
Використання регіонального компоненту на уроках іноземної мови (урок)

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Використання регіонального компоненту на уроках іноземної мови

Сенс викладання іноземної мови на сучасному етапі – введення учнів у
світ рідної та іншомовної культур, розвиток мислення дітей засобами
мови. Мова йде не тільки про засвоєння іншої культури, але й про
осмислене розуміння менталітету рідного народу.

Розуміння рідної культури є надзвичайно важливим у процесі
становлення особистості, формуванні світогляду в культурному розвитку
дітей, розширенні їх кругозору. Воно сприяє вихованню патріотизму,
допомагає дітям підтримувати інтерес до вивчення історії, побуту,
традицій народів, що населяють край, місто; вчить людинолюбства і
толерантності, що так важливо на даному етапі розвитку нашого

Якщо дитина має знання про традиції, звичаї, ритуали, історію
та побут свого регіону, їй легше навчитися представляти рідну культуру
на іноземній мові. Тому сьогодні приділяється велика увага вивченню
регіонального компоненту на уроках іноземної мови.

Використання місцевого і регіонального матеріалу при навчанні
іноземних мов розширює кругозір учнів, розвиває їх пізнавальний інтерес,
допомагає у виборі професії і є одним із засобів підвищення рівня
позитивної мотивації навчання. Не знаючи своєї рідної культури, не
люблячи її, не можна зрозуміти і полюбити іншу культуру. Тільки той, хто
відчуває красу, силу і багатство рідного краю, хто знає і шанує звичаї і
традиції свого народу і дбайливо ставиться до них, може розуміти і
поважати культуру інших народів.

Я працюю в школі вчителем англійської мови близько 15 років і
працюю з великим задоволенням та інтересом. Дуже люблю свою роботу і
дітей. Я завжди намагаюся навчати дітей виховуючи та виховувати
навчаючи. Постійно думаю, як цікавіше й ефективніше провести урок, як
зробити так, щоб діти навчалися з великим бажанням, і щоб їхній інтерес
до мови не згасав. Успішній роботі у цих напрямах сприяє використання
краєзнавчого матеріалу.

Бажання учнів розповісти і дізнатися про те, що їм близько і знайомо,
підвищує ефективність навчальної мовленнєвої діяльності на уроці
іноземної мови. Мої спостереження показують, що мотивація до вивчення
англійської мови стає практично насиченою, якщо оволодіння іншомовним
спілкуванням супроводжується вивченням власної області, міста, району, в
якому вони живуть.

Пропоную, як приклад, розглянути деякі додаткові матеріали до уроків
англійської мови з використанням країнознавчого матеріалу і тестових
форм роботи.





1) Rearrangement

Look at the following words. Can you put them in the right grammar
groups? Each group contains an example that might help you.

* on* large *be* river *one* different* in* the*of* junction* by* with*
have* under* a* it* scientific* each* run* city*

prepositions verbs pronouns articles adjectives nouns

at go my an large country

2) Slashed technique

The following sentences about the city have been jumbled up. Put the
words in each sentence in the correct order.

Language tip:

English has a very clear sentence structure. The order of the words is
different in statements and questions. In this task, decide if the items
are statements or questions. Check if there are any other clues about
what type of sentence it might be (conditional? passive? relative
clause?) Find the subject and the verb first. If you can work out the
meaning of the sentence from the individual words, it will be easier for
you to reconstruct it.

situated, Dnieper, Dnipropetrovsk, river, is, the, on

1776, the, in, founded, city, was

Dnieper, banks, city, both, the, on, is, the, situated, of

Ukraine, Dnipropetrovsk, of, and, one, the, of, centres, scientific,
main, cultural, industrial, is

well-developed, branches, chemical, Dnipropetrovsk, such, metallurgical,
of, in, light, industries, food, as, are

production, city, rocket, Ukraine, is, centre, in, the, a, of, space

junction, is, a, it, railway, large

by, of, are, the, each, with, bridges, parts, three, connected,
different, city, other

run, has, also, underground, under, the, been, line, opened, which,
river, the

3) Alternative test

Which of the alternatives is correct in the following sentences? Choose
the right preposition.

Dnipropetrovsk is one _(of/in)_ the most important cities _(of/on) the
South-Eastern part of Ukraine.

It was founded _( during/on)_ the reign _(on/of)_ Catherine II and named
_(in/on) her honour – Katerynoslav.

She visited the city _(during/in)_ 1787 and laid a cornerstone _(on/of)_
the Transfiguration Cathedral.

Katerynoslav was an out-of-the-way provincial town, but started to grow
very quickly _(during/after)_ the railway linked it _(on/with)_ the
Donetsk coal basin and the Krivy Rig ore basin.

