
The Beauty of the World Is in Danger (конспект уроку)

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The Beauty of the World Is in Danger


опрацювати текстовий матеріал, поглибити теоретичні знання учнів з теми;

вчити учнів робити самостійний аналіз отриманої інформації;

розвивати здатність працювати самостійно та в групах;

розвивати навички читання, письма, аудіювання;

виховувати відповідальність за власні вчинки;

сприяти розумінню молодого покоління необхідності термінових дій щодо
порятунку планети.

Обладнання: діаграми, розбите на окремі слова речення, таблиці для гри
Бінго, електронний тест, тексти.

Хід уроку:

Вступна частина уроку:

Find the rhymes to the following words and write them down:

Institution – pollution

Taste – waste

Because – cause

Cottage – shortage

Both – growth

Fear – atmosphere

Great and will you try to compound the sentence using as many words from
the list as you can.

Основна частина уроку:

We discussed the problem of pollution at our previous lesson. And we
have found out that many species of animals and plants are in danger.
Your task was to find some information about them. Read your reports,

OK. I advise you to sum up. Let’s work in two groups. I have two
diagrams for you. Your task is to write the reasons of the extinction of
species. Begin with the most essential and the most important ones and
then go to less important. You will probably

have different ideas. And then we shall discuss.

Great. Let’s have a look at your diagrams and discuss.

How many reasons have you got?

What do you think is the main reason?

Are the reasons related?

Who is to blame?

What is the way out?

Why do you think it’s important to save species? Isn’t it easier to let
the process go?

I have a scrambled sentence here. There are ten words that you have to
place correctly and you’ll get a famous saying that is perfect as the
motto for the next part of our lesson.

Want, it, yourself, If, anything, be, you, to, done, do.

(If you want anything to be done, do it yourself.)

Right. It means that if you want to save the planet and stop pollution,
start doing this yourselves. Everyone must understand that one can do
more than he or she ever imagines for the improving of the situation.

Give me your ideas about what you personally can do.

(save water, feed animals and birds, never dump, never do harm to
plants, nests and holes, save electricity, keep the yard clean, do not
burn things, use less washing powder, having a picnic leave the place
clean, plant trees…)

Well done. And I also want you to realize that actually there is much to
do for people. One of the ideas is in the text. Read it and underline
the correct words.

Use Rubbish Again

A lot of what we throw away is still necessary/useful. It’s possible in
fact to recycle about 80% of domestic dump/rubbish. Recycling saves
trees, energy, money, cuts pollution/extinction. It may be
interesting/interested to know that the average people/person in Los
Angeles throws away seven kilos of rubbish a day, while the average
person in the Third World throws away only one kilo on/every day.
Britain throws/throw away seven million tons of paper every year. That’s
the some/same as 80 million trees.

The problem is that recycling is expensive. But recycling helps fight
environmental/environment problems.

Now let’s have some rest and play “Bingo!”

Write into the table nine things you do to save energy, water, to
protect nature, to reduce dumping – good things to do for all the people
and the planet.

Now I read some statements to you. If you hear the idea you have
written, cross it. When you have three crossings across, diagonally or
down, say “Bingo!” OK! Let’s start.

You turn off the light when you do not need it.

You try to use less household chemistry.

You regularly clean the territory near your house.

You never throw away rubbish in the street.

You feed birds and animals.

You do not burn things.

You do not destroy nests.

You plant trees.

You return scrap paper in order to recycle it.

And the last thing for us to discuss today is the greenhouse effect or a
global warming, which means the increase of world temperature.

What is the greenhouse effect?

I have prepared an electronic test for you. There are some statements in
it that are either correct or not. Choose correct ones.

(Test: Greenhouse effect)

Now let us do it together and discuss the statements. Prove them if you
believe they are true or disprove if they are untrue.

The atmosphere is like a blanket of gases around the Earth.

This blanket protects the Earth from the heat of the Sun.

The atmosphere does not change because of pollution.

The rising of temperature causes changes in climate.

It has become hotter because we are producing too mane gases which hold

The climatic changes do not endanger the life on the planet.

