
Англійські тексти для переказів (10 текстів)

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Англійські тексти для переказів (10 текстів)

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1. The visit of an unknown man.

2. The talk.

3. The decision to find out about the neighbour’s business.

4. Visitor’s successful attempt to find out my income.

( Key Words:

The first visitor; branch of business; particular; to appear ignorant;
his customers; we began talking; presence of mind; to find out all about
his business; my lecturing money; income from; nearly; any mistake.

A Mysterious Visit

After Mark Twain

The first visitor that came to see me was a gentleman who said he was an
assessor, and connected with the U.S. Internal Revenue Department1.1

1 had never heard of his branch of business before, but I was very glad
to see him. Would he sit down? He sat down. I did not know anything
particular to say, and I asked him if he was opening his shop in our

He said he was. (I did not wish to appear ignorant, but I hoped he would
say what he was going to sell.)

I asked him, “How was trade?” And he said, “So-so”.

I then said we would visit him and become his customers.

He said he thought we would like his establishment.

I do not know how it happened, but we began talking.

We talked, and talked, and talked — and we laughed, and laughed, and
laughed. But all the time I had my presence of mind about me. I decided
to find out all about his business — and thought I would have it out of
him without his suspecting what I wanted. I would tell him all about my
own business, and he would naturally forget himself, and tell me all
about his affairs. I said:

“Now you never would guess what I made lecturing this winter and last

“No — I could not. Say seventeen hundred, maybe?”

“Ha! I knew you couldn’t! My lecturing money for last spring and this
winter were fourteen thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars.

“Why, it is amazing — perfectly amazing, even this wasn’t all?”

“All! Why, bless you2, there was my income from the newspaper for four
months eight thousand dollars, for example?”

“Eight thousand! I’ll make a note of it”.

“There’s my book, The Innocents Abroad — price from $3.50 to $5. Listen
to me. During the last four months and a half, we’ve sold ninety-five
thousand copies of that book. Average four dollars a copy. It’s nearly
four hundred thousand dollars, my son. I get half”.

“My God! Fourteen — seven — fifty — eight — two thousand”.

“Possible! If there’s any mistake it’s the other way.3 Two hundred and
fourteen thousand, cash, is my income for this year if I know

( Proper names:

Mark Twain [ ] — Марк Твен

( Commentary:

1 the U.S. Internal Revenue Department — департамент податків і зборів

2 bless you —нехай йому чорт

3 If there’s any mistake it’s the other way.— Якщо є помилка, то інша

2.2. Прочитайте та перекажіть текст.


1. The electronic toys for children and grown-ups.

2. The influence of video games.

3. Types of games.

4. The process of making such games.

5. Time and money needed for making games.

( Keywords:

At least; dangerous enemies; the electronic toys; space settings;
prehistoric scenes; realistic situations; stimulate imagination; the
idea for the story; to create; scroll horizontally; vertically; all in

Video Games

Everybody’s tried them at least once. Sitting in front of a screen you
can make cars go very fast or move strange little green men about as
they escape from dangerous enemies.

You do it with video games, the electronic toys which are loved by young
people and grown-ups alike. Some people prefer space settings, others
prehistoric scenes or realistic situations in the present.

But excessive use of these screens can be bad for your health.

So, video games can be bad for you if you don’t limit the time you spend
in front of the screen. There are also educational video games. These
can stimulate imagination or help with the study of history, geography
and natural sciences.

Do you want to make a video game? If you like video games, you should
know just how difficult it is to make one. Dan Harriett, of Acclaim
Entertainment Inc., in New York, explains the process.

“Basically, it’s like making a film. You start with the idea for the
story. Then you have to create a storyboard. It includes all the
different levels, the characters, the weapons. The storyboard also
specifies if it’s a first- or third-person game, and if the game will be
horizontal or vertical, that is, if the image will scroll horizontally
or vertically — or both. Then you are ready to start programming.

There are a lot of people involved1 in the programming process. When
they think they have something that looks good, the editing process
begins. Editing is a long process. There are many versions, before the
editors feel like they have a playable one. “Then the game is given to
the game analysts. Their job is to find all the mistakes”. All in all,
the process usually takes about 12—18 months. The total investment2,
including development, programming and marketing, can be about 50—60
million dollars. But nowadays video games are more profitable than
movies. “Mortal Combat”, for example, recouped its $50-million dollar
investment in one week. For the movie it probably took months, or more.

( Proper names:

Dan Harriett [ ] — Ден Херриет


1involved [ ] — зайнятий, залучений

2investment [ ] — капіталовкладення, витрати

3.2. Прочитайте та перекажіть текст.


1. A fur jacket in the shop window.

2. Hortense admires the jacket.

3. What happened next day.

( Key Words:

Walking along; the shopping section of the city; a fur jacket of beaver;
such an individual way; physical charm; took her friend by the arm;
decided immediately; trading value; no idea; to purchase; a real beauty.