It soon turned _(after/in)_ an important centre _(with/of)_ Southern
Russia’s ferrous metallurgy.

4) Error correction technique

Read this short text. Each of these sentences contains a spelling
mistake. Can you find the mistakes and correct them?

Dnipropetrovsk has many plases of interest that are worth seeing.

You can begin with Glory Square and the monument to the liberators of
the city in the Great Patriotik War.

Then walk to Taras Shevchenko Park wich was started by a Zaporizhiyan
Cossack Lazar Hloba as an orchard at the end of the 18th century.

You will find out that the orchard was so beutiful that it was bought by
Prince Potyomkin, one of Catherine II’s favourites.

He ordered a wanderful palace to be built there.

Now it is the oldest building in the city, and it houses Dnipropetrovsk
Students’ Klub.



Before you start

Read the background about Pavlo Mykhailovych Bogush. Answer the
questions below.

What events affected his life?

What kind of man do you think he was?


Pavlo Mykhailovych Bogush was one of the most popular people in our
town. He was known or heard by most every resident of Nikopol. He helped
us to open up unknown pages of our history. P.M.Bogush was a great
expert of the glorious past of Zaporizhian Cossackdom. Nobody may know
the history of our native town better than he did.

He was born in a small village on the Dnieper in Khersonschina. In 1930
his parents were dispossessed as kulaks and were exiled to
Vologodschina. After finishing school Pavlo entered a forestry
engineering technical school in Cherepovets. In 1942 Pavlo Mykhailovych
was demobilized to the front, was heavy wounded and spent his hospital
colourless existence in Moscow and the Urals.

For his loved girl sake Pavlo entered the pedagogical institute in
Vologda. On the 1st of September 1946 Pavlo Mykhailovych Bogush opened a
new chapter of his life and began pedagogical career in our town.



“In Cossacks’ territory all children can read, even orphans”, wrote
Pavlo Khlebskiy in chronicles about Zaporizhian Sich.

Nikopolschina is sometimes called Trans-Dnieper Athens. First schools
appeared in our region in the 17th century. They were opened under the
monasteries and churches that were the centres of cultural life at that
time.Mentors were mostly alumni of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. They taught
children to write and read, observed their health and trained them in
soldiery. They gave a report on the most advanced pupils to the Ataman.
The Camp (Kosh) of Zaporizhian Cossacks allocated funds for school
keeping. Besides, some donations were made by Zaporizhian Cossacks
themselves. As for the pupils, they thought up and staged kolyadky and
greetings that brought in some money.Only boys were admitted to this
school and they lived as one community. After lessons they caught fish,
gathered herbs and studied folk medicine.

After finishing school some graduates remained at school and taught
Cossacks to read and write and served in the church. The others went
away all over Zaporizhia and became reciters, priests, psalm readers,
but at the same time all of them worked as teachers. There were very few
of such people but they did a very important work – they irradiated
Ukrainian people, they served the God, Education and Culture.

In 1766 Rada of Zaporizhian Kosh took the decision to organize a school
and a hospital for beggars and cripples. There were also vocal music
schools in New Sich, where pupils were trained in church singing. Their
graduates became heads of choruses and Cossack ensembles. Unfortunately,
all these schools were closed with liquidation of Sich. And that spark
of knowledge and culture which was wakened by our teachers began to die
away. Only in 1808 old Zaporizhian Cossacks could open school in our
town again. In many respects that school reminded the old one. Former
Zaporizhian Cossack, hieromonk I.Nazarevkiy held the position of school
head. The priests were mentors and assistants at school.

With the further development of Nikopol new schools, programmar schools
and a commercial school arose in our town.


Read the text. Match the characters (1 – 5) with the actions (a – h).

1 Pavlo Khlebskiy 2 mentors 3 Zaporizhian Cossacks 4 pupils 5 school

a staged kolyadky and greetings

b were mostly alumni of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy

c wrote chronicles about Zaporizhian Sich

d gathered herbs and studied folk medicine

e made some donations for school keeping

f became priests, psalm readers and served as teachers

g taught children, trained them in soldiery

h lived as one community

Read the text again. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)?

There were a great number of schools in our region in the 16th century.

The centres of cultural life in the 17th century were churches and

Mentors themselves were good at soldiery.

Nobody worried about pupils’ health.

Pupils had to pay for their study at school.

After finishing school graduates became unemployed.

Their services were highly valued by their fellow countrymen.

In the 18th century there were different types of educational
foundations in our region.


Match the words (1- 6) with the meanings (a – f)

1 an orphan a a person who has no money or resources

2 a mentor b a child, one or both of whose parents are dead

3 an alumnus (pl. alumni) c a contribution

4 donations d a person who is or seems disabled in some way

5 a beggar e a graduate of a school, college, etc.

