
A British explorer (конспект уроку)

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A British explorer (конспект уроку)

Theme. A British explorer. (Британський дослідник).


Practical: to read and discuss the text “A British explorer”, to
activate pupils’ speaking skills through various creative activities, to
revise vocabulary which concerns the theme, to practise reading,
speaking and writing.

Developing: to develop the skills in reading, speaking, writing; to
develop pupils’ creative imagination, logical thinking, memory.

Educative: to educate the culture of intercourse; to broden pupils’
knowledge about famous explorers and their exploretions.

Equipment: books, cards, picture.

Literature: 1) Rob Nolasco. – Twist!: Oxford University Press 2001.

2) Tom Hutchinson. – Hotline: Oxford and Oxford English are trade marks
of Oxford Unoversity Press 1998.

3) Г.В.Верба – Граматика сучасної англійської мови.: Київ 2002 р.

4) В.Д. Аракин. Практический курс английского языка: 3 курс. – М.:
Гуманит. изд. Центр «ВЛАДОС», 2003.


I 1. Organizative moment.

Good morning pupils! Sit down, please. Today I’ll be your English
teacher and my name is Natalia Myhajlivna.

Let me say, that today we will talk about explorations and famous

2. Warm-up.

– And now look at the blackboard. Here you can see proverbs. Your task
will be match the English proverbs with their Ukrainian equivalents. But
before listen to me and repeat after me.

He that travels for knows much Бідному зібратися – тільки підперезатися

Poor man’s luggage is always light Все добре, що на добре виходить

Every departure has an arrival Хто багато подорожує – багато знає

And now read one by one.

Thank you and now match the proverbs. Who knows? Rise your hand. Ok. Go
to the black board.

II. 1. Pre-reading task.

We are going to work with the picture. Look here! And answer my

What do you think, who are these people?

What can you say about their clothes?

Where are these men?


crash – аварія; тріск, банкрутство

disabled – покалічений

fuel – пальне

hazard – риск, рискувати

navigator – штурман

passenger – пасажир

polar exploration – полярне дослідження

2) Let’s start to read and translate.

3. After reading task.

Now let’s do Ex.2 p.66 from SB. Your task to decide if these statements
(ствердження) are true or false.

4. Game.

Now we will play a game. I have cards with questions. Your tasks choose
a card and answer the question. Let’s start.

1) When did Captain Robert Scott lead an expedition to reach the South
Pole? (1911)

2) Was polar, exploration extremely dangerous in those days? (Yes)

3) Where had Scott been before the expedition to the South Pole? (In the

4) What can you say about Scott preparations to the expedition to the
South Pole?

5) What did Scott find waiting for him? (telegram)

6) Who was Roald Amundsen? (Norwegian explorer)

7) What can you say say about the journey of Scott and his team?

8) When did Scott and four of his men reach the South Pole?

9) Were Amundsen and his men the first who reached the South Pole?

10) Had Scott fewer dogs than Amundsen?

11) Where did Scott and his last two men die?

12) What did a search part find eight month later?

(уявіть) please that you are going to the South Pole.

What plans would you make?

What form of transport would you use? (Який би ви застосували

What would you need to tale with you?

What problems night there be? (Які проблеми можуть виникнути так?)

6. Writing practice.

Now open your copybooks and write down the date and class-work.

Today is Wednesday, the first of March. Now we are going to have a
written task. Listen and translate the sentences and write down.

1) 41 людина загинула в автомобільній аварії.

Forty on people were killed in the car crash.

2) Вугілля є одним з найдешевших видів пального.

Coal is one of the cheapest kinds of fuel.

3) Пасажири літака були задоволені хорошим обслуговуванням.















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od servise.

4) Після ланчу Марта покликала мене грати теніс.

After lunch Martha challenged me to play tennis.

5) Експедиція вирушила на Південний полюс.

The expedition left for the South Pole.

6) Штурман віддав наказ повідомити про це пасажирів.

The navigator gave the order to say passengers about it.

III. Setting the home-work.

At home you will retell the story “A British explorer” at p.66 from SB.

IV. Summing-up.

Thank you for your attention and participation. You were very active. I
hope you like a this lesson and don’t forget about famous explorers who
made a great contribution in our science.


Synonym – aword having the same meaning as another word in the same
language in one or more of its senses.

1. Awful, appalling, dire, dredful, frightful, terrible.

2. Provision, accumulation, arrangement, emergency equipment, outline,
plan, preparation, supply.

3. Entire, all, complete, intact, integral, perfect, total, whole.

4. Escape, abscond, break, decamp, defect, flee, fly; avert, avoid,
elude, evade, shun.

5. Sacrifice, abnegation, atonement, giving up, immolation, libation,
loss, oblation, offering, self-denial; destroy, forfeit, forgo, give up,
lose, offer.

6. Cheer, comfort, console, encourage, gladden, solace, sympathize.

7. Advance, accelerate, elevate, forward, further, improve, proceed,
promote; offer, propose, proceed, suggest.

8. Contuse, bewilder, complicate, confound, derange, disconcert,
obscure, puzzle.

9. Wide, all-inclusive, blanket, broad, comprehensive, explanded,
extensive, general, large, sweeping, universal, vast.

10. Wealth, abundance, affluence, assets, capital, fortune, luxury,
means, money, opulence, plenty, possessions, prosperity, riches,
resources, treasure.


Antonym – a word which means the exact contrary of another.

1. Awful – attractive, pleasant, lowly, vulgar.

2. Entire – defective, deficient, incomplete, partial.

3. Escape – confront, face, invite, meet.

4. Cheer – antagonize, depress, dishearten.

5. Advance – halt, oppose, retard, return, retreat, withdraw.

6. Confuse – clarify, illumine, organize.

7. Wide – confined, hampered, limited, narrow, restricted.

8. Wealth – indigence, need, poverty, privation, want.

9. Difficulty – comfort, facility, felicity, flexibility, pleasure,

10. Handsome – foul, hideous, homely, repulsive; insignificant, mean,
poor, small.

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