
Граматика англійської мови

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Part I

1. They were sent to a party of specialists to solve some problems.

2. These news metal-cutting machine tools will be produced by our plant.

3. Television-sets are being used not only by geologists but also by
ichthyologists and biologists on the floor of the sea.

4. During last years the branches of industry turning out consumer goods
have been extensively developed.

5. Foreign languages are studies by the students of all higher
educational establishments.

sent – Past Participle form

solve – Present Indefinite form

produced – Past Indefinite form

used – Past Participle form

turning out – Present continuous

developed – Past Participle form

studies – Present Indefinite form

1. ?o a?aei?aaeee aei noi?iie niaoe?ae?no?a, uia ae??oeoe aeaye?

2. Oe? iaoaeaa? ??aeo/? noaiee iiaei aoaeooue ae?iaeai? ia iaoiio

3. Oaeaa?ci?e aeei?enoiaothoueny ia o?eueee aaieiaaie, a e oaeiae
?oo?ieiaaie oa a?ieiaaie ia aei? ii?y

4. Ia i?ioyc? ieioeeo ?ie?a aoee ?ioaineaii ?icaeioo? aaeoc?
i?iieneiaino?, ui noaee oiaa?aie ia?iaeiiai aaeeoeo

5. ?iicaii? iiae aea/athoueny nooaeaioaie on?o caaaeueiiina?oi?o

Part II

1. A new bridge across this river has been constructed.

2. Coffee is usually imported from Brazil.

3. These fruit-trees were planted by my Grandfather.

4. In their laboratory experiments were been made during last three

5. The documents will be sent by fax.

1. Iiaee i?no aoa iiaoaeiaaiee iiia?ae ??ee.

2. Eioa cacae/ae ?iii?oothouec A?acee??.

3. Oe? ieiaeia? aea?aaa aoee iinaaeaeai? ii?i ae?aeonai.

4. A ?o eaai?aoi??yo aoee c?iaeai? aenia?eiaioe i?ioyaii o?ueio oeaei?a

5. Aeieoiaioe aoaeooue a?aei?aaeai? ii oaeno

Part III

1. The collective farmers use the agricultural machines made by our

2. After graduating from the University she worked as a teacher of

3. The sleeping children didn’t hear when their father came back.

4. Came to the stadium they found the game in full swing.

5. He was proud of having passed his exams very well.

6. The play being very popular, it was difficult to get tickets.

7. I should like you to prepare the documents for the talks.

8. They expected the plant to be constructed by the end of the year

graduating Gerund worked Past Participle

sleeping Gerund came Past Indefinite

sleeping Gerund came Past Indefinite

came Past Indefinite found Past Participle

having Gerund passed Past Participle

being Gerund to get Present Indefinite

like to prepare Present Indefinite

expected Past Indefinite to be constructed Past Participle Continuous

1. N?eueainiieee aeei?enoiaothoue iaoeie c?iaeai? ia iao?e oaa?eoe?

2 I?ney cae?i/aiiy oi?aa?neoaoo aiia i?aoeth? ye a/eoaeue

3. Niey/? ae?oe ia /oee, eiee ?o aaoueei iiaa?ioany

4. I?eauaay e noaaeeiio iie canoaee ea?o a iieiii ?acaa?a.

5. A?i ieoa?oueny oei, ui caeaa aecaiaie aeoaea aeia?a.

6. A?a aeoaea iiioey?ia, aoei aaaeei ciaeoe a?eaoe

7. ss oio?a ae, uia ae i?aeaiooaaee aeieoiaioe aei ia?aaiai??a.

8. Aiie niiae?aaeenue, ui caaiae aoaea iiaoaeiaaii aei e?ioey ?ieo

Part IV

1. Create


Create Noai?eoe Ae??neiai

Creation Noai?aiiy ?iaiiee

Creative Oai?/?e I?eeiaoiee

Creatively Oai?/i I?ene?aiee

Creature Noai??iiy ?iaiiee

3. ?io? iio?aei? neiaa c noo?enaie:

Re-creator, recreation, non creative, full creative, recreate e o.ae.

Part VI


1. In direct current, the electric charges flow in the same direction
without pauses but the continuous current flows in the same direction
without pauses.

No?eiiio no?oi aeaeo?e/i? iai?oae i?io?eathoue o oiio ae naiiio iai?yieo
aac iaoc, aea i?e iaia?a?eaiiio iioioe? o oiio ae naiiio iai?yieo aea
aac iaoc

2. The term “Unit” means the small basic measurement of the time,
temperature, weight and many others. Engineers use units of Time, Heat,
Force, Power and Length.

N?ie «Iaeeieoey» icia/a? iaeaiueeee iniiaiee aei?? /ano, oaiia?aoo?e,
aaae oa aaaaoueio ?ioeo. ?iaeaia?e aeei?enoiaothoue iaeeieoe? /ano,
aeniei? oaiia?aoo?e, neee, neee, aeiaaeeie

3. A resistance must be happen in order to stop or slow a moving object.

Ii?? iiaeiai aooe, uia coieieoe aai oiia?eueieoe ia’?eo, ui

4. A laminar flow means when a fluid flows in parallel layers. It may
because of pressure or heat etc.

Ieanoe/iee iio?e icia/a? eiee iioiee ?a/iaeie a ia?aeaeueieo neiyo.