6 a cripple f a wise or trusted adviser or guide


In groups, or with the whole class, discuss the following.

What do you think were the most important things about those first

Would you like to study at those schools?

What do you think would happen if schools were not closed with
liquidation of Sich?



In September 1843 T.G.Shevchenko came to Nikopolschina from the island
of Khortytsia. He was attracted by historical places connected with the
history of Zaporizhian Cossacks.

In the village of Pokrovskoye Shevchenko made a drawing of Pokrovskaya
Sich church. This church was built in 1798 in accordance with canons of
the former Sich church. Residents of the village traditionally called it
the Sich church, I.Repin and O.Dovzhenko among them. The church stood
there till its submersion by the Kahovskoye reservoir in 1955-1956.

Being in Ukraine T.G.Shevchenko had the intention of printing of series
of etchings “Scenic Ukraine”. He wanted to depict the past and the
present of Ukrainian people. The first issue of “Scenic Ukraine” saw the
light in Petersburg in November 1844. In spite of the fact that “Scenic
Ukraine” included only six etchings, it was highly appreciated by the
progressive public.

The painter intended to print the second issue of “Scenic Ukraine” in
1845. He planned to print “Pokrovskaya Sich church” along with other
paintings in it. Unfortunately, the further issues of “Scenic Ukraine”
were not appeared.

Residents of the village Pokrovskoye hold sacred the memory of the great
compatriot. In 1964 in the village a memorial plaque and the bust of the
poet were unveiled in memory of his visit to Pokrovskoye.

In Nikopol a memorial plaque was set in the wall of school №1 in memory
of the 175th anniversary of Shevchenko’s birth and his sojourn in

Before you start

1. Work in pairs. Try to guess the answers to the questions below.

What famous Ukrainians were art and part in the history of our region
and our town, visited our region or lived here?

What famous Ukrainian poet and painter visited our town in 1843?

For what purpose did he come here?


2. Read the Strategies: Multiple-choice questions

Read the questions and alternative answers.

Try to eliminate any unlikely answers and try to predict possible
answers from your general knowledge.

Decide what type of information you are listening for (e.g. adjectives,
numbers, and frequency or quantity words).

Remember, the words in the recording may not be the same as the words in
the question. Try to think of synonyms of important words.

The first time you listen, try to get the general idea and mark any
answers that are clearly correct.

The second time, focus on the answers you are not sure of.

If it is a test and you don’t know the answer, always guess!

3. Listen to the text about Shevchenko’s visit to Nikopolschina. Use
the Strategies to answer the questions.

T.G.Shevchenko came to Nikopolschina from …

a. Moscow b. Kyiv c. Khortytsia

2. He aimed to …

a. make some drawings b. visit his relatives
c. have a rest

3. Pokrovskaya Sich church vanished completely in …

a. the 19th century b. the 20th century c. the 21st

4. T.G.Shevchenko dreamt of printing of series of etchings …

a. “Scenic Ukraine” b. “Beloved Ukraine” c. “Poor Ukraine”

5. The first issue was published in …

a. 1843 b. 1844 c. 1845

6. There were … etchings in it.

a. 16 b. 60 c. 6

7. The issue was highly appreciated by …

a. Shevchenko’s friends b. the progressive public c. the Academy of

8. The further issues …

a. were not published b. were a failure c. passed unnoticed

4. Listen again. Write notes about these things. Then compare your
notes with a partner.

Pokrovskaya Sich church

“Scenic Ukraine”

Our memory of the great compatriot


5. Game. Work in groups. Try to retell the text. Take turns to say
sentences. You get a point for every correct sentence.


1. What do you know about Nikopol? Choose a, b or c.

Nikopol is situated … of the Kahovskoye reservoir

a. on the right bank b. on the left bank c. in the centre

2. Nikopol is surrounded by …

a. the forests b. the steppes c. the sea

3. There was … her for ever.

a. Sich b. a ferry c. a settlement

4. Nika was the goddess of …

a. War b. Beauty c. Victory

5. Cossacks went to Nikopol from Sich …

a. to buy food b. to enjoy life c. to meet their families

6. The Sich of Mykytyn was established …

a. in the 15th century b. in the 16th century c. in the 17th

2. Read the text and check your answers.


If you do a thorough examination of the big map of Ukraine, you can
notice a tiny spot with a sign Nikopol in its central part. For a common
onlooker it is one of insignificant signs on the Ukrainian map, but for
us it’s not so.

Nikopol is a small, industrial town situated on the right bank of the
Kahovskoye reservoir, in the vast wilderness of the endless Ukrainian
steppes. As such, it really doesn’t conjure up in the way of images of
dream tourism destinations. But then again, these small, back-of-beyond
towns capture something about Ukraine that you just can’t find in Kyiv
or the more visited cities on the tourist trail.

