i:sis] диссертация theses [`(i:si:z]

stimulus[`stimjul(s] стимул stimuli [`stimjulai]

index[`ind(ks] индекс, indexes [`ind(ks(s]

указатель indices [`indisi:z]

apparatus[(p(`reit(s] аппарат apparatus [(p(`reit(s]

9. Read the text and retell it in Russian:

Science and Technology in Britain

Since the first artificial splitting of the atom at Cambridge, in 1932,
by Sir John Cockcroft and Dr. E. T. S. Walton, Britain’s nuclear
scientists have made continuous progress in harnessing atomic energy.
Today eight commercial nuclear power stations are supplying electricity
for factories and homes and others are being built. Some of Britain’s
top scientists are engaged in space research on projects such as upper
atmosphere probes with British-built rockets at Woomera, Australia, and
inwork on satellite communications. Others are making vital discoveries
in the laboratory into the very nature of life itself.

Britain is pre-eminent in radio astronomy and in many fields of
electronics including miniaturisation. one of the most important factors
in the electronics revolution, and in radar for marine and aviation
purposes. Much basic work was done in Britain on electronic computers.
British advances in medicine include penicillin and other antibiotics,
such as cephalosporins, heart-lung machines, a new anti-viral agent,
Interferon, of great potential value and many other important
developments in the treatment of disease.

British contributions to science include many great discoveries linked
with famous names – Sir Isaac Newton (theory of gravitation), Robert
Boyle (“the father of modern chemistry”), Michael Faraday (whose
discoveries gave rise to the electrical industry), and Henry Cavendish
(properties of hydrogen). In the present century – J. J. Thomson, Lord
Rutherford and Sir James Chadwick (basic work on nuclear science),
Gowland Hopkins (the existence of vitamins), Sir William Bragg (X-ray
analysis), and many others. Medicine owes much to such pioneers as
William Harvey (circulation of the blood), Edward Jenner (vaccination),
Joseph Lister (antiseptics). Sir Ronald Ross (who proved the relation
between malaria and mosquitoes).

Since 1945 there have been 27 British scientists who have received
international recognition for their work by gaining Nobel awards. There
are over 200 learned scientific societies in Britain. In ten years
Britain has doubled her total number of qualified scientists.

10. Translate English jokes:

Which of You Three?

A. – Hallo? Is that Ted Wells?

B. – Yes. Who is speaking?

A. – Sam.

B. – Who? I don’t hear.

A. – I say Sam: Sid, Ada, Mary. Do you hear?

B. – Yes, I do. But which of three is speaking?

( ( ( ( (

Mother: Well, what is Mary doing?

Jane: Well, if the ice is as thick as she thinks, she is skating, but if
the ice is as thin as I think, she is swimming.

Unit 8

Grammar: 1. Правила согласования времен. Косвенная речь.

2. Future-in-the-Past.

3. Бессоюзные определительные предложения.

4. This-these, that-those как заменители ранее стоящего

I. Language Practice

1. Practise the fluent reading and correct intonation:

`Are you `going to the ( shop?

( Yes, I ( am. ( No, I am ( not.

`Are you `waiting for a ( taxi or for a ( bus.

I am `waiting for a ( bus.

`What are you ( doing?

I am `reading a ( magazine.

`What `magazine are you ( reading?

I am `reading an `English ( magazine.

`Where are you ( going?

I am `going to the ( theatre.

`Who is `going to the theatre ( with you?

My `friend ( is.

`Why are you sitting ( here?

I’m `sitting ( because I’m ( tired.

`What were you `doing when I `came ( in?

I was `looking for my `new ( slides.

2. Listen to the speaker; read and memorize the following words and

hardware store – магазин скобяных товаров

sophomore [`s(f(m(:] – студент-второкурсник

stock – склад

job market – рынок труда

supervisor – контролер

employee [(empl(i`i:] – служащий

inventory – инвентаризация

skill – умение, практический опыт

to hint – намекать

establish – основывать

loan – кредит

labor coast – издержки на оплату рабочей силы

in the long run – впоследствии

promotion – продвижение по службе

incentive – стимул

Text A. How Competition Benefits Us All.

In a competitive market, producers constantly strive to reduce their
production costs as a way to increase profits. The increased efficiency
that allows them to reduce their costs also enables producers to sell
their goods at a lower price. Thus, by promoting efficiency, competition
leads to lower prices.

Competition also motivates producers to improve the quality and increase
the variety of goods and services. Consumers soon learn which brand
offers the best value, and that firm will earn greater profits than its
competitors. Similarly, producers in a competitive market must
constantly look for new and attractive goods and services to win a
larger share of the market.

As firms compete for consumer’s dollar in a market, their efforts lead
to the production of a variety of better-quality products at the lowest
possible prices. And since we are all consumers, it follows that
competition benefits us all.

Text B. Competition in Many Markets: An Example.

On weekends during the school year and in the summer, David Scott works
in a small local hardware store. When he began his job, as a sophomore,
he was a stock clerk, and he thought himself lucky to have any job. Each
year there had been a lot of competition for jobs in his city,
especially in May and June when college students entered the local job
market. In the spring of his senior year David decided to be more
selective about where he worked and how much he earned. He decided to
ask his boss for a raise to become a supervisor of the younger employees
at the store.

He told his boss that since he learned the computer-assisted inventory
and ordering system and other special skills he was more valuable, and
should be paid accordingly. He hinted that he might seek employment
elsewhere. Another store in town was advertising for someone with his

David’s boss, Jay Richards, the entrepreneur who had established the
small hardware store two years earlier, faced competition every day.
Since starting his business, he had been in competition with other
buyers and sellers in the marketplace. He competed with other buyers
when he purchased the land for his store. He competed with other
borrowers when he applied for his bank loan. He competed every week for
the best deals on the goods he bought from his wholesalers. Jay knew
that he also had to compete for customers with other hardware stores.

One of his major expenses was labor. He had to keep his labor costs down
to meet his other expenses and earn a profit. He knew that David would
cost him more, but he decided to pay him the higher wage because David
had acquired skills that made him more productive. Jay reasoned that
David’s experience and knowledge would help the business to save money
in the long run.

Supply and Demand.

David was also free to sell his labor somewhere else. He could have
competed with others for another job. From the newspaper ad he knew at
least one other job was available. Maybe there were others. He wasn’t
sure. He also wasn’t sure about the supply of other workers with his
skills. He wondered whether he would get the raise and promotion if
there were lots of people who could do the job.

David’s boss was also free to interview and hire other workers. In their
own ways David and Jay were both trying to get what each thought would
be best. They were competing.

Profit Motive and Competition.

Competition drives Jay Richards to do what he can to reduce costs and
increase sales in order to increase profits. Of course, his competitors
will be doing this too. They also want to earn the greatest profits. The
profit motive (the efforts to maximize profits) is free enterprise’s
most important incentive.

II. Exercises on the Text:

3. Text A. Give English equivalents to:

производители пытаются сократить издержки производства; дает возможность
производителям продавать свои товары; путем повышения эффективности;
конкуренция побуждает производителей; эта фирма получит большую прибыль;
искать новые и привлекательные товары и услуги; конкуренция приносит
пользу всем нам.

4. Text B. Ask questions for these answers (work in pairs):

David Scott usually works on weekends during the school year in summer.

He was a stock clerk.

It was in May and June because college students entered the local job

He was going to become a supervisor of the younger employees at the

He learned the computer-assisted inventory and ordering system and other
special things.

Another store in town was advertising for someone with his skills.

He had established the small hardware store two years earlier.

He had been in competition with other buyers and sellers.

When he purchased the land for his store.

Yes, he did. He competed with other borrowers.

Yes, he did. He knew that he also had to compete for customers.

Because David had acquired skills that made him more productive.

5. Combine the words into sentences. Translate them into Russian.

could, his labor, David, else, sell, somewhere.

one other job, knew, from the newspaper ad, he, was available, at least.

who, there, many people, were, the same job, do, could.

entrepreneurs, always, and, competing, employees, are.

wanted, to reduce, in order to increase, Jay Richards, costs, and,
profits, increase sales.

incentive, the profit motive, most important, is free, enterprise’s.

III. Grammar Exercises

I hope your friend will come and see us on Sunday.

I hoped…

This statistician thinks he will get the latest data.

This statistician thought…

My friend is sure his profession is better than mine.

My friend was sure…

I think they televise international economic events.

I thought…

The manager believes that the work was done thoroughly.

The manager believed … and so he didn’t check it himself.

Mother was sure that her son made good progress at the institute.

Mother was sure … since the holiday.

We are afraid the firm won’t earn great profits.

We were afraid…

I am happy they call me up now and then.

I was happy…

7. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the Sequence of

I asked Mr. Olegov where he lived.

He said that he lived in Moscow.

He told me that he worked at a large plant and described where the plant

I told him that I knew the plant because I had worked there for about
two years.

I said that I didn’t work there any longer because I was studying at the
Institute of Finance and Economics.

Mr. Olegov asked me if I knew the economists working at the plant.

I told him that I knew most of them.

He told me that the plant had greatly increased its production and was
producing almost three times more goods than four years ago.

The other day the manager was asked if he would introduce the new
machine constructed by one of the workers with the help of the

He answered that he would do it as soon as the tests were completed.

Indirect Speech.

Indefinite Continuous Perfect Prefect Continuous

Главное предло-жение write

пишет (вообще) am writing пишет (сейчас) have written

написал (уже) have been writing

пишет (уже сейчас) Present

( ( ( (

Past He said (that) wrote

пишет was writing

писал (вчера в 7 часов) had written

написал вчера к 7 часам) had been writing

писал (вчера уже 3 часа, когда…) Past



Он сказал (что) shall/will write

напишет (завтра) will be writing

будет писать (завтра в 7 часов) will have written

напишет (завтра к 7 часам) will have been writing будет писать (завтра
уже 3 часа, когда…) Future

( ( ( (

would write would be writing would have written would have been writing

При обращении прямой речи в косвенную происходит следующая замена
наречий места, времени и указательных местоимений.

