
Meet my friends (конспект уроку)

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Розробка уроку з англійської мови за темою

“Meet my friends”

Підтема: Перевірка домашнього читання. “A Friend in need is a friend

Цілі уроку:

Практична: Проконтролювати домашнє читання. Вчити висловлювати
іноземною мовою своє ставлення до прочитаного. Удосконалювати навички
читання та усного мовлення, використовуючи зорові опори.

Освітня: формувати уявлення учнів про таке граматичне явище як форми
дієслів, неправильні дієслова.

Розвиваюча: Розвивати мислення та увагу.

Виховна: Виховувати бажання бути справжнім другом.

Обладнання: підручник для 5 класу (О. Карп’юк , видавництво «Астон»,
2005 рік), персональний комп’ютер, мультимедійний проектор 1, екран,
Інтернет On-Line, презентація “A Friend in need is a friend indeed”,
роздавальні картки.

Хід уроку.

I. Введення в урок.

1. Вводна бесіда за темою уроку.


1. There is a proverb: “A Friend in need is a friend indeed”. Do you
know its Ukrainian equivalent? Have you got friends? Are they real
friends? Why do you think so? Do you think you are good friends?

2. Повідомлення теми та завдань уроку.

Teacher: We’ll talk about friendship and real friends at our today’s
lesson. We’ll read the text about real friends- Brother Rabbit and
Brother Goat. We’ll also

discuss the problems covered in the text;

practice new vocabulary in speech;

revise grammar-regular and irregular verbs and their forms;

do exercises on the text.

3. Створення календаря On-Line 2.

За допомогою Інтернет сторінки Starfall учні з’ясовують день тижня, дату
та записують у зошити. Ця сторінка оновлюється кожного дня.

II. Основна частина уроку.

Check up. Перевірка домашнього завдання.

We’ll start our lesson with a song “A friend is the best thing to have.”

You had to learn the words of this song at home.

Робота з підручником. Exercise 4, page 35.

Учні слухають касету-аудіододаток до підручника та співають пісню.

A friend is the best thing to have,

A friend is the great thing to be,

If you have a great friend

From beginning to end,

You can be as lucky as me!

A friend is the best thing to know,

A friend will always be there,

If you have a great friend

From beginning to end,

You’ll always have someone who cares!


1) Pre-reading tasks. Writing. Активізація лексичного та граматичного
матеріалу. Роздавальні картки.

Put in the missing letters.

c…r…ot, fi…ld, w…r… cl…th…s, b…st …ish…s, sh…rt

n…t…, m…st he…p, sho…l… b….

Keys: carrot, field, warm clothes, best wishes, short note, must help,
should be.

Put in the missing forms of the irregular verbs.

1 …. put put

2 run … run

3 see saw ….

4 …. brought brought

5 eat … eaten

6 take … taken

7 …. thought …..

8 …. wrote written

2) While-reading tasks.

Роздавальний матеріал-картки. Учні читають текст та виконують завдання.

Who did it?


picked up four carrots


saw the carrots on the table


wanted to give other two carrots to his friend


must help his friend


wrote a short note


were good friends

Listening. Учні слухають аудіо додаток до підручнику та читають текст,
вправа 1, ст. 36.

Read the text below. For parts (1-3) choose the correct answer (A,B,C or
D). There is one choice you do not need to use.

1. _______ Brother Rabbit didn’t have any food to eat. He put on his
warm clothes and ran to the field. There he saw four carrots. He picked
up the carrots and brought them home. He ate only two of them. He wanted
to give the other two to Brother Goat.

2. ________Brother Rabbit took the two carrots to Brother Goat’s house.
Brother Goat was not at home. Brother Rabbit put the carrots on the
table and went away. Brother Goat saw the carrots on the table and
thought; “Oh, what good friend I have. I should be a good friend too.
It’s winter now. Brother Rabbit has not got any food to eat. I must help
him.” So he ate one carrot, took the other and ran to Brother Rabbit’s

3._________ Brother Goat came into Brother Rabbit’s house put the carrot
on the table and wrote a short note: “Dear Brother Rabbit! This carrot
is for you. With best wishes

( Читання тексту супроводжується презентацією Microsoft Power Point.
Презентація анімована і є сюрпризним моментом для учнів.)

3) Post-reading tasks.

A). For questions (1-6) choose the correct answer (A, B or C)

Did Brother Rabbit have any food to eat?

















, he does.

No, he didn’t. +

No, he hasn’t.

Where did he run?

To the garden.

To the forest.

To the field. +

How many carrots did he find?


4 +


Did Brother Rabbit eat all the carrots?

Yes, he did.

No, he doesn’t.

No, he didn’t. +

Was it winter or summer?

It was winter. +

It was summer.

It was neither winter nor summer.

Who ate only one carrot?

Brother Wolf.

Brother Rabbit.

Brother Goat. +

B) Writing. Exercise 2, page 37. Answer the questions. (Усно чи письмово
– вирішує вчитель. Можливо, це було домашнє завдання.)

Did Brother Rabbit have any food to eat?

Why was Brother Rabbit happy to have four carrots?

What did Brother Goat think when he saw the carrots?

Was it kind of Brother Rabbit to help his friend?

Why is the story called “A friend in need is a friend indeed?

C) Speaking.

Exercise 3, page 37. Look at the pictures and tell the story. Учні
переказують текст, спираючись на зорові опори. (Ілюстрації проектуються
на екран).

Problem questions.

Was Brother Rabbit a true friend?

Was Brother Goat a real friend?

Why do you think so?

D) Summarizing.

Teacher: You’ve read the text “A friend in need is a friend indeed” and
you’ve made some exercises on the text. Now I’d like to know what
you’ve learnt about the main characters of the story.

Quiz. Underline the right variant.

Brother Rabbit had/ didn’t have any food to eat. He put on his new /warm
clothes and ran to the field. There he saw four/three carrots. He picked
up the apples/carrots and brought them home. He ate only three/ two of
them. He wanted to give the other two to Brother Fox/ Brother Goat.

Brother Rabbit took the two carrots to the field/to Brother Goat’s
house. Brother Goat was/was not at home. Brother Rabbit put the carrots
on the table/on the floor and went away. Brother Goat saw the
carrots/potatoes on the table and thought; “Oh, what good friend I have.
I should be a good friend too. It’s winter/autumn now. Brother Rabbit
has not got any food/fruit to eat. I must help him/her.” So he ate/took
one carrot, took the other and ran/jumped to Brother Rabbit’s house.

Brother Goat came into Brother Rabbit’s house/bedroom, put the carrot
on the table/bed and wrote a short/long note: “Dear Brother Rabbit! This
carrot/tomato is for you. With best wishes from Brother Goat/Brother
Wolf. ”

III. Заключна частина уроку.

Домашнє завдання. At home you are to prepare a project about your best
friend. In your projects you should:

express your opinion about your best friend,

explain why do you think he/she is a real friend,

supply your projects with photos and pictures.

Write at least 80 (90, 100) words.

The best projects will be displayed on our site HYPERLINK
“http://englishclub37.at.ua/load” http://englishclub37.at.ua/load

Підведення підсумків уроку.

Did you like the story “A Friend in need is a friend indeed”? Which
character of this story (or both) did you like most of all? Why? Do you
think that they are really memorable? Would you like to have such

1Вірність виконання вправ перевіряється за допомогою мультимедійного
проектора та екрану, це пришвидшує процес та допомагає зробити урок
більш продуктивним.

2 Якщо немає можливості використання Інтернету On-Line, чергові учні
записують дату та тему уроку на дошці.


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