Because of the extra heat the temperature on the Earth becomes lower.

The level of the water does not depend on the greenhouse effect.

There are some holes in the atmosphere and they let the heat of the Sun
pass through.

And as a final part of the discussion, I think it will be important to
identify if it is possible to reduce the greenhouse effect. Fill in the
blanks in the text, read it and translate.

Save It!

In recent years, the number of … problems has increased dangerously. One
of the most serious problems is … in the … which has led to the …
effect. This is making the … warmer. Cutting down on fumes from cars and
buses would help to solve the …. Natural resources are not endless, so
using other forms of … such as sun, wind, and water would help. And we
should also remember about … of things made of glass, aluminium, plastic
and paper.

Planet, recycling, problem, greenhouse, environmental, energy, changes,

Заключна частина уроку:

In order to sum up the lesson, continue the phrases:

The lesson deals with…

Speaking about …

The problem is that…


The point is that…

In conclusion…

Аналіз, оцінки.

Домашнє завдання:

Write a short summary :”the Beauty of the World Is in Danger”, start
workinhg with the projects “The World around Us”.

Final lesson in the 7th form on the theme: The World Around Us Is

Teacher: Good morning? Dear pupils and dear colleagues! Today we are
going to have a very exciting, interesting and educative lesson. Its
theme is “The World Around us!” There are so many spheres, ideas and
topics for discussion in these four words. But this is the final lesson
on this subject for us. Let’s try to sum up everything we have learnt.

Well, let’s start! And the first task for you is a short warming-up
game called “Backing-up”. In this game pupils read sentences backward
one by one beginning with the last word. Then in each repetition add one
more word till the sentence is complete. The sentence for you today is
an epigraph for the lesson.

The Earth is a tiny part of the Universe and the only place where human
beings can live.

Teacher: Thank you. And now I want to tell you what a Universe is.
According to the definition of Encyclopedia Britannica:

The Universe is the whole cosmic system of matter and energy of which
the Earth is a part. It is between 10 and 20 billion years old. It
consists of galaxies. The Solar System, where the Earth is located, is a
small part of Milky Way Galaxy and is far from the galactic centre.

Isn’t it impressive?

Now, look at the blackboard. There are some words there. Choose the
words you can use to describe the Universe.

The words: wide, tiny, spacious, impressive, disordered, old, boundless,
unreal, unique, impossible, young.

Don’t forget to say your sentence. E.g. The Universe is spacious.

Teacher: Well, it’s better to see once than to hear many times. I offer
you to watch the first page of the project “The World Around Us”. It is
called “The Space”. (The project is created in Power Point and contains
the pictures and some information on the subject.)

Now let’s see how you understood and remembered what you have seen.
Make the following sentences complete:

The … around us is amazing, … and full of ….

If you look at … from the …, you’ll that it is … and ….

The … occupied by oceans, … ,… and… is … than that occupied by the ….

At night the … and the … shine in the … sky.

The Earth is … in the … ….

The key: 1. world, beautiful, wonders.

2. the Earth, space, round, blue.

3. area, seas, rivers, lakes, much larger, land.

4. Moon, stars, dark.

5. situated, Solar System.

Teacher: I see that you were very attentive and now it’s time to come
back to the Earth. I want you to have some rest and to listen to the
song. Just relax and listen and imagine. And then tell us about your
thoughts and images that are appearing in your minds while the music is
playing. (The music is slow and romantic. The idea is to lead the
conversation to the nature, picturesque views and beauty of the planet).

Well, I am looking forward your answers! What did you imagine? What
pictures rose in your imagination?

(Pupils answer and the teacher pays attention at the ideas about the
beauty of the nature)

I imagine different forests and fields. They are bright with autumn
colours. The birds sing their songs, the sky is blue and the autumn sun
shines. I enjoy its warmth. I am happy.

I saw myself at the sea. It is wide and deep and wonderful. The waves
are coming to the seaside with their romantic sound. The sea is calm and
I am calm, too. The gentle wind touches my hair. It is very pleasant.