Direct Speech Indirect Speech

now сейчас then тогда

here здесь there там

this, these это, этот, эти that/those тот, то, те

today сегодня that day в этот день

tomorrow завтра (the) next day, the following day на следующий день

yesterday вчера the day before, the previous day накануне

next week/year на следующей неделе/на будущий год the next week/ year на
следующей неделе/в следующем году

last week на прошлой неделе the previous week за неделю до

last year в прошлом году the year before за год до

Special Questions

Direct Speech Indirect Speech

He asks me, «Where do you live?» He asks (me) where I live.

He asked her, «Where does your father work?» He asked her where her
father worked.

He asked me, «Where did your father work?» He asked me where my father
had worked.

General Questions

Direct Speech Indirect Speech

He asks me, «Are you a worker?» He asks me if I am a worker.

He asked me, «Are you a worker?» He asked (me) if I was a worker.

He asked her, «Were you a student?» He asked (her) if she had been a

8. Put the verbs in brackets into their correct forms:

1. I thought that you (to arrive) at some decision.

2. I believed that a long-term loan (to be) absolutely necessary for
that program.

3. I didn’t know if you (to apply) for this job.

4. They said they (to work) seven hours a day.

5. Did he say that there (to be) a lot of problems with this agreement?

6. The manager said that we (to need) to reduce the amount of corporate
income tax.

9. Change the direct speech into indirect speech:

1. The manager asked, «Does this project require long term financing?»

2. The director asked, «Are we repaying debts in due time?»

3. He asked, «Did this debt carry interest?»

4. The head of the company asked the Board of Directors, «Are we able to
repay the loan?»

5. The manager asked the customer, «Can you wait a little longer?»

6. The customer asked, «Were the terms specified in any agreement?»

10. Translate the following sentences:

1. Markets provide a kind of economic polling booth for buyers to cost
their votes for the goods and services they want.

2. Promotion is a key part of marketing because it is the way business
get their messages to consumers.

3. Economists focus on the way in which individuals, groups, enterprises
and governments seek to achieve efficiently any economic objective they

4. Let’s suppose that you recently managed to save enough to buy the CD
player you always wanted.

11. Translate the sentences:

1. The railways of Russia are much longer than those of England.

2. The climate of the Crimea is warmer then that of the Ural.

3. Our resources of oil are greater than those of Poland.

4. The rivers in the West of our country are not so long as those in the
Eastern part.

12. Translate the following. Try to understand the meaning of suffixes:

Example: watch (N) – watchful (A)

наблюдение – наблюдательный

life (N) – lifeless (A)

жизнь – безжизненный

1. a sleepless night; 2. moonless night; 3. childless family; 4.
helpless people; 5. wonderful evening; 6. a starless black sky; 7. a
watchful man; 8. landless farmers; 9. a jobless man; 10. a powerful
monopoly; 11. a hopeful project; 12. a painful problem.

13. Translate English jokes.

The young candidate for admission to the navy was being given a test to
determine his general education. One of the questions puts to him was:
«What kind of animals eat grass?» The young man fidgeted and looked out
of the window, but apparently could think of no answer.

«Come, come», said the admiral who was examining him, «Surely, you can
answer a simple question like that: what kinds of animals eat grass?»

The boy brightened up. «Animals!» he exclaimed, «I thought you said

2. Пассивные конструкции характерные для английского языка.

3. Формы инфинитива.

I. Language Practice

1. Practise the fluent reading and correct intonation:

— Hel(lo, Tom!

— Hel(lo, Nick (. Here you ( are at last. `What have you been doing (
all this `time?

— You ( see. I’ve been `awfully ( busy `all this ( week. I’ve `got a
( new job.

— `What `sort of ( job?

— I’m an `assistant at a ( lab.

— ,Congratu(`lations, old ( chap! The `work must be very ( interesting.

— Oh ( yes, it ( is.

— `What is the ( `salary?

— The ( same as `that of `all the ( other assistants. `Quite enough to (
live on and to ( put by a little.

2. Read and translate. Mind stress and pronunciation in the following
nouns and verbs.

export import progress record transport

`expo:t n `impo:t n `prou(res n `reko:d n `tr nspo:t n

eks`po:t v im`po:t v pr(`gres v ri`ko:d v tr ns`po:t v

conflict increase outlay produce retail

`k(nflikt n `inkri:s n `autlei n `pr(dju:s n `ri:teil n

k(n`flikt v in`kri:s v aut`lei v pr(`dju:s v ri:`teil v


partnership – компания, товарищество

common law – общее право

civil law – гражданское право

to be entitled – иметь право

to provide – предусматривать

dormant partner – пассивный партнер

to be liable for smb’s debts – нести ответственность за чьи-либо долги

obligations – обязательство

incur – нести, навлекать на себя что-либо

to invisage [in`vizi(] – рассматривать

shareholder – акционер

board of directors – правление директоров

regime [rei`(i:m] – зд. система правления

managing director – директор-распорядитель

to authorize – уполномачивать

to appoint – назначать

general supervision – общий надзор

issue – выпуск

share – акция

bond – облигация

borrowing – заем

executing officer – управляющий делами

treasurer – амер. заведующий

to confide to – поручать кому-либо

remuneration – оплата, заработная плата

to dismiss – увольнять

to vest powers – наделять полномочиями

Text. Management and Control of Companies

The simplest form of management is the partnership. In Anglo-American
common-law and European civil-law countries, every partner is entitled
to take part in the management of the firm’s business, unless he is a
limited partner; however, a partnership agreement may provide that an
ordinary partner shall not participate in management, in which case he
is a dormant partner but is still personally liable for the debts and
obligations incurred by the other managing partners.

The management structure of companies or corporations is more complex.
The simplest is that envisaged by English, Belgian, Italian, and
Scandinavian law, by which the shareholders of the company periodically
elect a board of directors who collectively manage the company’s affairs
and reach decisions by a majority vote. Under this regime it is common
for a managing director (directeur general, direttore generale) to be
appointed, often with one or more assistant managing directors, and for
the board of directors to authorize them to enter into all transactions
needed for carrying on the company’s business, subject only to the
general supervision of the board and to its approval of particularly
important measures, such as issuing shares or bonds or borrowing. The
U.S. system is a development of this basic pattern. By the laws of most
states it is obligatory for the board of directors elected periodically
by the shareholders to appoint certain executive officers, such as the
president, vice president, treasurer, and secretary. The latter two have
no management powers and fulfill the administrative functions that in an
English company are the concern of its secretary; but the president and
in his absence the vice president have by law or by delegation from the
board of directors the same full powers of day-to-day management as are
exercised in practice by an English managing director.

The most complex management structures are those provided for public
companies under German and French law. The management of private
companies under these systems is confided to one or more managers
(gerants, Geschaeftsfuehrer) who have the same powers as managing
directors. In the case of public companies, however, German law imposes
a two-tier structure, the lower tier consisting of a supervisory
committee (Aufsichtsrat) whose members are elected periodically by the
shareholders and the employees of the company in the proportion of
two-thirds shareholder representatives and one-third employee
representatives (except in the case of mining and steel companies where
shareholders and employees are equally represented) and the upper tier
consisting of a management board (Vorstand) comprising one or more
persons appointed by the supervisory committee but not from its own
number. The affairs of the company are managed by the management board,
subject to the supervision of the supervisory committee, to which it
must report periodically and which can at any time require information
or explanations. The supervisory committee is forbidden to undertake the
management of the company itself, but the company’s constitution may
require its approval for particular transactions, such as borrowing or
the establishment of branches overseas, and by law it is the supervisory
committee that fixes the remuneration of the managers and has power to
dismiss them.

The French management structure for public companies offers two
alternatives. Unless the company’s constitution otherwise provides, the
shareholders periodically elect a board of directors (conseil
d’administration), which “is vested with the widest powers to act on
behalf of the company” but which is also required to elect a president
from its members who “undertakes on his own responsibility the general
management of the company,” so that in fact the board of directors’
functions are reduced to supervising him. The similarity to the German
pattern is obvious.

Dutch and Italian public companies tend to follow the German pattern of
management, although it is not expressly sanctioned by the law of those
countries. The Dutch commissarissen and the Italian sindaci, appointed
by the shareholders, have taken over the task of supervising the
directors and reporting on the wisdom and efficiency of their management
to the shareholders.

II. Exercises on the Text:

4. Give Russian equivalents to:

every partner is entitled to take part in; a partnership agreement may
provide; he is a dormant partner; personally liable for debs and
obligations; who collectively manage the company’s affairs; by a
majority vote; under this regime; to enter into all transactions;
approval of particular important measures; issuing shares or bonds; by
the law of most states; to appoint certain executive officers; to
fulfill the administrative functions; the same full powers of day-to-day

the management of private companies; in the case of public companies; a
two-tier structure; supervisory committee; two-third shareholder
representatives and employees; the affairs of the company; which can
require information or explanations; to forbid to undertake the
management; approval for particular transactions; establishment of
branches overseas; to fix remuneration ; to offer two alternatives; on
behalt of the company; the similarity is obvious; it is not expressly
sanctioned by the law; reporting on the wisdom and efficiency.

5. Ask questions for these answers (work in pairs):

Every partner is entitled to take part in the management of the firm’s

The management structure of companies or corporations is more complex.

The company periodically elects a board of directors.

They reach decisions by a majority vote.

Particularly important measures are issuing shares or bonds or

Yes, it is. The U.S. system is a development of this basic pattern.

The board of directors appoints certain executive officers.

The treasurer and secretary fulfill the administrative functions.

The most complex management structures are in Germany and France.

It is confided to one or more managers.

German law imposes a two-tier structure in the case of public companies.

The affairs of the company are managed by the management board.

It must report to the supervisory committee.

The supervisory committee is forbidden to undertake the management of
the company itself.

It fixes the remuneration of the managers.

The French management structure offers two alternatives.

Yes, it is. A board of directors «is vested with the widest powers to
act on behalt of the company».

