The USA is situated in the central part of the North American continent
The total area is over 9 million square kilometers. The Pacific Ocean
washes its western coast and the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico
in the south washed its eastern coast. It borders on Canada in the north
and Mexico in the south. The USA is a federal republic of fifty states
and the District of Columbia. At first it consisted of only 13 states of
the Atlantic coast of America. That were English colonies, but they
fought against England and in 1776 became an independent state. They won
the victory and a new nation was born. As the time went on, settlers
from all the countries of Europe moved to the west until the nation
reached from the Atlantic to the Pacific. One by one new states were
added to the first 13. Much land was taken from the Indians. Some of the
territories were bought from France in 1803, others were taken from
Mexico. Alaska was bought from Russia in 1817. It became the 49*” state
of the USA, in 1859. The same year in 1859 the territory of Hawaii was
to the UAS as the 50* state. The USA is divided onto three areas:
Eastern area-a high land, Central area-a plane, and western area is
mountainous and includes the Rocky mountains and the Sierra Nevada. The
Northern part of the USA embraces the region of the five Great Lakes.
(Lake Superior Huron, Michigan, Erie, Ontario) which are connected by
natural channels, cut by rapids. The greatest of these rapids is the
Niagara Falls. The water of the five lakes have their outlet into the
Atlantic Ocean by the St-Lawrence River. The principal rivers of the USA
are the Mississippi, the longest river in the world (17.800 kilometers)
which flows into the Gulf of Mexico, the Colorado and the Columbia,
which flows into the Pacific Ocean, and the Hudson river, which flows
into the Atlantic Ocean. The climate of the USA differs greatly from one
part of the country to another. The coldest climate is in the north,
when there is heavy snow in winter and the temperature may go down to 40
degrees below zero. The south has a subtropical climate, with
temperatures as high as 49 degrees in summer. The climate along the
pacific coast is much warmer than that in the Atlantic coast The capital
of the USA is Washington, in the District of Columbia. The USA Congress
has its seat in the Capitol, and the White House is the residence of the
President. Washington, is a beautiful administrative city without much
industry. It has many famous monuments: the Library of the Congress of
the USA, the Washington Monument, the Abraham Lincoln and others. New
York is the largest city and port. It is the financial and business
center. It is famous of its sky-serapes. Chicago is one of the biggest
industrial cities in the USA. San Francisco on the pacific coast, is a
big port and ship building center. The USA is one of the greatest
industrial nations in the world. With only about 5 percent of the
world’s population and about 6 percent of its land area, the U.S. is the
world produces around 25 percent of the world’s industrial products,
agricultural goods, and services. The USA is the world leader in many
branches, for instance, biochemical and genetic engineering, aerospace
research and development, communications, computer and information
services, and similar high-technology fields. The USA is also the
world’s leading agricultural nation, which not only feeds her own people
but many other people in the world as well. There are many reasons,
which can explain why the USA has been able to become the leading
industrial and agricultural resources. Another very important reason is
America’s vitality, its so-called spirit of enterprise and initiative.
The rapid progress of American industry and agriculture is also the
result of the constant willingness to experiment and to find new
solutions to old problems. The USA is divided into regions that have
different kinds of land and climate, different ways of living and
working, and their own characteristics and problems. And each has its
own groups of people whose origin and traditions make them different
from any of the others. However, out of these differences the American
people were able to create a political and social system in which all of
these regions and groups were represented and which fogmed one nation
out of many parts.
Перевод текста: The USA
е высоко как 49 степеней летом. Климат по Тихоокеанскому побережью
намного более тепл чем это в Атлантическом побережье, капитал США
является Вашингтоном, в Округе Колумбия. Конгресс США имеет его место в
Капитолии, и Белый дом – место жительства президента. Вашингтон,
является красивым административным городом без большого количества
промышленности. Это имеет много известных памятников: Библиотека
Конгресса США, Вашингтонского Памятника, Абрахама Линкольна и других.
Нью-Йорк – наибольший город и порт. Это – финансовый и деловой центр.
Это известно из его мексиканских шалей неба. Чикаго – один из самых
больших индустриальных городов в США. Сан-Франциско на Тихоокеанском
побережье, является большим портом и центром здания судна. США – одна из
самых больших промышленных стран в мире. С только приблизительно 5
процентами всемирного населения и приблизительно 6 процентов его области
земли, США – мир, производит приблизительно 25 процентов всемирных
индустриальных продуктов, сельскохозяйственных товаров, и услуг. США –
мировой лидер во многих ветвях, например, биохимический и генной
инженерии, космических научных исследованиях, коммуникациях,
компьютерных и информационных услугах, и подобных высокотехнологичных
областях. США – также всемирная ведущая сельскохозяйственная нация,
которая не только кормит ее собственных людей, но и много других людей в
мире также. Есть много причин, которые могут объяснить, почему США были
в состоянии стать ведущими индустриальными и сельскохозяйственными
ресурсами. Другая очень важная причина – живучесть Америки, ее так
называемый дух предприятия и инициативы. Быстрое продвижение
американской промышленности и сельского хозяйства – также результат
постоянной готовности экспериментировать и находить новые решения старых
проблем. США разделены на области, которые имеют различные виды земли и
климата, различные способы жить и работать, и их собственные особенности
и проблемы. И каждый имеет его собственные группы людей, происхождение
которых и традиции делают их отличными от любых из других. Однако, из
этих различий американские люди были в состоянии создать политическую и
социальную систему, в которой все эти области и групп были представлены
и который fogmed одна нация из многих частей.
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