
Early folk medicine (реферат)

Язык: английский
Формат: реферат
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Early folk medicine

The “medicine” of prehistoric man was probably based upon an animistic
attitude towards disease. In his view, desease was caused by the evil,
influence of an enemy, a demon, a god, an animal and it must be treated
by means of dislodging the malevolent cause. Early man may have
attributed desease to a separation of soul and body. In any case, there
doubtless arose a class of men who claimed skill in the art of healing,
and whose methods of treatment included dancing, grimacing,
sleight-of-hand, and all the tricks of the magician.

In some cases it was necessary to combine physical with psychic methods;
of this we have an excellent example in trephining, which originated as
a means of permitting the escape of an evil spirit from the head of the
victim, and which gradually became a method of treating fractures of the
skull and various intracranial lesions.

Рання народна медицина

“Медицина” доісторичної людини мабуть базувалася на анімістичних
відношеннях до хвороби. На їхній погляд хвороба була спричинена злим
духом, діями ворогів, демона, бога, тварини і це мало лікуватися через
усунення хвороботворної причини. Первісна людина могла приписувати
хворобу відокремленням душі від тіла.

В будь-якому випадку, там безсумнівно виникали класи людей. Що
претендували на мистецтво лікування, і як методи лікування застосовували
танці, гримаси, жонглерство і всі чарівні трюки.

У деяких випадках необхідно було об’єднувати фізичний з психічним
методи; і ми маємо віддавати перевагу методу, який виник як спосіб, що
дозволяє звільнення від гріха душі з голови жертви, і який поступово
ставав методом лікування тріщин черепа і різних внутрішньочерепних


What was probably base upon an animistic attitude towards disease?

Who in this view was cause desease?

What methods of treatment included?

What desease early man have attributed?

What tricks did early man use?

Methods of treatment included dancing didn’t they?

Which methods did early man combine?

Have we an example in trephining?

What did gradually become a method of treating fractures of the skull
and various intracranial lesions?


view [ ] погляд

influence [ ] вплив

probably [ ] ймовірно

towards [ ] у напрямку до, стосовно щодо

enemy [ ] ворог

dislodge [ ] витісняти

doubtless [ ] безсумнівно

combine [ ] об’єднувати

psychic [ ] психічний

excellent [ ] перевага

example [ ] приклад, зразок

attitude [ ] позиція, ставлення до чогось

arose [ ] виникали, поставали

claim [ ] вимагати, претендувати

original [ ] виникати

means [ ] засіб, спосіб, метод

permitting [ ] дозволяти, давати можливість

escape [ ] утеча, відхід від дійсності,


evil [ ] порок, гріх

spirit [ ] дух, душа, примара

victim [ ] жертва

Read the story of Early Folk Medicine. Choose the correct word to go in
each gar and write it in the heart (book). When you have finished you
will find the names of two famous scientists.

The 2… of prehistoric man was probably based upon an animistic attitude
towards disease. In his view, disease was caused by the 10…, influence
of an enemy, a 17…, a god, an animal and it must be treated by means of
11… the malevolent cause. Early man may have attributed disease to a
separation of 5… and .12… In any case, there doubtless 7… a class of men
who claimed 15… in the art of 1…, and whose methods of treatment
included 6…, 16…, sleight-of-hand, and all the tricks of the magician.

In some cases it was necessary to combine physical with 3… methods; of
this we have an excellent 4… in trephining, which originated as a means
of permitting the escape of an evil 9… from the 8… of the victim, and
which gradually became a 13… of treating 14… of the skull and various
intracranial lesions.

healing medicine demon dancing evil dislodging

arose example soul grimacing psychic fractures

spirit head skill body method

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