The board of director’s functions are reduced to supervising the

They have taken over the task of supervising the directors.

6. Read, translate and analyze the scheme:

Organization of a Corporation


Board of Directors


Vice President

Vice President

Department Head

Department Head

Department Head

Department Head





III. Grammar Exercises

Formation of the Passive Tense Forms

Present Past

Indefinite I am (

He is ( invited

We are( I was (

He was ( invited

We were(

Continuous I am (

He is ( being

We are( invited I was (

He was ( being

We were ( invited

Perfect I have (

He has ( been

We have (invited I (

He ( had been

We ( invited

Perfect Continuous ————— ——————

Future Future in the Past

Indefinite I shall/will (

He will ( be invited

We shall/will ( I should/would (

He would ( be invited

We should/would (




Perfect I shall/will (

He will ( have been

We shall/will ( invited I should/would (

He would ( have been

We should/would ( invited

Perfect Continuous _____ _____

7. State the tense and voice form of the verbs:

can be divided; are owned; will be used; was provided; has been
expanded; is made; might have been obtained; shall be asked; is being
done; have been translated; should be called; were being built; was
followed; had been closed; will have been helped; would have been

8. Translate the sentences into Russian:

1. Don’t put on that funny hat. You will be laughed at. 2. I hope my
work will be approved of. 3. Our professor is always attentively
listened to. 4. In producing these things the new synthetic material has
been made use of. 5. His words were not taken notice of. 6. Will the
results of our work be referred to by? 7. The proposal was objected to
by. 8. She has always been well spoken of. 9. All the new data have been
looked through with great attention. 10. Where have you been? You have
been looked for everywhere.

9. Give the corresponding passive construction:

1. They will insist on your arrival. 2. They told us very interesting
news. 3. They do not allow people to own this plot of land. 4. They
asked me to take part in this conference, but I refused. 5. This boy
told a lie once, therefore nobody believes him now. 6. They speak much
of every new achievement in computer programmes. 7. I don’t think you
pay much attention to the obligations of your company. 8. Nobody
wondered at the excellent results of this business enterprise. 9. Have
you sent for the managing director? 10. They gave us all necessary
information. 11. I looked for the warranty card everywhere, but I could
not find it anywhere. 12. This executive officer took great care of the
advertising of their products.

10. Translate the following into Russian:

Since the beginning of that extraordinary era of economic progress
ushered in by the Industrial Revolution, old ways of conducting business
have been modified, and new forms of business organization have been

Unless an activity is specifically prohibited by law, no line of
business is closed to an owner.

Unless a limited partnership has been established, all parties equally
share the burden of loss and debts.

Some products are marketed most effectively by direct sale from
manufacturer to consumer.

Simple transactions are completed by clerks.

Displays must be supplied and set up, and cooperative advertising
programs may be worked out.

Store clerks should be trained in a knowledge of the manufacturer’s

The production plan must be made to meet fluctuating market demands.

Workers must be hired, trained, and assigned in synchronization with the
changing production processes and schedules.

Commodity analysis studies the ways in which a product or product group
is brought to market.

Forms of the Infinitive

Active Passive

Indefinite to ask — спрашивать

(V0) to be asked — быть опрошен-ным (спрашиваемым)

(to be + V3)

Continuous to be asking — спрашивать

(to be + V-ing) __________

Perfect to have asked — (уже) спросить (в прошлом)

(to have + V3) to have been asked — быть (уже) спрошенным (в прош-лом)

(To have been + V3)

Perfect Continuous to have been asking — спросить

(to have been + V-ing) __________

11. Define the form of the Infinitive:

to manage; to be informed; to have been over; to be improving; to have
been entering; to be investigated; must be raining; shall discuss; to
have been taken.

12. a) Form verbs using the suffix -en:

wide, deep, broad, strength, length, sharp, moist.

b) Form verbs from the following nouns using the suffix -ize:

victim, sympathy, patron, character, organ.

c) Form nouns from the following nouns and adjectives using the suffix

race, communist, capital, social, feudal, nominal.

13. Read the text and retell it in Russian:

Paul Samuelson (1915-) And Milton Friedman (1912-)

Two Views of the Proper Role of Government in the Economy

Paul Samuelson and Milton Friedman are two of America’s most
distinguished economists. In recognition of their achievements,
Samuelson was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1970 and Friedman
in 1976. Both spent most of their professional lives on the faculty of
major universities (Samuelson at the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, and Friedman at the University of Chicago). Given their
similarities, one would think that the two would also hold similar views
on economic issues. Nothing could be further from the truth. And, some
of their sharpest differences center on the question of what ought to be
the proper role of government in the economy.

Classical economists in the tradition of Adam Smith had long recognized
the need for government to provide goods and services that would not or
could not be provided by the private sector (like national defense). But
they urged that this participation be kept to a minimum.

But Samuelson argued that too many of the problems the classical
economists wanted to leave to the marketplace were not subject to its
influence. These externalities, affecting things like public health,
education, and environmental pollution, were not subject to the laws of
supply and demand. Consequently, it was up to government to establish
goals for the economy and use its powers to achieve them.

Milton Friedman sees things differently. Like the classical economists
of old, he regards supply and demand as the most powerful and
potentially beneficial economic forces. The best that government can do
to help the economy, in Friedman’s view, is to keep its hands off
business and allow the market to “do its thing.” The minimum wage laws
are a case in point. Whereas Samuelson endorses minimum wage laws as a
means of helping workers at the bottom of the income ladder, Friedman
would argue that by adding to unemployment, they harm the very people
they were designed to help. That is, he explains, by increasing labor
costs, minimum wage laws make it too expensive for many firms to hire
low-wage workers. As a result, those who might otherwise be employed are
laid off.

On the one hand, Samuelson endorses the concept of government-sponsored
programs such as public housing and food stamps as a means of reducing
poverty. Friedman, on the other hand, would prefer to give the poor
additional income and allow them to use the funds to solve their
problems without government interference. To apply this concept,
Friedman suggested the “negative income tax.” The graduated income tax
takes an increasing amount in taxes as one’s income rises. The negative
income tax would apply a sliding scale of payments to those whose income
from work fell below a stated minimum.

Unit 10

Grammar: 1. Функции инфинитива.

2. Инфинитив в функции определения и обстоятельства.

I. Language Practice

1. Practise the fluent reading and correct intonation:

Asking the Way.

— Ex(cuse(me, `can you `tell me the `way to Tra`falgar ( Square?

—( Certainly. `Go `down ( Regent ( Street | into ( Piccadilly ( Circus |
and `then `go `down the ( Haymarket.

— Ex(cuse me, ( sir, | but `would you `tell me where ( Hyde ( Park is?

— I ( really have no i(dea. I’m ( also a ( stranger here. You’d `better
ask the po(licemen over ( there. ( He’ll give you `all the infor`mation
you ( want.

— `Would you `mind ( telling me `how I can `get best from ( here to
`Hyde ( Park?

— ( Oh, | that’s a ( pretty `long ( way from here. Go as `far as the (
next corner | and `wait for a `bus with ( «Hyde ( Park» on it.

— Ex(cuse ( me, | `can you `tell me the `way to ( Hyde ( Park?

— ( Certainly. It’s about `fifteen `minutes’ run by `bus ( 9 from here.
If you `tell the con(ductor, | he’ll `put you ( down there.

— `One ( moment, ( sir. `Can I `get to `Hyde `Park by the (

— ( Sure. `Take the ( Under(ground | from ( Mansion, House.

— Ex(cuse ( me, | `am I right for ( Farringdon ( Road?

— No, madam. You are `going the ( wrong ( way. In ( fact, | in the
opposite di(rection.

— No. You’ll `have to `go ( back to the `bottom of `this ( road, | take
the ( first `turning on your ( left (`turn to the ( left),

to survive – выжить

internal funds – внутренние средства

expenses – расходы

depreciation – амортизация

replacing assets – замененные средства

wear out – изнашивать

retained earnings – нераспределенная прибыль

external funds – внешние средства

to borrow – брать взаймы

proprietorship – собственность

Text. The Sources of Business Funds

In many ways, money is to business what water is to plants. Plants need
water to begin life, to survive and to grow. Similarly, firms need money
to begin operations, to meet their day-to-day expenses and to expand.
Most of the money used by business comes from the sale of its products
and services. Since these funds come from within the firm they are
described as internal funds. The rest must come from outside, or
external sources.

Internal Funds. As a firm sells its products or services, it receives
money, which it uses to meet its expenses. One of these expenses,
depreciation, represents the cost of replacing assets (like tools,
machinery, and buildings) that wear out. Typically, businesses use
internal funds to cover the cost of depreciation.

The funds that remain after paying expenses are a firm’s profits or
earnings. Although the owners or stockholders could take it all for
themselves, in most instances some portion of the profits will be
retained by the business. Since its “retained earnings,” along with the
sum it set aside for depreciation came from within the firm, they are
known as internal funds. About 60 to 70 percent of a business firm’s
financing come from its internal sources.

External Funds. Sales do not remain constant from one season, or month
or week to the next. There are times when more money comes in to a
business than is needed to pay its bills. Similarly, at other times
there is not enough money coming in to cover operating costs. When this
happens, there are only four things that the firm can do:

dip into savings,


sell shares of stock (if it is a corporation) or seek additional capital
from the owners (if it is a partnership or proprietorship),

reduce spending.

II. Exercises on the Text:

3. Give English equivalents to:

во многих случаях; чтобы покрыть каждодневные расходы; большая часть
денег; остальные должны исходить извне; поскольку фирма продает свою
продукцию или услуги; чтобы покрыть издержки за амортизацию; в
большинстве примеров; выделять на амортизацию; они известны как
внутренние фонды; бывают времена; когда это происходит; продать долю в
акционерном капитале.