I was on the top of the mountain. The wind is strong, the air is fresh.
I breathe in and out it with pleasure. The view is wonderful and
boundless. The trees are deep green and the sky is so close to me.

I imagined myself swimming with the dolphins. They are very kind and
playful. They swim with me and jump out of the water. They are so smart
and friendly. I am laughing and enjoying this play.

I was in my own garden. It is spring. The trees are in blossom and the
smell around id sweet. The bees fly over my head and I can hear them.
The birds sing their merry summer songs. The sun is smiling from the sky
and I want its rays to touch my face.

It was a summer rain which I imagined. But it was quiet and peaceful.
The drops fell on the leaves and flowers and they were dancing under
them. Nature was happy to be fresh and the air smelled rain. I was
enjoying the greenery and the freshness of the nature.

I listened to the song and saw the dark night sky in August. The sky is
very dark and the stars are so numerous and shiny. They are so close and
at the same time so far away! The moon is young and it looks like
smiling to the stars and to me.

I imagined winter. I am in the forest. The trees are white with soft
fresh snow. Everything is mysterious and shiny. The sun shines and the
snow sparkles. I walk in the forest along a wide path. The day is very

I saw the sunset. It was red bright. First the sky was blue and
yellowish, then it became pink and at the end – scarlet. The sun was
bigger and bigger and it was slowly hiding over the horizon. It was

Teacher: Thanks. Your answers were really predictable, because we live
in such a wonderful Earth that we can’t but admire its landscapes and
think about the views especially when romantic music sounds. All of us
had unforgettable moments when we looked at the sea, the forest, and the
mountains and couldn’t think about anything but beauty. Now I invite you
to look at picturesque views again and continue watching the project
“The World Around Us”, page 2, “Nature”

Teacher: Yes. The nature is very beautiful! Now, please, make two teams.
The first team pretend you are aliens and do not know anything about the
Earth. Please, ask questions about nature. The second team is formed
from the people of the Earth and they will answer. Off we go!

(Pupils ask and answer questions about nature and seasons).

Do you have a beautiful nature? Yes. The nature on the Earth is very
wonderful, rich and colourful. You’ll be delighted to see it with your
own eyes!

What does it consist of? It consists of everything you see around:
mountains, rivers, fields, forests, flowers, animals, birds, insects and
what not. People are also a part of the nature.

Do you have differences in nature in different parts of the Earth? Of
course, we do. The Earth is very big and it differs much in all parts.
Some places are always covered with snow, others are hot and green.
There are also deserts yellow with sand.

What is the season? The season is a part of the year which differs in
weather. Nature looks different in each season.

How many seasons are there on the Earth? There are usually four seasons,
but not everywhere.

It seems that your planet is really beautiful. Can we stay here for a
while and enjoy it? Certainly. Welcome to the Earth!!!

Teacher: OK. It looks like we have made friends with aliens. I’m glad
we have fount the common language. But it looks like rain! I am sure it
is raining… and the sun is shining. It happens sometimes, you know! Open
your umbrellas or you’ll be wet! (Pupils open umbrellas) And here comes
the rainbow. (A picture of it is at the blackboard). I know, it is time
to play a game called “Rainbow”. Let’s recite our Colour poems. We have
seven colours of the rainbow and seven poems about them. These are not
usual poems. They do not usually have the rhyme, but still they are very
poetical. We wrote them at our previous lessons and I am sure it will be
nice to hear them right now.

(Pupils recite poems. Here are some of them written by students and


Boundless blue sky is over our heads

Water can be blue in crystal clean lakes

Blue flowers in the flower-beds

There is much blue on the globe

Thousands of rivers, lakes,

Many oceans and seas…

Thoughts can be blue, too

Blue is very light, beautiful and pleasant.

Жовтобрюх Катерина 6-D клас


Orange rainbow is very nice

Orange sunset in the evening

Very tasty orange sweets

These are things that I feel orange

You can also have orange laugh

And orange happiness in love!

Сіряченко Олександра 6-D клас


Yellow is in my life

Yellow is in my dreams

Yellow is cool, yellow is nice!