A Fur Jacket

After “An American Tragedy” by Theodore Dreiser

One day Hortense, walking along Baltimore Street near its junction with
Fifteenth Street — the smartest portion of the shopping section of the
city — at the noon hour — with Doris, another shop-girl in her
department store, saw in the window of one of the smaller and less
exclusive fur stores of the city, a fur jacket of beaver that to her was
exactly what she needed to strengthen mightily her very limited personal
wardrobe. It was not such an expensive coat, worth possibly a hundred
dollars — but fashioned in such an individual way as to make her imagine
that, once invested with it, her physical charm would show more than it
even had.

Moved by this thought, she paused and exclaimed: “Oh, isn’t that just
classiest, darlingest little coat you ever saw! Oh, look at those
sleeves, Doris”. She took her friend by the arm. “Look at the collar.
And the lining! And those pockets! Oh, dear!” She was trembling with
intensity of her approval and delight. “Oh, isn’t that just too sweet
for words?1 And the very kind of coat I’ve been thinking of since I
don’t know when!” she exclaimed. “Oh, if I could only have it”.

She clapped her hands admiringly, while Isadore Rubinstein, the elderly
son of the proprietor, who was standing somewhat out of the range of her
gaze2 at the moment, noted the gesture and her enthusiasm and decided
immediately that the coat must be worth at least twenty-five or fifty
dollars more to her, any how, in case she asked for it. The firm had
been offering it at one hundred. He thought to himself about the
probable trading value of such a coat. What would such a poor, vain and
pretty girl pay for this coat?

Meanwhile, however, Hortense, having stared as long as her lunch-hour
would permit, had gone away still dreaming how she would look in such a
coat. But she had not stopped to ask the price. The next day, feeling
that she must look at it once more, she returned, only this time alone,
and yet with no idea of being able to purchase it herself. But seeing
the coat once more, she finally came in.

“You like the coat, eh?” were Rubinstein’s words as she opened the door.
“Well, that shows you have good taste, I’ll say. That’s one of the
nobbiest little coats we’ve ever had to show in this store yet. A real
beauty, that. And how it would look on such a beautiful girl as you!” He
took it out of the window and held it up.

( Proper names:

Theodore [ ] — Теодор Doris [ ] — Доріс

Dreiser [ ] — Драйзер Isadore [ ] — Ізадор

Hortense [ ] — Гортензія Rubinstein [ ] —

Baltimore [ ] — Балтімор Рубинштейн

( Commentary:

1Oh, isn’t that just too sweet for words? — О, хіба можна його описати

2 who was standing somewhat out of the range of her gaze — який стояв
трохи осторонь і не потрапляв у її поле зору.

4.2. Прочитайте та перекажіть текст.


1. Being rich and famous.

2. The necessity of looking perfect.

3. Celebrities’ sacrifice.

4. They have nobody to trust.

5. Danger of the wrong kind of attention.

( Key Words:

Rich and famous; disadvantages; to look perfect; sacrifice; personal
problems; worry constantly; worry about; sell their stories; the popular

The Price Of Fame

Have you ever dreamed of being rich and famous? You might change your
mind if you considered all the disadvantages of being famous.

For one thing, celebrities have to look perfect all the time. There’s
always a photographer ready to take an unflattering1 picture of a famous

Celebrities also sacrifice2 their private lives. They are followed by
the paparazzi wherever they go. Their personal problems, divorces, or
family tragedies all end up as front-page news.

They worry constantly about their reputation. Actors may lose their
popularity, singers may lose their voices, athletes may be injured3…

Do you think it’s fair?

The rich and famous worry about money too. Sometimes they don’t know
what to do with it.

It’s difficult for famous people to know who to trust. Ex-lovers may
sell their stories to the newspapers. Their accountants or impresarios
may be secretly cheating4 them… The paparazzi sell photos of the rich
and famous to the popular press. And paparazzi can make a fortune on
those pictures. But for the celebrities these photos are an invasion of

Do you think a special law should be introduced to protect the

Famous people can never be sure whether people like them for themselves
or because they are famous. It’s difficult for them to make true

Furthermore5, celebrities are in constant danger of the wrong kind of
attention. Threatening letters and even physical attacks from crazy fans
are not unusual things in their lives. So many of them suffer nervous
breakdowns or drug and alcohol problems.

Many celebrities say that their lives are far from being happy. As Fred
Alan once said, “A celebrity6 is someone who works hard all his life to
be known, then wears dark glasses to avoid being recognized”.

( Commentary:

1 unflattering — невиграшний

4 to cheat — обдурювати, дурити,

2 to sacrifice — жертвувати обманювати

3 to be injured — отримати травму, каліцтво

5 furthermore — більш того

6 celebrity — знаменитість

5.2. Прочитайте та перекажіть текст.