4. Complete as in the text and translate into Russian:

1. In many ways, money is to business what … 2. Plants need water …
3.Similarly, firms need money … 4. The rest must come from outline, or
… 5. As a firm sells its products or services, it receives money which
it uses … 6. Typically, business use internal funds…7.The funds that
remain after paying expenses are … 8. About 60 or 70 percent of a
business firm’s financing comes… 9. There are times when more money
comes in to a business than … 10. Similarly, at other times there is
not enough money coming in …

5. Sum up what the text says about:

money is to business;

the sources of coming money from;

the usage of internal funds

the four things that the firm can do

III. Grammar Exercises

Синтаксические функции инфинитива и способы их перевода на русский язык.


1. To answer is not easy Отвечать …

Часть сказуемого

To live is to create.

We are to create … творить


3. Science teaches you to create. … творить


4. The work to be done isn’t easy. … которую нужно сделать …

He was the first to answer this question. … кто ответил

… ответил


5. To answer this question you are to know the subject well. Чтобы
ответить …

Для ответа …

In order to work here you are to be an experienced specialist Для того,

6. State the forms and functions of the infinitive. Translate the

1. To complete a journey round the sun requires nearly 29 1/2 years.
2.Steel output is to go up in the next years. 3. To prolong this
discussion is to waste time. 4. I only want to be given my chance. 5.
Does this mean that to think is the same thing as to utter words? 6.
This record, one may assume, is to serve some subsequent purpose. 7. To
move in space calls for quite new concepts of energy. 8. He linked to be
looked upon as businessman. 9. Then an incident occurred to disturb the
monotony of life. 10. I have turned aside to discuss these matters.

7. Translate the following into Russian paying attention to the
Infinitive as an attribute:

1. There is one more phenomenon to be involved into this solution. 2.
The data to be analysed involve knowledge of production management’s
methods. 3. Dalton’s atomic theory was the first to make successful use
of the old Greek theory of atoms in chemistry. 4. The traditional role
of science is to make people healthy and the world a brighter place to
live in. 5. The Sun is the first object to be studied by rocket
astronomy. 6. All the attempts to confirm this suggestion have failed.
7. She gave him a list of a few books to be read. 8. I was present at an
experiment – perhaps, the thousandth to have taken place.

8. Translate the following into Russian paying attention to the
Infinitive as an adverbal modifier:

1. Laws were not made to be broken, laws were made to stay within.
2.Sometimes you retreat in order to advance. 3. The foreperson was too
busy to see anyone. 4. He was so weak as to unable to work. 5. The
executives found the problem too difficult to solve. 6. It’s still too
early to speak about the efficiency of this method. 7. In these areas
the land is too unproductive to support a flourishing agricultural
population. 8. The results of voting are enough to generate discussion
on the pages of learned periodicals.

9. Read and translate the dialogue:

Jay Richards is consulting his financial adviser:

Jay: As a matter of fact, I’m thinking of starting an automobile agency.
Could you tell me how I should finance this business?

Adv: Sure, Jay. If you’ve got some money of your own, you can operate on
a cash basis: no credit given, no money borrowed. But a firm of this
kind is usually a short lived one.

Jay: Shall I get credit from the bank then?

Adv; Not necessarily. You may just as well go to any insurance company
and they will be only glad to help you, or at least they will try to
show it.

Jay: Suppose I get their money to construct a building. But I’ll need a
lot more money to pay for the tools and equipment.

Adv: Oh, that’s not a problem either. The car manufacturers will pay for
it on a credit basis. And of course, you will get a loan from the bank
to pay other expenses.

Jay: But that will mean a lot of money! How shall I pay it back?

Adv: Don’t worry! The more money you invest the more rapid the progress
you will make. You will certainly have idle money very soon. But do not
let it stay idle. Invest and get profit out of it.

Jay: O.K. Thanks for the advice. I’ll call in later for more details, if
you don’t mind.

Adv: Of course I don’t. I’ll be glad to see you any time of the day.

10. Form abstract nouns with the help of given suffixes:

1. noun + -age

coin, cover, pilot, parent, pack, percent,

2. noun/adjective + -dom

free, wise, king

3. noun + -hood

neighbour, child, brother, mother

4. adjective + -(i)ty

mortal, electrical, minor, major

5. verb + -al

refuse, propose, arrive, dispose

11. Chose antonyms:

payment – a). expense; b). expenditure; c). nonpayment.

agreement – a). disagreement; b). refusal; c). reduction.

employment – a). occupation; b). unemployment; c). freedom.

useful – a). helpless; b). applied; c). harmful; d). useless.

12. Read the text and retell it in Russian:


Birmingham (England), city, seat of the metropolitan county of West
Midlands, central England. In 1974 the former municipal borough of
Sutton Coldfield was incorporated into the city. A major industrial
center, Birmingham is the second largest city in Great Britain. It is
the hub of the British metal goods industry and is served by a network
of railroads and highways. Among the principal metal products
manufactured are motor-vehicle parts, machine tools, brassware,
household utensils, sporting guns, and jewelry. Other important
manufactures include electrical equipment, glass, rubber products, and
chemicals. The city is located in an important coal-mining region.

Birmingham is the seat of the University of Birmingham (1900), the
University of Aston in Birmingham (1895), the University of Central
England in Birmingham (1992, formerly a polytechnic college), and
several technical schools. Cultural facilities include the large
Birmingham Museums and Art Gallery (1867), the Museum of Science and
Industry, the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, and the Birmingham
Repertory Theatre (1913). The city’s Municipal Bank (opened 1916) is the
only one of its kind in Great Britain. Birmingham churches include Saint
Philip’s Cathedral (1715), Saint Martin’s Parish Church in the Bull Ring
(13th century), and the Roman Catholic Saint Chad’s Cathedral (1841).
Other notable buildings are the neoclassical Town Hall (1834), the
Renaissance-style Council House (1881), and the modern Bull Ring
Shopping Centre.

Heavily bombed during World War II, the city has undergone extensive
rebuilding. Population (1981) 1,006,908; (1991 preliminary) 934,900.

Unit 11

Grammar: 1. Объектный инфинитивный оборот (The Objective Infinitive

2. Субъектный инфинитивный оборот (The Subjective Infinitive

I. Language Practice

1. Practise the fluent reading and correct intonation:

— `How did you `get on in your ( exams?

— I ( passed.

— (Congratu(lations! What ( `marks did you `get?

— Three ( fives and a ( four.

— `Well ( done. `Now you can re(lax and ( enjoy your`self for a `bit.

— ( Yes. It’s a `big re(lief.

2. Listen to the speaker; read and memorize the following words and

to engage – заниматься

trade – ремесло

occupation – занятие

county clerk – служащий округа

at will – по желанию, по усмотрению

power – право

charter – устав

consent – согласие

to terminate – заканчивать, завершать

to dissolve – расторгать, аннулировать

bankruptcy – банкротство

misconduct – дурное поведение

authority – полномочие

cash – наличные деньги

debt – долг

to mortgage – закладывать

good faith – добросовестность

dealings – торговые дела

to account – отвечать (за что-либо)

liability – ответственность

to permit – разрешать

Text. Partnership

Partnership, in law, term applied to an association of two or more
persons who have agreed to combine their labor, property, and skill, or
some or all of them, for the purpose of engaging in lawful business and
sharing profits and losses between them; in this definition the term
business includes every trade, occupation, and profession. The parties
forming such an association are known as partners. Partners may adopt a
fictitious name or use a real family name. In the U.S., most states
require the filing of a certificate of partnership with the county clerk
when an assumed name is used. The agreement to form a partnership is
known as a partnership contract, the most important provision of which
spells out the manner in which profits are to be distributed.

A partnership can be formed only by contract; the Statute of Frauds
requires the agreement to be in writing if the term exceeds one year;
failure to comply results in a partnership at will. Any number of
persons may contract to form a partnership, and firms of partners may
enter into partnership with one another. By contrast, in most states, a
corporation has no power to enter into a partnership unless such power
is expressly given in the corporate charter. New members may be admitted
into an existing partnership only with the consent of all the partners.
The agreement of partnership generally is for a definite term of years;
if no duration is specified, it is said to be a partnership at will and
can be terminated at any time by any partner. By agreement of the
members, a partnership may be dissolved or terminated and the terms of
the partnership agreement modified at any time. Death or bankruptcy of a
partner, the insanity or misconduct of a partner, and the end of the
period fixed for the duration of the partnership also operate to
terminate the partnership.

A partner acts as an agent of the firm in the conduct of its business.
Authority to act depends not only on the express powers given to a
partner by the partnership agreement, but also on the implied powers
resulting from the partnership relation and the nature of the business
conducted. In the case of a partnership formed to conduct a wholesale or
retail business, for example, a partner has implied power to borrow
money for trade purposes, to buy on cash or credit, to make contracts
and negotiable instruments to hire employees, to pay firm debts and sell
or mortgage property for that purpose and to receive payment of debts
owed the firm. A partner must, however, exercise the highest degree of
good faith in all dealings with the other partners, devote time and
attention to the partnership business, and must account to the other
partners for any secret profits made in the conduct of the partnership
business. The liability of a partner for partnership debts is said to be
unlimited, except when the partner is a limited one in a limited
partnership organized in accordance with the provisions of a state
statute permitting such limitation of liability.

II. Exercises on the Text:

3. Give English equivalents to:

термин, касающийся объединения двух или более лиц; термин деятельность
(бизнес) включает любое ремесло, занятие или профессию; фиктивное
название; заполнение сертификата товарищества; означает способ; если
срок превышает один год; корпорация не имеет права вступать в
товарищество; корпоративный устав; если не указана продолжительность; в
любое время любым партнером; умопомешательство или дурное поведение
партнера; осуществление своей деятельности; характер осуществляемой
деятельности; партнер приобрел право занимать деньги для торговых целей;
условия договоров для найма служащих; уделять время и внимание; в
соответствии с законом штата.

4. Complete as in the text and translate into Russian:

1. The parties forming such an association… 2. Partners may adopt a
fictitious name or use… 3. A partnership can be formed only… 4. New
members may be admitted into an existing partnership only with … 5.
… it is said to be a partnership at will and can be terminated at …
6. A partner acts as an agent to the firm in the conduct… 7. … for
example, a partner has implied power to borrow money for trade purposes?
To buy on cash or credit? To make contracts and negotiable instruments
to hire employees? To pay…8. The liability of partner for partnership
debts is said to be unlimited, except when partner is a limited one in a
limited partnership…

5. Sum up what the text says about:

partnership as a term in law;

the formulation of a partnership;

the terms of partnership agreement; partner’s authority;

the liability of a partner.