Sometimes my feelings are yellow

Yellow is the colour of the sun

Yellow is the colour of the world

Yellow are flowers, sky or grass

Yellow is autumn and yellow is spring

Yellow tastes sour like a lemon

This colour is very lively and fresh.

Щербова Альбіна 6-D клас


In summer I feel green

In spring I’m green as well

Fresh kiwi smells like green

And apples have green smell

Sweet babies behave green

And aliens are green, too

And dewdrops taste fresh green

And hay remembers spring

When it was young and green.

Thick clover in the field

Smiles to the morning sun.

It’s every cell is green

And it enjoys green fun.

And I feel green when sing

And when my old friends ring.

In deep sleep I am green

(Of course inside I mean)

But when alarm wakes me

I’m green as green can be!!!

Нікул Ю.В.- вчитель

Teacher: It was a pleasure to listen to your poems. They are wonderful
and lovely. And the rain has stopped. Please, fold up the umbrellas. And
the next step for us is to speak about animals and plants. There are so
many kinds of them that you can hardly find a man who can at least name
all. The Earth is populated by many species: animals, birds, fish, and
insects. Some of them are very numerous and famous, others are rare. But
all of them live on the Earth as well as we do. I offer you to make four
teams and choose the name out of four: animals, birds, fish, and
insects. Imagine that you represent the animal world. Now think over the
presentations of the teams.

(Pupils write and then read a couple of sentences about each class
keeping in mind their specific features, places of habitation and other
things about them)


Animals are living organisms. They come in many shapes and sizes. They
live throughout the world. No one knows exactly how many kinds of
animals there are. New kinds are found every year. So far, scientists
have identified more than 1, 5 million types of animals. Lives of
animals range from several hours to many years. Some animals make
wonderful pets. Some animals can be dangerous to people. Some animals
help people work. Animals live everywhere on the earth.


A bird is an animal with feathers. All birds have feathers and they are
the only animals that have them. All birds have wings. No other animal
can travel faster than a bird. However not all birds can fly. Some birds
serve as symbols: the owl is a symbol of wisdom; the dove is a symbol of
peace. The Bald Eagle is a symbol of the USA. It is the symbol of
strength and courage.

There are 9700 kinds of birds. They live in all parts of the world. All
birds lay eggs, the majority of them live in nests. Birds can be pets.


Fish are animals that live in water. The various kinds of fish differ so
greatly in shape, colour and size. Many have colours as bight as the
most brightly coloured birds. Fish live almost everywhere there is
water. Almost all fish have fins, which they use for swimming. The first
fish appeared on the earth about 500 million years ago. Fish are very
useful for people.


An insect is a small six-legged animal. About one million of animals are
insects. Scientists discover from 7000 to 10000 new species of insects
every year. Insects live almost everywhere on earth. Only in the oceans
few insects are found. Insects first appeared on earth at least 400
million years ago. The world of insects includes some of the most
beautiful and fantastic animals on earth. There are insects of all
colours of the rainbow and an amazing variety of shapes.

Teacher: Good. And now tell me what kind of animal you would like to be
and why.

(Pupils say sentences like: I’d like to be a dove, fly high in the sky
and see the beauty of the world.)

Teacher: That was really interesting to hear. Your answers were rather
exciting. Now, listen to the poem. It is a funny one and it will help us
to relax a bit.

Wishful Thinking

If I had the wings of a bird of the air

And the fins of a fish of the sea,

I could travel with speed and abandon all care

I could ramble wide world free.

The wings of a bird and the fins of a fish

As well as the legs of a deer –

I could fly, I could swim,

I could run as I wish

But I’d certainly look

Mighty queer.

/ by R. Armor/

Teacher: But the world looks so beautiful not only because of different
species of animals, but, in fact, because of plants. There are so many
kinds of plants: huge trees and tiny grass, long-living forests and
flowers which bloom for a couple of hours. They are so different, so
colourful and so wonderful! Let’s name some of them. I will give each of
you a card with the description of a plant. Read and guess what it is.

