Урок у 7 класі за темою ”Money in Our Life”.
Мета: – практикувати учнів у читанні тексту з метою отримання повного
і точного
розуміння всієї інформації;
підготувати учнів до самостійного висловлювання на основі вивченого
лексичного матеріалу;
розвивати лінгвістичну та мовленнєву компетенції;
виховувати бажання до спілкування англійською мовою.
The course of the lesson.
1. Introduction: Today we are going to discuss the role of money in
people’s life. Me are going
to talk about how we can use money in our
2. Warming-up: I’d like you to answer some questions.
Do you like to spend money?
What sum of money do you need every day?
Is money very important in your life? Why?
What is the best way to earn money?
Want is the difference between the mottoes: “Money is for life” and
“Life is for money”?
Which of them do you support? Why?
3. Pre-reading activities.
look through the following words and make sure that you know them:
cash banknote
cheque book coin
credit card currency market
pocket money (ex) change
lexical game “Anagrams”. Make up the words given in jumbled letters.
neomy (money)
qehuce (cheque)
inoc (coin)
vsinasg (savings)
temark (market)
recuncyr (currency)
tonkenba (banknote)
4. White-Reading Activities. Read the text and learn more about money.
“What Money Do People Use In Ukraine?”
When people make more production they need they wanted to exchange it
for something else. So people invented money. We use it to buy and sell
goods and make savings.
In our land people use hrivnyas and copecks. Ukrainian copecks are
coins of 1 copecks, 2 copecks, 5 copecks, copecks, 25 copecks, 50
copecks. Hrivnyas are notes. “Note” means money made of paper. There are
1hr., 2hr., 5hr, 10hr, 20hr, 50hr, 100hr, 200hr and 500hr. banknotes.
In Ukraine like in other countries of the world we may change hrivnyas
into other currency in banks. But in Ukraine you can’t use foreign
currency to buy smth. You must use hrivnyas only. The same situation is
in every country in the world: people use only national-currency in the
You may pay in cash (notes and coins), in cheques or credit cards.
5. Post-Reading Activities.
Give Ukrainian equivalents for the following:
Currency market to pay
cash (in cheques, in credit cards)
Metal coins to
Paper banknote to buy
and sell goods
Foreign currency to
make savings
National currency to
complete the sentences:
We use money to …
When people make more production they need …
In our land people use …
“notes” mean …
We may change hrivnyas in other …
In every country people use only …
You may pay in …
read the text again and interview your deskmate about the ways to pay.
6. Now look at the diagram “British Children’s Pocket Money Monitor”
Compare the diagram with your pocket money spending.
What is common? What it different?
Presents for the family ________
Savings _______________________
Books, comics, magazines ________
Sweets, ice-cream ______________________________
Whatever I want ________________________
7. Discussion of the problem “If I had one million hrivnyas …”
Imagine that you have just got one million hrivnyas. What would you do
with the money? Use the following worlds and expressions:
To spend on computer games
To buy whatever I want
To change tapes, presents
To give bank, charity,
Chornobil Fund
To put
group’s diagram.
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