6. Imagine you are a firm’s manager. Using the following scheme answer
the questions:

1. How many departments are there at the company?

2. How many managers do work at the company?

3. What is in your opinion the most important department?

4.Are there any overseas branches?

III. Grammar Exercises

The Objective Infinitive Construction

V +

(действ. залог) N(общ.п)

Pron(объект.п) + Inf.

1. He considers the workers (them) to do it.

Он считает, что рабочие (они) сделают это.

2. It enabled the workers (them) to do it.

Это заставило рабочих (их) сделать это.

1. Придаточным дополнительным предложением с союзами что, чтобы, как.

2. Простым предложением.

Объектный инфинитивный оборот употребляется после глаголов,

Чувство и желание Чувственное восприятие Предполо-жение Умственную
деятель-ность Побуждение

to want – хотеть

to wish – желать

to desire – желать

to like – хотеть

to love – любить

to hate – ненавидеть to hear – слышать

to see – видеть

to watch – наблюдать

to observe – наблюдать

to feel – чувствовать

to notice – замечать to expect – ожидать

to suppose – предпологать

to consider – считать

to assume – полагать

to believe – полагать

to hold – полагать to think – думать

to know – знать

to understand – понимать

to find – обнаружить

to report – сообщать

to note – отмечать а) с “to”

to order – приказывать

to tell – велеть

to ask – просить

to get – заставлять

б) без “to”

to make – заставлять

to let – позволять

The Subjective Infinitive Construction

N(общ.п) +

Pron.(им.п.) V

(страд. залог)

(действ. залог) + Inf.

1. The workers (they) are considered to do it.

Считают, что рабочие (они) сделают это.

2. He appeared to be a brave man.

Он, как оказалось, храбрый человек.

3. This is likely to be the truth.

Это, вероятно, правда.

1. Придаточным предложением.

3. Простое предложение.

7. Express the following using simple sentences with Complex Object:

Example: I see how this woman goes to the factory every day.

I see this woman go to the factory every day.

1. I saw how the director explained the details of the plan. 2. We heard
how they spoke about their Institute. 3. The manager watches how the
employees enter the office. 4. I heard how the workers discussed the
problems they had to solve to increase the output. 5. We saw how they
used the equipment we sent them last month. 6. I heard how the engineer
explained the new methods of production.

8. Fill in the blanks with one of the following verbs in the form of the

arrive, cry, do, explain, go, get, hear, know.

1. Please stay with me, I don’t want you …. 2. David’s parents didn’t
want him … married. 3. She didn’t understand the story, so she asked
me … it to her. 4. Talk quietly. I don’t want anybody … us. 5.
You’re here early. We expected you … later. 6. It was a very sad film.
It made me …. 7. Please don’t tell Tom about my plan. I don’t want him
…. 8. What do you think about my problem? What do you advise me …?

9. Express the following using simple sentences with Complex Subject:

1. It is known that new economic theory is tested by practice. 2. It
seems that this approach ignores the objective conditions. 3. It is said
that you know the data very well. 4. It is understood that the seller
will help us to choose the necessary goods. 5. It is known that the
first reference to cotton has been made 2,500 years ago. 6. It is
believed that the wage incentive program will be adopted in May.

10. Transform the sentences using Complex Subject and the words in

Example: He has lost weight (seem).

He seems to lose weight.

1. You know a lot of our customers (seem). 2. Our product line is
getting better (appear). 3. That car has broken down (appear). 4. Our
executing officer forgets things (tend). 5. They have solved the problem
of variable expenses (claim). 6. The situation in this warehouse is more
difficult than we thought (seem).

11. Translate into Russian:

1. With more and better goods and services available everyone’s living
standard is likely to improve. 2. If producers expect prices to increase
in the future, they may increase their production. 3. When a budget has
expenses that exactly equal income, it is said to be balanced. 4. When
proposed expenses are greater than expected income, the budget is said
to have a deficit. 5. The proportional tax seems to be fair because
everyone pays the same rate. 6. When dollar values are down, overseas
sales are likely to increase. 7. Sellers in each country expect to be
paid in their own currency for the goods they sell to other countries.
8. The management of the firm wants them to report about the results or
their negotiations. 9. Such times of inflation and deflation are likely
to create hardships for many sectors of the economy. 10. Overall
employment in the industry is sure to decline as small farms are
consolidated into large farms and technology further reduces the need
for farm labour.

12. Give the meaning of the following words:

to employ, employee, employer, employment, unemployment, employed.

to pay, paid, payment, paying, payable, payer.

to own, own, ownership, owner.

to buy, bought, buyer.

to sell, seller, selling, sold.

to manage, management, manager, managing, manageable, managerial.

to market, market, marketing, marketability, marketable.

13. Read the text and retell it in Russian:

The United States of America

After its 200th birthday the United States of America still holds the
leading position in the western world. A country that inspired many
appelations – “Land of Opportunity,” “Melting Pot,” “God’s Country,” is
still referred to us as a land of superlatives -“the richest,” “the
greatest,” “the most.”

What makes the USA the leader of the western world is its economic,
political and military dominance over other countries.

The United States lies in the central part of the North American
Continent between the two oceans: the Atlantic Ocean to the East and the
Pacific Ocean to the West. Friendly Canada to the north and friendly
Mexico to the south are the only countries bordering it.

The USA consists of three separate parts. They are the Hawaiian Islands,
situated in the central part of the North American continent of the
Pacific Ocean, Alaska separated by the Canadian territory and the rest
major part of the USA. The states differ very much in size, population
and economic development.

There are many big cities and towns in the USA: New York, San Francisco,
Washington, Chicago, Los Angeles are the biggest of them.

The United States of America is a parlamentary republic. The government
is divided into three branches: legislative (the US Congress), executive
(the President and his Administration) and judicial (the US Supreme

There are two main political parties in the USA: the Democratic
(symbolized by a “donkey”) and the Republican (its symbol is an
“elephant”). The US President is both head of state and government. He
is elected for a four-year term. Presidential elections are held every
leap year on first Tuesday after first Monday in November. The President
is assisted by Secretaries who are the heads of the executive
departments. The Supreme Court consists of Chief Justice and eight
Associate Justices who are appointed for life. It is supposed to decide
whether a law of the Congress or an executive order of the President is
constitutional or not.

The form of US government is based on the Constitution of September 17,
1787, adopted after the War of Independence. In December 1791, the
Congress adopted ten amendments to the Constitution, known as the Bill
of Rights. The latter enumerated what the government controlled by the
oligarchy was not going to be allowed to do, which was, of couse, an
important democratic gain for people.

The Congress of the United States is composed of two houses, the Senate
and the House of Representatives. The Senate represents the states and
the House represents the population according to its distribution among
the states. All states have electoral requirements of the same nature.
First of all they are residence requirements.

Through its power over the purse, the US Congress can control much that
relates to foreign policy, also it is a governmental body that
determines taxation.

Each of the fifty states of the USA has a constitution patterned after
the federal Constitution, with its divisions of power: legislative,
executive, and judicial.

The Presidency means not only a man: means an institution – the
“executive branch” of the government.

Unit 12

Grammar: 1. Герундий.

2. Герундиальные обороты.

I. Language Practice

1. Practise the fluent reading and correct intonation:

— `Can you re`duce your `prices at `least by ( 3 per `cent?

— ( Well, I don’t `think we ( can, the `world ( `prices have `recently
`gone ( `up, you ( know. ( Besides, we’ve `made some ( modifi`cations
and improved the ( design.

— That’s ( `true, We’ve ( `seen that, but we’d `like you to reduce the (
`prices be`cause we are `going to `place a `very `big (`order.

— Will a `two per `cent dis`count off the `price be ( acceptable?

— That’s `just what we were `going to ( ask you about.

— ( Settled.

2. Listen to the speaker; read and memorize the following words and

money supply – денежная масса

advice – сiaao, консультация

lender – кредитор

to rediscount – переучитывать

discount rate – учетная ставка

to withdraw – изымать

currency – деньги, валюта

account – счет

deposit – вклад

for collection – на инкассо (денежный сбор)

to transfer – перевод, перечисление

the Treasury – казначейство

to issue – выпускать

to redeem – погашать

securities – ценные бумаги, акции

Text. The Federal Reserve System

The Federal Reserve System, or the Fed as it is often called, was
created by an act of Congress in 1913. The Fed, the nation’s central
bank, is made up of a Board of Governors, 12 district banks, and two
committees: the Open Market Committee and the Federal Advisory Council.

Board of Governors. The Board of Governors establishes policies for the
system. It consists of seven persons appointed by the President for
14-year terms.

Twelve District Banks. The Federal Reserve System is built around 12
geographic districts. District Federal Reserve banks supervise banking
in each of these areas.

Open Market Committee. The Open Market Committee is made up of the seven
members of the Board of Governors and presidents of five of the district
banks. Its primary responsibility is to regulate the nation’s money

Federal Advisory Council. The Federal Advisory Council does just that:
it offers advice on the nation’s financial problems. It is comprised of
12 prominent commercial bankers, one selected from each district.

As the nation’s central bank, the Federal Reserve System has four
separate and distinct roles that profoundly affect the economy:

Provides banking services for financial institutions;

Serves as federal government’s bank;

Supervises member banks;

Manages the nation’s supply of money and credit.

Provides banking services for financial institutions. The Fed provides
the kinds of services for banks that banks provide for public. The
Federal Reserve Banks hold the reserves of the member banks, i.e. the
commercial banks which are members of the Federal Reserve System. The FR
Banks supply the member banks with currency if necessary and act to them
as lenders by rediscounting bills. The Board determines the reserve
requirements of the commercial banks. The Board too really determines
discount rates. The Board discount rate corresponds in nature to the
English Bank rate, though the Federal Reserve Banks do not always have
the same discount rate.