This plant is one of the group of about 40 slender trees in North
America, Europe, and Northern Asia. Its bark is usually white and black.
In spring the trees produce long catkins. This tree is a symbol of
Russia and they are rather numerous in Ukraine. (A birch)

This is a plant which is very famous in agriculture. It’s rather big. It
has black seeds. People usually make oil of the seeds of the plant. And
this plant is famous for the yellow flowers which turn to the direction
of the sun. They also look like the sun. (A sunflower)

This plant is very unusual and wonderful. It has large round leaves and
rather big white flowers. This plant doesn’t grow in the forest or in
the field. You can’t see it in the garden as well. It grows in the water
of quiet rivers or lakes and frogs like to sit on its leaves. (A

This is a bush. Every spring its branches turn white, pink, purple and
violet. Each branch is covered with many small flowers of four petals
each. They form amazing, sweet-smelling spring wonders. (A lilac)

This plant is known all over the world. The gardens are bright with its
flowers every autumn. The flowers very much differ in size and colour.
They have very strong and pleasant smell. And this flower is also a
symbol of Japan. (A chrysanthemum)

This plant is beloved by all children and adults. It is the symbol of
happiness and celebrations. It is green all the year round. It grows in
the forests and has special smell. It is useful to breathe in the
forests where these plants grow. You can find one on Christmas in many
homes. (A fir-tree)

This is one of the earliest plants. It appears when there is still snow
on the ground. It has small flowers which look like the stars. They are
usually white, pink, rose, purple and violet. You can find this plant
either in the forests or in the gardens. (A primrose)

This is a spring flower. It is white or yellow. It has thin long leaves.
It is usually grown in the gardens and is really beautiful. It has sweet
smell. There is a legend about the prince named as this flower. (A

It is a climbing plant. It is blooming the whole summer. Its flowers are
not big and they don’t have special smell, but it is famous in the
gardens. People like it to climb over their fences. The flowers open
every morning and cover every evening. From that comes its name. (A
morning glory)

Teacher: Great! You are very smart and know many different plants. But
today we can’t but mention one really essential thing. This is The Red
Book. Who can tell me what it is and what we can read in it?

(Short descriptive information about the Red Book, prepared beforehand
is announced)

The Red Book is a list of rare and endangered specious of animals and
plants. It also includes documentary data about their number and the
reasons of their extinction. It was founded in 1949 and it has changed
greatly till nowadays. Many new species were added.






































??3/4? some kinds of animals and why many of them are still in danger?
And who is to blame? These are the questions and I want you to find the
answers. There is a big sheet of paper on the wall. You can see a
diagram with the word Danger in the centre. There are also written the
most important problems. Please take a marker and write a couple of
words on this subject and give a short explanation to them. How do they
influence people and animals and plants?

Teacher: I am happy that you perfectly understand the situation. Soon
you will become grown-ups. You are those who will be obliged to get over
it and to stop destroying nature. We must put our heads together and
draw the final line. Let’s say NO to nature polluting. Let’s find ways
of living in peace with the environment. Today many people are horrified
with the future. The question is still in the air. But everyone
understands that steps should be done to avoid the catastrophe.
Remember! If you want anything to be done, do it yourself. Think and say
what can you do even today to help the situation?

We must:

Plant trees.

Throw litter only in special places.

Take care of nature.

Clean the territories near our houses.

Feed birds and other animals in winter.

We mustn’t:

Let water run without need.

Damage holes and nests.

Waste electricity.

Burn leaves in autumn.

Leave bottles, papers and fire in the places of picnics.

Teacher: Good. I am sure you will do only right things. And as a
conclusion I want you to remember the epigraph of the lesson.

The Earth is a tiny part of the Universe and the only place where human
beings can live.

This is our home and there will never be another one. So, be sure that
everything is in order in it and live happily. Never put off till
tomorrow what can be done today!

And this is the end of the lesson. We’ve done a great job together! I
thank everyone and I want to give a short summary of your work and give
you marks.


The reasons of extinction

Pollution of soil

Pollution of water

Cutting out the forests

Food shortage

Destruction of habitats

Pollution of air

Cutting out the forests

Land pollution

Greenhouse effect

Ecological disasters

Air pollution

Pollution of water


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