1. Tattooing.

2. Body art in Indian tribes.

3. Tattooing in non-Western-cultures.

4. The reasons to use body art.

5. The ways to alter the body appearance.

( Key Words:

Vary dramatically; example of tattooing; elaborate patterns; a decline
in this custom; practice is found; saucer-like discs; common; on the
contrary; to rebel against society; tattoos in foreign languages;
fashionable with men; a mark of social status; on the contrary; to rebel
against society; tattoos in foreign languages; fashionable with men; a
mark of social status; a means of; decoration; to stand out from the
crowd; appearance; under the skin.

Body Art

By Rosie Miner

Tattooing can be found all over the world, though its style and its
meaning vary dramatically. Tattooing has long featured in the cultures
of the Japanese, Polynesians and Native Americans. The practices of the
Maoris of New Zealand provide striking example of tattooing. They are
well-known for the elaborate patterns with which they traditionally
decorated their faces. Integration with white settlers led to a decline1
in this custom, but it is now regaining popularity amongst young Maoris.

Native American Indians are known to have pierced the lower lip, and
today this practice is found in tribes across Africa and South America.
The Sam tribe of central Africa, for example, traditionally pierce and
then stretch their lips with saucer-like discs. Nose piercing is common
in India, South America and Africa, as is ear piercing.

In non-Western-cultures, tattooing and piercing have recently declined,
as these societies try to “catch up” with the West. On the contrary, in
the West their popularity is ever increasing. Until recently, body art
in our culture was mainly found in groups such as sailors and convicts,
or those wanting to rebel against society, like the punks of the 1970s.
Over the last decade body art has moved into the mainstream and it is
increasingly socially acceptable.

Almost every part of the body can be pierced or tattooed. In the West
facial piercing is popular (especially through the eyebrow, lip, and
tongue), as are navel piercing. David Beckham, the famous British
footballer, recently sparked craze for tattoos in foreign languages when
he had his wife’s name, Victoria, tattooed on his forearm2 in Hindi
Polynesia style. Tattoos of large swirling blocks of colour are
currently fashionable with men; while women still tend to favour
smaller, less visible tattoos.

People use body art for a range of reasons. In the past tattoos have
been used as a mark of social status, to ward off3 demons and ill
health. They have also been used as a means of identifying and punishing
convicts, slaves and outcasts4. However, these days most people use body
art simply as decoration.

As tattooing and piercing become increasingly common however, some
people are resorting5 to more extreme methods of body modification to
stand out from the crowd. “Body branding”6, for example, is a dramatic
(and dangerous) practice which is gaining in popularity. It involves
searing the skin with red-hot metal, in some shape or pattern, to leave
a permanent scar.

Implanting is another extreme way in which people alter7 their body’s
appearance . Somewhat similar to body piercing, it involves the painful
insertion of metal objects under the skin. One example of implanting is
the insertion of horn shaped objects under the skin of the forehead,
giving a “devil-like” appearance.

( Commentary:

1 to decline — зменшувати 2 forearm — передпліччя

3 to ward off — відвертати 4 outcast — вигнанець

5 to resort — звертатися 6 body brand — тавро

7 to alter — міняти, змінювати

6.2. Прочитайте та перекажіть текст.


1. Unusual deductive abilities of a famous Edinburgh surgeon.

2. The influence of Joseph Bell on a young A. Conan Doyle.

3. Dr Bell’s help to police.

4. The way to change our world.

( Key Words:

A famous Edinburgh surgeon; unusual deductive abilities; observe; rapid
observation; means of living; hand in hand with; complicated crimes; the
character; a scientific detective; popularized his ideas; the world of
boredom; adventure; the power of observation; keep our eyes open.

Did Sherlock Holmes Exist?

One evening, about the turn of the last century, several guests sat
around a dinner table discussing famous murders and unsolved crimes. One
of the guests, Dr Joseph Bell, a famous Edinburgh surgeon and university
professor, surprised the others with his unusual deductive abilities.

“The trouble with most people”, he said, “is that they see, but do not
observe. Any really good detective ought to be able to tell, before a
stranger has sat down, his occupation, habits, and past history through
rapid observation and deduction. Glance at a man and you find his
nationality written on his face, his means of living on his hands, and
the rest of the story in his gait1, manners, tattoo marks, and clothes”.

One of the guests remarked, “Why, Dr Bell might almost be Sherlock
Holmes”. “My dear sir, I am Sherlock Holmes”, Dr Bell said. Dr Bell was
not joking. He was, indeed, the original Sherlock Holmes, the prototype
for the famous Conan Doyle’s creation. As you might know, Arthur Conan
Doyle studied to be a doctor at the University of Edinburgh. While at
University, Doyle was greatly influenced by Joseph Bell, one of his

Dr Bell was famous for his keen2 powers of observation3 and deduction.
He could diagnose4 a patient’s disease just by observing him.