Hold deposit accounts. Banks keep their reserves and other funds on
deposit in a kind of checking account at their district bank.

Make loans. Financial institutions, like most businesses must borrow
from time to time. When this happens they can go to the Fed for a loan.

Transfer funds. The Federal Reserve System’s wire services and computers
enable local banks to transfer funds from one to the other almost

Banker to the Federal Government. The Federal Reserve banks function as
the federal government’s banker. They maintain the Treasury Department’s
«checking account» and issue and redeem government bonds and other

Supervises and regulates the nation’s banking system. The Federal
Reserve System, along with a number of other agencies, is charged with
establishing the rules of behaviour for the banking system in general,
and its individual institutions in particular. The purpose of these
rules is to ensure the safety and soundness of the agencies that handle
our funds.

Managers the supply of money and credit. One of the principal
responsibilities of the Fed is to see what the nation needs. In addition
to the Controller of the Currency and the FDIC (Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation), the Federal Reserve supervises nationally
chartered and state-chartered banks and state banking agencies.

All national banks must be members of the Federal Reserve System.
Incorporated state banks including commercial banks, mutual savings
banks, trust companies, and industrial banks may also join the System.

Incorporated banks are those which have a charter from the state to act
as an individual. Mutual savings banks are savings banks owned by their
depositors. Industrial banks make loans for the purchase or manufacture
of industrial products.

II. Exercises on the Text:

3. Give Russian equivalents to:

the nation’s central bank; Board of Governors; the Open Market
Committee; the Federal Advisory Council; for 14-year terms; supervise
banking; is made up of the seven members; the nation’s money supply; it
offers advice; prominent commercial bankers; profoundly affect; to act
as lenders; corresponding in nature; banks draw currency; the checks are
credited to the deposits’ accounts; are presented for collection; from
time to time; wire services; almost instantaneously; government bond and
other securities; establishing the rules of behavior; in general; in
particular; the safety and soundness; the amount of money and credit in
circulation; nationally charted; state-charted; incorporated state
banks; mutual savings banks; trust companies.

4. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the Fed? 2. When was the Fed created? 3. What is the
structure of the Fed? 4. What are the main functions of the Board of
Governors? 5. How many Reserve Districts are there in the U.S.A? 6. What
is the primary responsibility of the Open Market Committee? 7. Does the
Federal Advisory Council offer advice on the nation’s financial
problems? 8. What are the main roles of the Fed? 9. How does the FR
Banks work with the member banks? 10. What are presented to the district
banks for collection? 11. What are the ways at transferring funds? 12.
What does the FR Banks issue and redeem? 13. How does the Fed supervise
and regulate the Nation’s Banking System? 14. What financial
institutions may be members of the Fed?

5. Sum up what the text says about:

the structure of the Fed;

what the Fed does;

incorporated state banks;

mutual savings banks;

industrial banks;

6. Translate into Russian paying attention to other bank services:

Other Bank Services

Trusts. A trust arrangement exists when a bank provides safekeeping and
management of funds for individuals, estates or institutions such as
pension funds. The bank’s job is to administer the money entrusted to it
wisely and for the benefit of the owner. The bank receives a fee for
managing these funds.

Currency Exchange Banks can buy or sell foreign currencies for their own
benefit or for their clients. Importers, exporters and travelers are
major users of these services. Even domestic travelers may purchase
travelers’ checks issued by banks.

Safekeeping. Many banks rent safety deposit boxes in their vaults to
persons seeking a safe and secure place for their valuables.

Credit Cards. Some banks derive significant revenues from operating
bankcard programs. There is usually an annual fee to use the credit
card, and the consumer pays interest on the unpaid balance. Merchants
pay a fee to the bank as well.

Brokerage. In very recent times (and still on a highly limited basis)
some banks have entered the brokerage business. As brokers they buy and
sell stocks and bonds for their clients.

Insurance. In a number of states certain banks can sell their customers
life insurance policies.

Letters of Credit. Banks may aid commerce by writing letters of credit.
In these documents, the bank guarantees one party (such as a seller)
that payment will be made if certain conditions are met (such as the
delivery of merchandise). Letters of credit are common when goods are
bought or sold abroad. There is a fee for providing this letter of

Investments. Banks are permitted to buy U.S. government bonds for their
own accounts. Banks may make money in trading such bonds and from the
interest paid by the government to the holders of such securities.

Underwriting. When companies (or even units of government) raise money
by issuing shares of stocks or by the sale of bonds, they use the
services of certain financial specialists. Some very large banks provide
such assistance, as do major brokerage companies.

Consulting. A growing business for banks is to give advice to other
businesses. Especially significant in recent years is the assistance
provided to firms involved in corporate mergers and takeovers.

III. Grammar Exercises

Forms of the Gerund.

Active Passive

Indefinite asking (V-ing)

спрашивать being asked (being + V3)

быть спрашиваемым

Perfect having asked (having + V3)

уже спросить having been asked (having been + V3)

уже быть спрошенным

Синтаксические функции герундия и способы их перевода на русский язык.


1. Reading is useful Чтение…

Часть сказуемого

2. Our aim is mastering English …овладеть…


3. She likes singing …пение


4. There are many ways of solving it …решения


5. He went there for studying. …учебы

Герундиальные обороты

Prep. + Noun (прит.п.) + Gerund

Pronoun (прит.)

(Prep.) + N (общ.п.) + Gerund

Example: He speaks of the workers’ (their) doing it.

…что рабочие сделают это.

7. Form gerunds using the suffix -ing:

read; explain; govern; create; develop; increase; provide; delivery;
establish; distribute; visit; enter.

8. Make the following sentences simple using the Gerund:

1. Do you mind if I take your warranty card for a moment? 2. We must
consider the matter thoroughly before we come to any conclusion. 3. I
remember that we have seen our department head only once. 4. When he
received another letter from his firm he changed his mind. 5. Before he
left the office he called on his sales manager.

9. Translate the following sentences into Russian:























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‘rade. 10. Hardly a day passes without hearing a commercial or reading
an ad describing the advantages of one kind of program over another. 11.
A firm of under 20 employees has a 37 percent chance of surviving four
years. 12. Scientists’ constantly exploring the unknown, their looking
for new knowledge and the answers to unsolved questions cannot be

10. Try to understand the following song paying attention to the Gerund:


On Sunday afternoons in the middle of July

I like having a rest just looking at the sky.

I like listening to the birds singing in the trees

– In July…

I like having a walk when the sun shines.

And walking in the rain.

I love thinking of you and all the things you do

– On Sunday afternoons.

On rainy April Sundays I like staying at home.

I like reading a book or simply being alone.

I like watching a film or listening to some music

– In April…

11. Read the text and retell it in Russian:

David Ricardo (1772-1823) Classical Champion of Free Trade

David Ricardo is one of history’s most influential economists. Born in
England, Ricardo made a fortune on the London Stock Exchange. This
wealth gave him the time to write and to serve in Parliament’s House of
Commons. His most famous work. Principles of Political Economy and
Taxation (1817), marked him as the greatest spokesman for classical
economics since Adam Smith.

Ricardo is especially famous in international economics for
demonstrating the advantages of free trade. Free trade is a policy in
which tariffs and other barriers to trade between nations are removed.
To prove his point, Ricardo developed a concept we now call the
principle of comparative advantage. Comparative advantage enabled him to
demonstrate that one nation might profitably import goods from another
even though the importing country could produce that item for less than
the exporter.

Ricardo’s explanation of comparative advantage went as follows:

Portugal and England, both of whom produce wine and cloth, are
considering the advantages of exchanging those products with one

x barrels of wine are equal to (and therefore trade evenly for) o yards
of cloth.

In Portugal 80 workers can produces barrels of wine in a year. It takes
120 English workers to produce that many barrels.

Portuguese workers can produce o yards of cloth in a year. It takes 100
English workers to produce o yards of cloth.

We can see, Ricardo continued, that even though Portugal can produce
both wine and cloth more efficiently than England, it pays them to
specialize in the production of wine and import English cloth. This is
so because by trading with England, Portugal can obtain as much cloth
for 80 worker-years as it would take 90 worker-years to produce

England will also benefit. By specializing in cloth, it will be able to
obtain wine in exchange for 100 worker- years of labor rather than 120.

As a member of Parliament, Ricardo pressed the government to abandon its
traditional policy of protection. Though he did not live to achieve that
goal, his efforts bore fruit in the 1840’s when England became the first
industrial power to adopt a policy of free trade. There followed 70
years of economic growth during which the nation became the world’s
wealthiest industrial power.

Unit 13

Grammar: 1. Participle I

2. Причастные обороты.

3. Независимые причастные обороты.

I. Language Practice

1. Practise the fluent reading and correct intonation:

– `What do you `usually `do after work, Ann?

-Oh, a lot of things. There’s `always a `lot of `work to do about the
house, washing up, doing the rooms, mending clothes.

– No, I `don’t `mean that. `What’s your `favourite pastime?

– Again – `nothing very special. Sometimes I read a little, watch TV or
`listen to the music.

– `What’s your father’s hobby?

– He `enjoys carpentry, just making shelves, boxes, stools and so on.

– Oh, his `hobby `seems to be both interesting and useful for the house.
By the way, do you know `what are the most `common `hobbies of

– Well, it `isn’t an easy question. As `far as I know, `many `Britishers
like `sports and games, others, `gardening or `collecting `different

– I see. `What about dancing? Do you like it?

– Oh, very. Actually I’m crazy about dancing. `Do you `mean to `say
we’ll `go to a dance?