Oea o?aaaiue /a?ac oene aai aenieo oaiia?aoo?o ? o. ae.

5. The location of the centre of gravity of a body is found in results
of experiments.

I?noeaciaoiaeaeaiiy oeaio?o oyae?iiy o?ea ciaeaeaii a ?acoeueoaoao

6. Canada is the largest country out of New Zealand and Australia.

Eaiaaea – iaea?eueoa e?a?ia a Iia?e Caeaiae?? oa Aano?ae??

7. In Northern Canada the winter lasts sometimes for 11 months.

A I?ai?/i?e Eaiaae? ceia i?iaeiaaeo?oueny ?iiae? 11 i?nyoe?a.

8. In the last few decades the high expansions in light industry in New
Zealand can be seen.

Ca eieeoi? aeae?eueea aeanyoee?oue iiaeooue aooe iii?/ai? aaeee?
?icoe?aiiy a eaae?e i?iieneiaino? a Iia?e Caeaiae??

9. Australia is situated on the south east of Asia between the Pacific
and the Indian Ocean.

Aano?ae?y ciaoiaeeoueny ia i?aaeaiiiio noiae? Ac?? i?ae Oeoei oa
?iae?enueeei ieaaiii

10. The ancestry of most Australians is British and Irish.

?iaeia?ae a?eueoino? aano?ae?eoe?a ? a?eoainueeith aai ??eaiaenueeith

Text ? 4


?oo oa ?ooii? ?a/? i?eiee ia aoee oae aaaeeea? ye nueiaiaei?. Ia o?eueee
ii?caee, ui oaeaeei ?ooathoueny, a e o?aiaa?, aaoi, e?oaee oa e?ii (oea
?ooii? ea?oeiee) a?athoue aaaeeeao ?ieue o iaoiio iianyeaeaiiiio aeeoo?.

O?ceea ia?ooiieo i?aaeiao?a ? a?eueo i?inoa, i?ae i?aaeiao?a ?ooo. Oi/a,
oaaaeii ne?aeeoth/e ca iaoeie cae/aeieie uiaeaiieie aenia?eiaioaie oa
niinoa?aaeaiiyie, e aeei?enoiaoth/e iaoeia? i?aaeea oeeo aenia?eiaio?a
oa niinoa?aaeaiue, ie ciiaeaii aea/eoe oa aecia/eoe ?oo, yeee aoaea
aaaeei aecia/eoe aaciina?aaeiuei.

?oo icia/a? ci?ie i?noey iieiaeaiiy ii a?aeiioaiith ? ?icoaooaaiith
?ioeo ia’?eo?a, ye? ie aaaaea?ii ia?ooiieie. Ie aiai?eii «oya?oue
ia?ooiieie» oiio, ui ye ae cia?oa , ca?nii aoaeue-yeee ia’?eo ia aoaa?
iiai?noth ia?ooiiei. sseui aoaeiae ia?ooii? ii a?aeiioaiith aei caie?,
iiaa?oiy caie? naia ?ooa?oueny.

Aiia ?ooa?oueny iaaeiei nai?? in? oa niioey, ? niioey , ? niioey ii
oiaeo, ?ooa?oueny ii a?aeiioaiith aei c??ie, ye? oaeiae ciaoiaeyoueny a
?on?. Ethaeeio, ui neaeeoue o o?aiaa? iiaeia ?icaeyaeaoe ye ia?ooiiiai
ii a?aeiioaiith aei nai?o non?aei?o ianaaee?ai, iani?aaae? ona
?ooa?oueny oaeaeoa ii a?aeiioaiith aei aoaeue-yei? ethaeeie ia aoeeoe?.

Oaae naia iiaeia neacaoe i?i ethaeeio, ui ne?aeo? a aeni?an? aei i?aii/?
a?ae Iineae. A?i ?ooa?oueny ii a?aeiioaiith aei ethaeae , ui noiyoue ia
iaoa?eeo, aea a?i ci?ith?oueny ii a?aeiioaiith aei ethaeae, ui ?aeooue
o oeueiio ae iioyc?. ?oo oeueiai iioyaa ? a?aeiioaiiy ii a?aeiioaiith
aei ?ioiai iioyaa, yeee ?aea o oiio ae iai?yieo. Oea oaae noino?oueny ?
ethaeae, ui ?aeooue ia i?aaeaiue oaeaeeei ? ia i?aaeaiue ia

Iaei?ino?oee niin?a ?ooo – i?yiie?i?eiee ?oo. Oi/ ia an? ia’?eoe
?ooathoueny i?yiie?i?eii. Aeey oiai uia aeei?enoiaoaaoe ?oo a
?ino?oeoe?yo iaoei, a?i iiaeiai aooe eiio?ieueiaaiei

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