Dr Bell’s lectures always filled the hall. The students admired him and
thought him a magician. Bell never failed to surprise them.

Dr Bell’s detecting genius was known to the police. He worked hand in
hand with Sir Henry Littlejohn, Edinburgh police surgeon, and helped to
solve several complicated crimes. When Arthur Conan Doyle decided to
write his first detective story he remembered Dr Bell. He called him
Sherlock Holmes.

“It is most certainly to you that I owe Sherlock Holmes”. A. Conan Doyle
wrote to Dr Bell in May, 1892. Thirty-two years later Doyle publicly
admitted that he had based the character of Holmes on Joseph Bell. “I
used and amplified his methods when I tried to build up a scientific
detective”, he wrote.

Dr Bell liked A. Conan Doyle’s detective stories that popularized his
ideas. In Bell’s opinion, every man can change the world of boredom into
the world of excitement and adventure by developing the power of
observation. Like Sherlock Holmes, we will be able to detect from a
roan’s hat that his wife does not love him, from a man’s cane that he is
afraid of being murdered, from a man’s pipe that he is left-handed and

There may be much more in our life if we keep our eyes open.

( Commentary:

1 gait [ ] — хода

2 keen ] — загострений, гострий

3 powers of observation — спостережливість

4 to diagnose [ ] — ставити діагноз

7.2. Прочитайте та перекажіть текст.


1. Guess who this man is.

2. The childhood of Steven Spielberg.

3. The films he made.

4. The source of his inspiration.

5. Making of “Jaws”.

6. “Jurassic Park” is not a science fiction, it’s a scientific

( Key Words:

Fight with sharks; all-powerful wizard; magician; scream with laughter;
shiver with horror; early childhood; shooting; he won a contest; local
cinema; the biggest hit; great projects; financially successful; source
of inspiration; to spend time; reputation; was afraid of everything;
remains terrified; audience; ocean floor; consulted many specialists;
one of the most expensive films; in the name of science.

Movie Wizard1

Guess who he is? — He is dinosaurs’ father and a great friend of Roger
Rabbit and E.T. He knows where Neverland is and can fight with sharks
and poltergeist. — Superman? — Wrong! He is Steven Spielberg.

He seems to be the all-powerful wizard and a cinematic magician to us.
His films make us scream with laughter or shiver with horror. The son of
a computer scientist and a gifted pianist, Spielberg spent his early
childhood in New Jersey and, later, Arizona. He was 11 when he first got
his dad’s 8-millimetre camera and began shooting short flicks2&bout
flying saucers and World War II battles. At the age of 13 he won a
contest with his 40-minute film “Escape to Nowhere”. At the age of 16 he
produced the movie “Firelight” and it was shown at the local cinema.

But a real success came in 1975, when Spielberg created “Jaws”. That
little fish tale became the biggest hit of its time. This movie opened
up the doors for Spielberg to work on many more great projects. And he
went on to shake Hollywood with “Close Encounters”, “Raiders of the Lost
Ark”, “E.T.” and “Jurassic Park”.

Altogether his 18 films made him one of the most financially successful

But his talents aren’t limited to the movie set. Spielberg has also
proved to be one of Hollywood’s most nimble3 entrepreneurs. His business
empire includes video games, toys and even restaurants.

But what is his source of inspiration? He draws it from his 7 children,
aged 3 to 24 years, who live with him (two of them are adopted4).
Spielberg likes to spend time with his children. His house resembles a
large playground — he keeps there 2 parrots, several snakes and a fish

Ask him where he gets his ideas and he shrugs5. “The process for me is
mostly intuitive”, he says. “There are movies that I feel that I need to
make, for a variety of reasons: for personal reasons, for reasons that I
want to have fun, that the subject matter is cool, that I think my kids
will like it”.

As a director, Spielberg has a reputation for coaxing6 the best
performances out of everyone from small children to stars. “It’s
Spielberg, so you work much harder to please him”, says Tom Hanks, who
plays the lead role in “Saving Private Ryan”.

Jaws. Why does he put this scary stuff7 into his films? Probably because
in his childhood he was afraid of everything. To this day, he remains
terrified of airplanes, elevators and closed-in places… The great
white shark silently approaches the unsuspecting swimmer. The audience
is frozen with horror… In a moment those huge teeth will snap shut and
pull the victim under waves! By the way, when the shark was built, it
was never water tested, so when it was put in the water, it sank
straight to the ocean floor. It took a team of divers to take it out!

Jurassic Park. Spielberg consulted many specialists and reconstructed
the dinosaurs to perfection. The biggest is the Tyrannosaurus Rex. It’s
7 metres high, weighs 1,500 kilos and is set in motion by computer.
Because of Spielberg’s perfectionism, this is one of the most expensive
films in the history of cinema (it cost more than 70 million dollars).