– Yes, I’d like to. There’s a very

1. incorporate – регистрироваться

2. subchapter S – раздел в налоговом кодексе США, касающийся
налогообложения малых корпораций

3. income tax – налог на прибыль, подоходный налог

4. to prorate – распределять пропорционально

5. returns – отчет, налоговая декларация

6. tax return – налоговая декларация

7. to incur – потерпеть убытки

8. retained earnings account – счет о нераспределенной прибыли

C-corporation – (амер.) частная компания с ограниченной ответственностью

tax rate – налоговая ставка

Text. Small Business in the USA: An S-Corporation is not always best

Small companies are generally believed to incorporate as S-corporations.
S-corporations take their name from a Congressional addition to the
income tax law known as subchapter S. The S-corporation enjoying many
corporate attributes (the main is that the owners of a corporation do
not expose their personal assets to corporate liability), it is treated
like a partnership for purposes of determining its Federal income tax
liability. At the end of each fiscal year, its total earnings (or
losses) are prorated to each shareholder, and these earnings (or losses)
are incorporated into their individual income tax returns.

Among the advantages of the S-corporation for small business is no
“double taxation” – paying an income tax on corporate net income, and
then paying an individual income tax on the dividend income subsequently
distributed by the corporation.

Thus, the S-corporation “generally will not be liable for federal income
tax.” If losses are incurred during the start-up period (or any other
period), these losses can be deducted each year from the shareholders’
tax returns. All income, losses, credits, and deductions are “washed
through” the S-corporation at the end of each fiscal year, and carried
directly to the individual tax return for each shareholder. Being
emptied out at the end of each fiscal year, the S-corporation has no
retained earnings account.

For most of small businesses, the S-corporation has long been the
preferred corporate structure. The operational accounting is simpler,
and accounting, legal, and administrative expenses are minimized.
Shareholders receive the immediate benefits of earnings without “double
taxation”. There are sound reasons to state that this is generally the
most popular corporate structure.

However, for small businesses that are growing rapidly, the conventional
C-corporation status may turn out to be more preferable. The primary
motivation for such a change would be the ability to retain and reinvest
earnings in the expanding business.

The maximum Federal income tax rate for C-corporation is 34 percent for
taxable income up to $10.0 million, whereas the maximum tax rate on
S-corporation income is now the maximum individual rate of 39.6 percent.
If the business is

корпоративные свойства; личное имущество; корпоративная ответственность,
задолженность по федеральным налоговым платежам; финансовый год; общие
поступления (или убытки); «двойное налогообложение»; «отмываются»;
заносятся прямо в индивидуальную налоговую декларацию; операционный
учет; бухгалтерские расходы; управленческие расходы; немедленная прибыль
от доходов; серьезные причины; способность сохранить и инвестировать;
доход, подлежащий налогообложению; оно очевидно откажется от
распределения дивидендов наличными; учитывая влияние амортизационных

4. Combine the words into sentences:

1. like, its, a partnership, is, Federal, it, liability, for purposes,
income, of determining, tax, treated.

2. no, among, of the S-corporation, is, the advantages, «double
taxation», for small business.

3. «washed through», all income, at the end, losses, of each fiscal
year, credits, and deductions, are, the S-corporation.

4. the most popular, sound, are, to state, corporate structure, there,
reasons, this, that, generally, is.

5. 34 percent, up to $10 million, income tax rate, is, the maximum, for
taxable income, Federal, for C-corporation.

5. Sum up what the text says about:

the advantages of the S-corporation;

the charge to conventional C-corporation.

6. US government defines a small business as one that has fewer than 500
employees. Why do you think that most small business are in the service
and retail fields?

A. Transportation/Communication – taxi service, trucking, warehousing,
radio station.

B. Finance – insurance, real estate, banking.

C. Wholesale – distributor, grain elevator.

D. Other – mining, landscaping, fishing, unclassified.

E. Service – motel, barber shop, advertising agency.

F. Manufacturing – machine shop, printing, brewing.

G. Retail – gas station, shoe store, restaurant, florist.

H. Construction – general constructor, plumbing and heating, electrical.

III. Grammar Exercises

Forms and Functions of Participle I.

Active Voice Passive Voice


Participle using

1. определение:


(иногда: -вший)

2. обстоятельство:

применяя being used

1. определение:


применяемый, который применяется

2. обстоятельство:

будучи применен, когда применяется

Perfect Participle having used



(-яв, -вшись) having been used


после того как применили, так как применили, когда применили.

7. Define the form of Participle I:

enjoying, being emptied out, having asked, having developed, working,
having been invited, being built, living, being assisted.

8. Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to
the forms and functions of Participle I:

Having done that, they let investors determine the risks for themselves.

The governments of 50 states have structures closely paralleling those
of the federal governments.

Prices paid by consumers also include Value-Added Taxes, reflecting the
costs of providing goods and services for sale.

VATs are the principal means of indirect taxation in many countries,
including the member states of the European Union.

In most extreme form, chromic price increases become hyperinflation,
causing the entire economic system to break down.

Being shown this document, he said it belonged to the well-known

Having been written the balance sheet was given to the chief executive

Having been completed so carefully the material didn’t need any

The trademark, a two- or three-dimensional insignia symbolizing a
company or industry, dates from about the 16th century.

The agency spends most of its time planning, creating, and producing the
advertising for its clients.

The Absolute Participle Construction

Noun (общ.п.)


Pronoun (им.п.)


, , Noun (общ.п.)


Pronoun (им.п.)

переводится обстоятельственным придаточным предложением с союзами – так
как, поскольку, если, когда.

переводится самостоятельным предложением с союзами – а, и, причем, при
этом или без союза

It being very late, we went to the hotel.

This done, we had a good rest.

We had two lectures yesterday, the last being on economics

He sat alone, his eyes closed.

9. Translate into Russian:

1. With factories operating at less than capacity and unemployment at
very high levels, total output of goods and services enters a long-term
decline. 2. The contract having been signed, the delegation went away.
3. Time permitting, the manager writes this letter. 4. The article deals
with the income tax, particular attention being paid to Federal income
tax liability. 5. The terms of delivery having been discussed, he signed
the contract.

10. Read paying attention to the different meaning of the following


around (ten)

blue-chip investments call loan

checking account claim letter

collect on delivery common stock corporation law

to fix a meeting government bonds

in good shape investment bank

law business

local taxes government in power

about (ten)

first-class investments short-term loan

current account

letter of complaint

cash on delivery ordinary share

company law

to arrange a meeting government securities

in good condition merchant bank

practice (law)


to operate a business to run a business

operating costs running expenses

preferred stock preference share

president chairman

right away immediately

shipment consignment

stockholder shareholder

tag label

tender offer

way back some time ago

11. Translate English jokes:

Brother: Are you really going to marry that young man Jones? He is said
to be kind and very clever. But isn’t he a bit strange? At any rate he
is unlike other young men.

Sister: I am going to marry Jones, and I don’t find anything strange
about him. And then if he is indeed unlike other young men, he is likely
to make a very good husband.

12. Read the text and retell it in Russian:


Canada, a federated country in North America, made up of ten provinces
and two (soon to be three) territories. Canada is a vast nation with a
wide variety of geological formations, climates, and ecological systems.
It has rain forest, prairie grassland, deciduous forest, tundra, and
wetlands. Canada has more lakes and inland waters than any other
country. It is renowned for its scenery, which attracts millions of
tourists each year. On a per-capita basis, its resource endowments are
the second richest in the world after Australia.

Canada is the second largest country in the world but has about the same
population as the state of California, which is one-25th its size. This
is because the north of Canada, with its harsh Arctic and sub-Arctic
climates, is sparsely inhabited. Most Canadians live in the southern
part of the country. More than three-quarters of them live in
metropolitan areas, the largest of which are Toronto, Montreal,
Vancouver, Ottawa-Hull, and Edmonton. French and English are the
official languages, and at one time most Canadians were of French or
English descent.

Canada has impressive reserves of timber, minerals, and fresh water, and
many of its industries are based on these resources. Many of its rivers
have been harnessed for hydroelectric power, and it is self-sufficient
in fossil fuel. Transportation equipment is the leading manufacturing
industry. While Canada’s prosperity is built on the resource and
manufacturing industries, most Canadians work in service occupations,
including transportation, trade, finance, personal services, and

Canada is a parliamentary democracy, and the federal, provincial, and
territorial legislatures are all elected. However, Canada’s sovereign is
a monarch, the queen of England, who is also the monarch of Great
Britain. The queen is represented in Canada by the governor-general and
ten lieutenant governors. Canada’s constitution guarantees equality
under the law to all of its citizens. Powers of the federal and
provincial governments are spelled out separately under the
constitution, but over the past 50 years they have increasingly
cooperated in programs that provide a wide range of social
services-often called the «welfare state»-to the public.

Modern Canada was formed in an event that Canadians call Confederation,
in 1867, when three colonies of Great Britain merged to create a
partially independent state of four provinces. Since then, six more
provinces and two territories have been added, with a third territory
scheduled to come into existence in 1999. Canada achieved full
independence in 1931 but continues to belong to the Commonwealth of
Nations, a voluntary association of countries with ties to Great Britain

Unit 14

Grammar: 1. Условные предложения (Conditional Sentences).

2. Бессоюзные условные предложения.

I. Language Practice

1. Practise the fluent reading and correct intonation:

– Mr. Smith, `are you `here, in `London, on va`cation or on `business?

– It’s a `kind of `business trip.

– Please `tell me a `few `words about your `business.

– Well, I’m in `charge of the `advertising de`partment of the `British
`branch of a big multi`national corpo`ration.

– `What does your `firm pro`duce?

– Oh, a `lot of e`quipment. We pro`duce `all `sorts of `radio
e`quipment, TV sets, `video ca`ssette re`corders, com`puters and so on.

– In `what `countries does this corpo`ration main`tain its plants?

– We have `branches in France, `West `Germany, `Holland, `Italy and

– `Has your `company a big `staff?

– I’m not `sure I don’t know the e`xact `number. A`round `six `thousand
emplo`yees in `all the `branches, I think.

2. Listen to the speaker; read and memorize the following words and

1. to encourage [in`k(ri(] – поддерживать, поощрять

2. taxation – налогообложение

3. merits – достоинство

4. taxpayer – налогоплательщик

5. discretionary income – дискреционный доход (часть чистого дохода
потребителя, предназначенная для расходов по собственному усмотрению
после обязательных расходов на налоги и на удовлетворение жизненных

6. tax incidence – распределение налогового бремени

7. tax-shifting – переложение налогов

Text. Taxes, Taxes, Taxes….