Nikopol is actually an amalgamation of two words, coming from “Nika”,
the goddess of Victory, and “pol” meaning town or city.

First at the place of the present day Nikopol there was no settlement,
and Cossacks lived in farms. This side of the Dnieper belonged to
Cossacks, and another one to Turks. Ferry was there for ever. Where
there are rocks now on the Dnieper used to be the Orlovy Island, it was
washed away. The island was big and as they say there was a settlement
of Sich fishermen over it. Fishermen lived then at the Lapinka River.
Nikopol was divided into different parts. The one where there are the
church and shops has been called from then a town, the one farther on
along the Dnieper up to Lysa Gora is Dovgalivka, and the Cossacks
Dovgals lived there. Still farther to the steppe is Lapinka (after the
Lapinka river), and at the place of the ferry is Mykytyne. A rich
Cossack Mykyta lived there. First they called the settlement Mykytyne
but after the church had been erected, priests called it Nikopol and we
call it like that till now.

Cossacks had their Zaporizhyan Sich in Kapulivka and Pokrovska, and in
Nikopol they had freedom with a market, shynoks, singers, music… If any
of Cossacks got bored of being in Sich, he asks the chief for permission
and goes to Nikopol to enjoy life. In the 17th century the Sich of
Mykytyn was established on the spot where present day Nikopol exists

With the passage of time Nikopol lost its strategic importance. But
up-to-date Nikopol is more than just a curiosity; it is a town of
creative, friendly folk, coming to terms with the past as they meet the

Read the text again. Match the paragraphs with these headings. There’s
one extra heading.

Nikopol origin

Nikopol in the days of Cossackdom

Nikopol during the World War II

Modern Nikopol

Nikopol fascination

Prepare for a short presentation. Work in groups. Find out some key
information about our region’s history and its culture. Decide who is
going to make notes about each area:

early history

difficult times



Decide what order you are going to talk about the things and the give
your presentation to the class. While you are listening to other
presentations, think of one question to ask.

What are the similarities and differences between our region and other
regions of our country?



Before listening

Answer the questions:

What countries of the anti-Hitler coalition took part in World War II?

Who was the president of the USA during World War II?

What was Churchill at that time?

When and where did the Victory Parade take place?

Read and memorise the following words:

avenge мстити

gain здобувати execute страчувати














nd the undeclared war began. Ukraine became the scene of fierce battles.
57 enemy divisions and 13 brigades were flung on the territory of our

The peaceful life of our people was interrupted. Thousands of townsmen
went to the front. Skilled workers and our plants were evacuated to the
Urals and Siberia. Under the open sky they assembled equipment and began
to make products that were required for the fronts and our victory.

In August 1941 hordes of fascists were near the town. Many residents
took part in the construction of defensive lines. But on 17 August, 1941
the enemy gained Nikopol. Those were hard days for the town. 8,000
citizens were killed including 1,500 children, more than 1,000 residents
were departed to Germany. Many buildings were reduced to ashes.

But Nikopol did not give in. From the very first days of fascist
occupation our compatriots began their war of resistance, which
continued until the Nazis were finally driven out of the town. On the
eve of the occupation two partisan detachments headed by P.Kutsevol and
F.Ryzhykov were organized .Besides two underground patriotic groups led
by L.Khlyastykov and A.Kardashov fought against the enemy in the town.
They did everything possible to wrack the plans of the occupation
forces. They didn’t give enemies a moment’s rest: they sabotaged
industry, dropped propaganda leaflets, helped people escape German
captivity and avenged people’s deaths. Many of these heroes were killed
or executed by fascists.

On 8 February, 1944, the troops of the Third and the Fourth Ukrainian
Fronts liberated Nikopol from the Nazi invaders. This victory was
saluted 12 times by 124 guns in Moscow.

Residents of our town made a worthy contribution to the cause of
Victory. 12 of them were awarded the Gold-Star of Hero and many soldiers
were decorated with medals and orders.

Read the Strategies.

LISTENING STRATEGIES: Listening for specific information

Before you listen, make sure you understand what information you need.

Read any cues, questions, key words and try to guess possible answers to
matching, true/false or multiple-choice questions.

While you are listening, listen for words from the questions or

Don’t worry if you don’t understand everything. Concentrate on the
important words.

If you are not sure about an answer, make a guess!

Read the sentences below. Use the Strategies. Are the sentences true (T)
or false (F)?

June 22 was the beginning if the Great Patriotic War.

13 enemy divisions and 57 brigades were flung on the territory of

Skilled workers and a lot of plants were evacuated to the Urals and

They worked hard there and produced necessary goods.

Nikopol was seized by fascists in 1942.

?(до останньої краплі крові).

Our town was liberated in 1943.

12 residents of our town were decorated with different orders and

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