— Стівен Спилберг “Jaws” — «Щелепи»

“Jurassic Park” — «Парк юрського періоду»

( Commentary:

1 wizard — чарівник 2 to shoot a flick —знімати фільм

3nimble — спритний, моторний 4 to adopt (a child) — усиновлювати

5 to shrug — знизувати (плечима) 6 to coax — домагатися

7 scary stuff — страхи, жахи

8.2. Прочитайте та перекажіть текст.


1. Everybody describes his malady.

2. The visit to the British Museum library.

3. The diseases I had.

4. An interesting case from a medical point of view.

( Key Words:

Bad from a medical point of view; quite nervous; extraordinary; out of
order; symptoms; the treatment; an unthinking moment; generally; frozen
with horror; in despair; to get interested; the acute stage;
complications; a hospital in myself.

My Maladies

After “Three Men in a Boat” by Jerome K. Jerome

There were four of us — George, and William Harris, and myself, and
Montmorency. We were sitting in my room, smoking, and talking about how
bad we were — bad from a medical point of view, I mean, of course,

We were all feeling unwell, and we were quite nervous about it. Harris
said he felt such extraordinary fits of giddiness come over him at
times, that he hardly knew what he was doing; and then George said that
he had fits of giddiness too, and hardly knew what he was doing. As for
me, I knew it was my liver that was out of order1, because I had j ust
been reading a patent liver-pill advertisement2, in which were detailed
the various symptoms by which a man could tell when his liver was out of
order. I had them all. I remember going to the British Museum library
one day to read up the treatment for some slight ailment — hay fever, I
think it was. I took the book and read all about it; and then, in an
unthinking moment3, I idly turned the leaves and began to study diseases
generally. I forgot which was the first, but before I had glanced half
down the list of “premonitory symptoms”4, I was sure that I had got it.
I sat for a while frozen with horror5; and then in despair, I again
turned over the pages. I came to typhoid fever — read the symptoms —
discovered that I had typhoid fever; turned up St Vitus’s Dance6 —
found, as I expected, that I had that too — began to get interested in
my case, so started alphabetically and learned that I was sickening for
it, and that the acute stage would start in about a fortnight. Bright’s
disease7, I was glad to find, I had only in a modified form and, as for
that, I might live for years. Cholera I had, with severe complications;
and diphtheria I seemed to have been born with. I looked through the
twenty-six letters, and the only malady I had not got was housemaid’s
knee8.I had every other known malady in the pharmacology. I sat and
thought. I thought what an interesting case I must be from a medical
point of view. Students would have no need to “walk the hospitals” if
they had me. I was a hospital m myself. All they need do would be to
walk round me, and, after that, take their diploma.

( Proper names:

Jerome [ ] — Джером

George [ ] — Джордж

William Harris [ ] — Вільям-Харріс

Montmorency [ ] — Монтморенсі

( Commentary:

1 out of order — негаразд

2 patent liver-pill advertisement — проспект-реклама патентованих пілюль
від хвороби печінки

3 in an unthinking moment — машинально

4 before I had glanced half down the list of “premonitory symptoms” — до
того, як я дійшов до середини переліку «ранніх симптомів»

5 frozen with horror — завмерши від жаху

6 turned up St Vitus’s Dance — перейшов до хвороби «танець святого

7 Bright’s disease — Брайтова хвороба

8 housemaid’s knee — запалення сумки надколінка

9.2. Прочитайте та перекажіть текст.


1. The way to expand business.

2. The advertisement of new business propositions.

3. The necessity to have an article published in the newspaper.

4. A real modern banker.

( Key Words:

Approval; the board of directors; expand business; interest; attractive
terms; massive advertising campaign; the righteousness of savings; new
account; value; attracted most attention; modern bankers; executive;

The Money Shops

After “The Moneychangers” by Arthur Halley

In the four and a half months since approval of his plan by the board of
directors of First Mercantile American Bank (FMA), Alex Vandervoort had
moved swiftly. Methods by which, according to the executive
vice-president’s plan, FMA could expand business were — a higher savings
interest rate, to the top legal limit; more attractive terms for
one-to-five year certificates of deposit1; checking facilities for
savings depositors as far as banking law allowed; gifts for those who
opened new accounts; a massive advertising campaign describing the
savings programme and the nine new branches.

Now, in early August, double-page newspaper advertisements2 proclaimed
the righteousness of savings in FMA. They also showed locations of
eighty bank branches in the state where gifts, coffee, and “friendly
financial counselling” were available to anyone who opened a new
account. The value of a gift depended on the size of the initial
deposit, and involved an agreement not to disturb it for a stated time.
There were also announcements on TV and radio.

As to the nine new branches — “our money shops”, as Alex called them —
two were opened in the last week of July, three more in the first days
of August, and the remaining four would be in business before September.
Since all were in rented premises, which involved conversion instead of
construction, speed had been possible here too.