“But in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and
taxes.”-Benjamin Franklin, 1789.

Few economic topics excite controversy more easily than taxes. While
most would agree that neither government nor modern society could
survive without them, taxes are more likely to be criticized than
praised. But as Benjamin Franklin noted long ago they are a ‘ certainty,
and for that reason we ought to know something about them.

Why Do Governments Collect Taxes? Although the principal purpose of
taxes is to pay for the cost of government, it is not the only function
taxes serve.

Sometimes taxes are levied to protect selected industries.

Taxes have also been used to discourage activities the government
believes to be harmful. For example, taxes on cigarettes and liquor, so
called “sin taxes,” have been levied both to raise money and to
discourage people from smoking and drinking.

Taxes have been used to encourage certain activities. In the 1980’s, for
example, the government wanted to encourage business to modernize plants
and increase productivity. It did so, in part, by offering to reduce the
taxes of firms that purchased new machinery and equipment.

The federal government can use its ability to tax to regulate the level
of economic activity. The size of the economy is directly related to
consumer and business spending. By increasing or decreasing taxes,
government can directly affect the amount of money available to be

Evaluating Taxes. Most people would agree that some taxation is
necessary, but the question of which taxes, and in what amounts, can
lead to considerable disagreement.

The benefits-received principle of taxation states that those who
benefit from a government program are the ones who ought to pay for it.

The ability-to-pay principle states that taxes ought to be paid by those
who can best afford them, regardless of the benefits they receive. In
arguing in favor of the ability-to-pay principle, economists often cite
Engel’s Law. This principle states that as income increases, the
proportion spent on luxuries increases, while that spent on necessities
decreases. It follows that taxing higher-income groups may deny them
certain luxuries, but taxing the poor reduces their ability to buy

Also, some benefits are indirect. If Mr. and Mrs. Jones have children in
the public school, they can see the direct benefit of their school
taxes. But Mr. and Mrs. Smith may feel they get no benefit from the
school because they have no children.

We all benefit from having an educated workforce, however. Thanks to
education, the nation’s productivity is higher, and we can all share in
the additional output that results from it. If the Smiths own a
business, they benefit from having workers who have been trained to
read, write and solve mathematical problems.

Most taxes can be classified as progressive, proportional or regressive.
A progressive tax takes a larger percentage of a higher income and a
smaller percentage of a lower income. The federal income tax is the best
known example of a progressive tax.

A proportional tax takes the same percentage of all incomes, regardless
of size.

A regressive tax is one that takes a higher percentage of a low income
and a lower percentage of a high income. Although they are not based on
a person’s income, sales taxes have a regressive effect because they
take a larger share of earnings from a low-income taxpayer than from a
high-income taxpayer.

Which tax is the fairest? Few would argue that a regressive tax is fair.
Those who favor the ability-to-pay principle would support a progressive
tax, and possibly the proportional tax. There are some, however, who
argue that the proportional tax is not fair.

The proportional tax seems to be fair because everyone pays the same
rate. In analyzing the impact of taxes on individuals, economists often
concentrate on discretionary income-the amount that a person has left
after buying necessities (food, clothing, shelter, medical care,
transportation, etc).

In evaluating a tax it is important to know who will really have to pay
it, or, as economists put it, the incidence of the tax. The burden of
paying a tax can be avoided if the one responsible for writing the check
for taxes to the government can pass the cost on to someone else. The
process of passing the burden to someone else is known as tax-shifting.
Taxes may be passed on to consumers, in which case they are said to be
shifted forward. Similarly, taxes may be shifted backward as when
suppliers or the workers who produced the products are forced to assume
the burden.

II. Exercises on the Text:

3. Give Russian equivalents to:

nothing can be said to be certain; neither government nor modern
society; they are a certainty; we ought to know; to pay for the cost of
government; to protect selected industries; to discourage harmful
activities; to encourage certain activities; the merits of one tax to
another; benefits-received principle; ability-to-pay principle; educated
workforce; a larger percentage; sales taxes; the burden of paying a tax.

4. Complete as in the text and translate into Russian:

1. Few economic topics excite controversy … 2. The Federal government
can use its ability to tax … 3. By increasing or decreasing taxes,
government can directly affect … 4. The benefits-received principle of
taxation states that those who benefit from a government program are the
ones … 5. The ability-to-pay principle states that taxes ought to be
paid by those who can best afford them, … 6. If Mr. And Mrs. Jones
have children in the public school, they can see …

5. Analyze the scheme and describe the circulation flow of the American

The Circular Flow of the American Economy Among Government, Consumer
Households and Business Firms.

6. Think and answer the following questions:

1. What are the principal taxes you and your family pay? 2. Add the
sales taxes, property taxes, value added taxes, and other together to
determine what percentage of your family’s income is actually spent in

III. Grammar Exercises

Условные предложения (Conditional Sentences)

Тип предложения Придаточное условное предложение Главное предложение

I тип Present Simple Future Simple

Реальное условие. Изъявительное наклонение If he comes,

If he should come,

Should he come,

Anee он i?eaeao, (

( he will help us.


он iiiiaeao нам.

II тип

Past Simple should, would(

could, might (+ V


Маловероятное или нереальное условие, относящееся к настоящему или
будущему времени. Сослагательное наклонение. If he came,

If he should come,

Should he come,

Anee бы он i?eшел,

If he were here,

Were he here,

Anee au он aue здесь, (

( he would help us.


он iiiia au нам.


( he would help us.


он iiiia au нам.

III тип

Past Perfect should, would(

could, might (+have+



Нереальное или невыполнимое условие, относящееся к прошедшему времени.
Сослагательное наклонение. If he had come,

Had he come,

Anee бы он i?eшел,


( he would have

helped us.


он iiiia au нам.

7. Make up as many sentences as you can using the given table:

If I had a holiday



























???>???????¤?¤??????e?f he|I were ill

If the weather were fine today

If there were your mother’s birthday today

If I were you

If they didn’t have to go to the Institute

If you were tired

If she|I had free time

If you had much money I (we) should (would)

they (she, he) see the doctor

travel round the world

have a rest

buy a present

go for a walk

stay at home

go to the seaside


read many interesting books

8. Translate the following sentences:

1. Steven Jobs reasoned that if computers were made easier to use and
less expensive, the public would buy them. 2. If you wanted to buy or
sell corporate securities, you would probably call upon the services of
a local brokerage firm. 3. If the corporation prospers over the years,
its stocks will increase in value. 4. If the population were to grow at
a faster rate than production, average living standards would fall. 5.
If the public prefers to buy now and save later, less will be available
for investment. 6.If a firm sought to muximize its losses, it would be
unable to pay its bills. 7.If a country consumes everything that it
produces, the ability of that country to produce in the future will
remain unchanged. 8. If, however, something is set aside out of current
production, it could be used as capital to produce more in the future.

9. Read the text and retell it in Russian:

A Balance Sheet on Russian Taxes

Taxes, in any country other than a limited number of tax haven
jurisdictions, are viewed universally as a burden. Russia is no
exception. OF course, a tax system that imposes a 35 percent individual
tax rate and a 35 percent corporate rate (with even higher rates for
certain types of businesses) will never be praised by its taxpayers.
Moreover, with frequent changes and a set of tax rules different from
those in the United States, Russian tax laws are viewed with great
apprehension by most Americans and other foreigners doing business in
Russia. Russian tax rules certainly have major drawbacks.

Other problems with Russian taxes include too many types of taxes, both
on the federal and on the local level. This multitude of taxes not only
makes compliance difficult, but also makes it challenging to keep
current with changes and amendments. Add to the confusion presidential
decrees which append taxes onto existing law or modifying existing laws,
as well as the wide variety of taxes that may be enacted at the local
level. Additionally, there are five different payroll taxes on top of
the individual income tax that must be withheld by employers from wages
paid to employees.

Russia will never be a tax haven, nor have American and other foreign
businesses come to Russia with that expectation. Rather, companies doing
business in Russia have come here because they feel that Russia presents
certain market opportunities.

In criticizing Russia’s tax rules and tax administration, we should not
forget that Russia is a relatively new tax jurisdiction. Russian tax
laws (as with all other laws in Russia) are in a process of evolution.
The same is true of the governmental bodies enforcing the tax laws.

As a step to facilitate the obtaining of double-tax treaty relief, the
Russian tax authorities have issued new dual language (English/Russian)
forms. The new forms for claiming double-tax treaty relief from tax
withholding can be completed in either Russian or English. This
development has made it easier for foreign companies, at least from
English-speaking jurisdictions, to obtain certification of taxpayer
status from their home jurisdictions in order to claim treaty relief in

On May 8, 1996 President Yeltsin signed a decree making additional
improvements in Russian tax rules. The decree reduces late payment
penalties from 0.7 percent per day to 0.3 percent per day. Other
provisions in the decree provide for more rapid periods for depreciation
of capital assets (to be effective January 1, 1997) and much broader
rules for the deductibility of business expenses (also to be effective
January 1, 1997).

Complaints about the Russian tax system, just like complaints about the
American tax system, will never go away. However, over the past year
there have been many positive development in Russian tax laws and
regulations. More important, at both the government and legislative
levels in Russia, there appears to be growing recognition that tax rules
should be changed so as not to stifle economic activity. Although the
tax situation in Russia is far from ideal, there is a genuine basis for
hope for improvement.

10. Read and translate paying attention to the suffixes:

-let [lit]; -sure, zure []

circle – circlet (кружочек)

book – booklet (книжечка, брошюра)

leaf – leaflet (листок, листовка)

pleasure, exposure, measure, seizure.

11. Arrange in groups the words with the same prefix:


‘omplete, unequal, illegal, impossible, irregular, untrue, inactive,
irreplaceable, misunderstanding, illiterate, mispronunciation.



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