It was the money shops, which attracted most attention. A reporter was
assigned to cover the new branch openings and made a good story.

“When you think of modern bankers [the reporter later wrote] — don’t
think of solemn, cautious functionaries in traditional dark blue suits
and saying “no”. Think, instead, of Alexander Vandervoort”.

Mr Vandervoort, who’s an executive at our own First Mercantile American
Bank, first of all doesn’t look like a banker. His suits are
fashionable, and when loans are negotiated, especially small loans, he —
with rare exceptions — says “yes”. But he also believes in thrift and
says most of us aren’t being as wise about money as our parents and

( Proper names:

Arthur [ ] — Артур Alex [
] — Алекс

Hailey [ ] — Хейлі Vandervoort [
] — Вандерворт

( Commentary:

1 for one-to-five year certificates of deposit — для депозитних
(вкладних) сертифікатів на термін від одного до п’яти років

2 double-page newspaper advertisements — рекламна об’ява на двох
сторінках газети

10.2. Прочитайте та перекажіть текст.


1. Umbrella as a typical feature of every Englishman.

2. The weather in England.

3. Heavy London fogs.

4. What the “smog” is.

( Keywords:

Good luck with the weather; the conversational topic; an increasing
demand; enduring; is occasionally enveloped; jammed with; to take the
underground; to be abandoned; particularly; a mixture of smoke and fog.

The English and the weather

The weather in England explains much about the English. The umbrella is
carried even if it does not rain, for good luck with the weather. The
well-dressed man-about-town in England always carries his umbrella
tightly rolled. If it rains he takes a taxi in which he finds his
refuge1, with his umbrella still tightly rolled. To many English people
the word “weather” means “good weather”. Seaside landladies say, during
a season of rain: “Not having much weather, are we?”

The weather in England, wet, dry, hot, cold, tropical or arctic, is the
conversational topic for all classes of English society.

The weather has given a start for many of the largest English
manufacturing business. Apart from umbrellas, there is an increasing
demand for burberries, plastic coverings, gumboots etc.

The uncertainty of the weather has made the English patient, enduring
and wary. Because of its geographical position in a deep river valley
London is occasionally enveloped by unusually thick fog. The worst of
these fogs began on the 4th of December, 1952 and there was a similar
one in December, 1962. The streets near the centre of London were jammed
with buses crawling along at two miles per hour. People who usually
travelled by road decided to take the underground. People caught in the
fog literally felt their way with one hand along the walls of buildings,
holding the other out before them to avoid colliding2 with other people.

At Covent Garden Theatre a performance of La Traviata had to be
abandoned after the first act because so much fog had penetrated into
the building that the audience could no longer see the singers clearly.
It was a terrible fog that caused the death of some 4,000 people in

As a matter of fact, this “deadly” kind of fog is called by Londoners
“smog”. It is the kind of fog you get only in towns — particularly in
the industrial areas. It is a mixture of smoke and fog together, and it
is dangerous and deadly especially for people who are suffering from any
kind of respiratory troubles. In the big towns and cities you get very
much smoke, it is more concentrated because it doesn’t come from
household chimneys only, but from all the factories too. Even ordinary
fog is pretty nasty.

( Proper names:

La Traviata — «Травіата» (назва опери)


1 refuge — убежище

2 to avoid colliding — избежать столкновения

Білет № 1

1.1. Уявіть собі, що Ви проживаєте в одній кімнаті з іноземним
студентом/ студенткою під час навчання на мовних курсах. Він/вона
цікавиться Вашими сімейними традиціями. Розкажіть:

1) про склад і вік членів своєї сім’ї, сімейні традиції;

2) поцікавтесь сімейними традиціями свого знайомого;

3) висловіть думку про те, що спільного та у чому відмінність у
традиціях Ваших сімей.

1.2. Прочитайте та перекажіть текст.

1.3. Уявіть собі, що Ви берете участь у Міжнародній конференції, де
обговорюється вплив молодіжної музики на стиль життя підлітків. Напишіть
короткий текст свого виступу.

Білет № 2

2.1. Ви щойно повернулися із першого заняття на мовних курсах у країні,
мова якої вивчається. Ви розмовляєте зі своїм сусідом по кімнаті про
заняття і про вчителя:

1) розкажіть, якою була тема першого заняття;

2) опишіть своє перше враження про клас та учнів;

3) опишіть свого вчителя та види діяльності на уроці.

2.2. Прочитайте та перекажіть текст.

2.3. Уявіть собі, що Ви на мовних курсах у країні, мову якої вивчаєте.
Напишіть коротке повідомлення про важливість вивчення іноземних мов

Білет № З

3.1. Уявіть собі, що під час Вашого перебування у країні, мову якої Ви
вивчаєте, Вам потрібно розповісти про кліматичні умови України.
Розкажіть про:

1) особливості кліматичних умов України;

2) відмінності клімату України і країни, у якій Ви перебуваєте;

3) переваги кліматичних умов обох країн.

3.2. Прочитайте та перекажіть текст.

3.3. Уявіть собі, що під час Вашого перебування у країні, мову якої Ви
вивчаєте, Вас запросили у театр. Напишіть коротенького листа своєму
другові про цю подію.

Білет № 4

4.1. Уявіть собі, що під час Вашого перебування у країні, мову якої Ви
вивчаєте, Вам потрібно було купити у книжковому магазині словник.
Розкажіть своїм товаришам про те, як:

1) Ви просили допомоги у пошуку секції довідникової літератури;

2) хто і як Вам допоміг;

3) про специфіку продажу книжкової продукції.

4.2. Прочитайте та перекажіть текст.

4.3. Підлітки до 18 років вимагають надання їм права на отримання прав
водія. Напишіть, як Ви до цього ставитесь.

Білет № 5

5.1. До Вашого класу прийшов новий учень, який проживав у іншій країні.
Розкажіть йому:























? ро Україну; 2) поцікавтесь особливостями країни, з якої він прибув; 3) дайте коротку характеристику культурного життя України. 5.2. Прочитайте та перекажіть текст. 5.3. Напишіть коротке оголошення в газету про зустріч випускників школи. Білет № 6 6.1. Ви відвідували цикл лекцій щодо здорового способу життя. Ви розповідаєте своєму товаришу про це в телефонній розмові: 1) проінформуйте його, про що були лекції і хто їх проводив, коли і де вони відбувалися; 2) висловіть свою думку щодо основних моментів цих зустрічей; 3) скажіть, чи згодні Ви з порадами і чи збираєтесь їх виконувати. 6.2. Прочитайте та перекажіть текст 6.3. Напишіть поради, як краще вивчати іноземну мову Білет № 7 7.1. Уявіть собі, що Ви берете участь у Міжнародній конференції з питань захисту навколишнього середовища. Проінформуйте учасників про: 1) проблеми, породжені забрудненням навколишнього середовища в Україні; 2) поцікавтесь, як з цими проблемами справляються в інших країнах; 3) вкажіть на важливість захисту навколишнього середовища. 7.2. Прочитайте та перекажіть текст. 7.3. Напишіть стислу інструкцію про правила безпечної поведінки на вулиці та у громадських місцях. Білет № 8 8.1. Ваші батьки мають намір здати квартиру/ дім іноземцю. Дайте йому таку інформацію: 1) у якій частині міста/села розташоване помешкання; 2) на якому поверсі знаходиться, скільки у ньому кімнат і їх умеблювання; 3) умови оплати. 8.2. Прочитайте та перекажіть текст. 8.3. Напишіть своєму однокласнику про телефонний дзвінок від Вашого спільного знайомого з приводу святкування його дня народження. Білет № 9 9.1. Вас попросили підготувати реферат про відомого письменника з країни, мову якої Ви вивчаєте. Розкажіть своїм товаришам про: 1) найбільш цікаві (з Вашої точки зору) періоди життя цього письменника; 2) проінформуйте про місце письменника у світовій літературі; 3) коротко проінформуйте про найвідоміші твори письменника. 9.2. Прочитайте та перекажіть текст. 9.3. Напишіть рецепт Вашої улюбленої страви. Білет № 10 10.1. Розкажіть Вашому приятелеві про свою нещодавню подорож до країни, мову якої Ви вивчаєте: 1) як Ви доїхали до місця Вашого призначення, яким транспортом Ви користувались; 2) як довго Ви там перебували та якою була мета подорожі; 3) Ваші враження від подорожі. 10.2. Прочитайте та перекажіть текст. 10.3. Дайте у письмовій формі анонс своєї улюбленої передачі. Білет № 11 11.1. Ви зустріли свого сусіда, який вступив до університету. 1) Розкажіть йому про свої плани на майбутнє; 2) розпитайте про його майбутню спеціальність; 3) обґрунтуйте прийняття свого вибору. 11.2. Прочитайте та перекажіть текст. 11.3. Напишіть вітальну листівку своєму товаришеві з приводу його дня народження. Білет № 12 12.1. Уявіть собі, що Вас запросили на конференцію з питань здорового способу життя. Розкажіть своїм товаришам про: 1) систему охорони здоров'я у своїй країні; 2) те, як Ви розумієте поняття "здоровий спосіб життя"; 3) переваги здорового способу життя. 12.2. Прочитайте та перекажіть текст. 12.3. Напишіть стислого листа про враження від прочитаної книги. Білет № 13 13.1. Уявіть собі, що Ви їдете на запрошення свого друга до країни, мову якої вивчаєте. Поцікавтесь про: 1) традиції святкування у цій країні; 2) основні свята; 3) висловіть надію, що Вам буде весело та цікаво. 13.2. Прочитайте та перекажіть текст. 13.3. Напишіть оголошення про засідання гуртка юних математиків. Вкажіть місце і час проведення. Білет № 14 14.1. До Вас приїхали друзі з іншого міста. В той же самий час Ваш близький друг запрошує Вас поїхати разом з ним на відпочинок на декілька днів: 1) поясніть йому ситуацію, чому Ви не можете прийняти його запрошення; 2) запросіть його провести цей час разом з Вами і Вашими знайомими; 3) розкажіть йому про ті місця, які Ви збираєтеся показати своїм друзям у Вашому рідному місті. 14.2. Прочитайте та перекажіть текст. 14.3. Ви зателефонували своему другу, якого не виявилося дома. Залиште йому повідомлення про те, що ви хотіли з'ясувати. Білет № 15 15.1. В одному з періодичних видань країни, мова якої вивчається, Ви прочитали статтю про ліквідацію зоопарків у великих містах. Ви розмовляєте зі своїми друзями: 1) розкажіть їм про прочитане, скажіть, який був заголовок статті; 2) висловіть свої думки на цю тему, вказуючи аргументи за і проти; 3) поцікавтеся думкою своїх товаришів з приводу прочитаного. 15.2. Прочитайте та перекажіть текст. 15.3. Напишіть стисле повідомлення своєму молодшому братові про те, що Ви затримуєтесь, причини затримки і приблизний час, коли Вас чекати дома. Білет № 16 16.1. На сьогодні Ви мали написати роботу, але за певних обставин не змогли цього зробити. Ви розмовляєте з вчителем: 1) проінформуйте про ситуацію, що склалася; 2) поясніть, чому Ви не виконали завдання; 3) скажіть, у який термін Ви зможете його підготувати. 16.2. Прочитайте та перекажіть текст. 16.3. У міському транспорті Ви мимоволі стали свідком розмови батьків про проблеми у вихованні дітей. Запишіть думки з цього приводу. Білет № 17 17.1. Уявіть собі, що Ви берете участь у Міжнародній конференції, присвяченій забезпеченню політичної стабільності у країнах Європи. Розкажіть про: 1) політичний устрій України; 2) відмінність політичного устрою України від країни, мову якої Ви вивчаєте. 17.2. Прочитайте та перекажіть текст. 17.3. Уявіть собі, що Ви на мовних курсах у країні, мову якої вивчаєте. Напишіть коротке повідомлення своєму товаришеві про додаткові заняття, які Вам запропонував вчитель. Розкажіть про них і висловіть надію, що ви з ним там зустрінетесь. Білет № 18 18.1. Уявіть собі, що Ви маєте 5 годин вільного часу у чужому місті, у туристичному агентстві. Запитайте про: 1) визначні місця; 2) недороге кафе з типовим місцевим меню; 3) попросіть зробити помітки на карті. 18.2. Прочитайте та перекажіть текст. 18.3. Уявіть собі, що Ви берете участь у Міжнародній конференції, де обговорюється вплив молодіжної музики на стиль життя підлітків. Напишіть короткий текст свого виступу. Білет № 19 19.1. Ви хочете поїхати на навчання до іншої країни. Ви зустрічаєтесь зі своїм ровесником, який проживає там. Запитайте його про: 1) систему освіти цієї країни; 2) можливості отримання вищої освіти; 3) про умови навчання. 19.2. Прочитайте та перекажіть текст. 19.3. Уявіть собі, що Ви виступаєте на конференції, присвяченій здоровому способу життя. Напишіть коротке повідомлення про роль здорової їжі або спорту. Білет № 20 20.1. Ваші друзі збираються провести спортивний турнір. Обговоріть на зборах, які види спорту будуть представлені на цьому турнірі, чому ви надали перевагу саме цим, а не іншим, кого ви збираєтесь запросити на турнір. 20.2. Прочитайте та перекажіть текст. 20.3. Напишіть коротке повідомлення про те, як Ви проводите свій вільний час. Білет №21 21.1. Уявіть собі, що Ви берете участь у роботі літнього мовного табору. Серед Вас — учасники з різних країн. Розкажіть своїм ровесникам про основні історичні пам'ятники свого міста, про місця, які варто відвідати, про найбільш цікаві, з Вашої точки зору, історичні події, які відбувались в Україні. 21.2. Прочитайте та перекажіть текст. 21.3. Напишіть стисле повідомлення в газету про проблеми, пов'язані із забрудненням навколишнього середовища. Білет № 22 22.1. Ваш друг телефонує і запізніло вітає Вас з Днем народження. У Вас з цього приводу нещодавно була вечірка. Розкажіть йому: 1) скільки гостей прийшло, хто вони такі, де все відбувалось; 2) хто допоміг Вам все підготувати; 3) що Вам подарували. 22.2. Прочитайте та перекажіть текст. 22.3. Напишіть привітальну листівку до Різдвяних свят.

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